Primary Device ID | 04250325494411 |
NIH Device Record Key | 07e96642-30fa-4903-9da5-dcf6a04e3978 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | Vitalitec |
Version Model Number | VK.J703QRS |
Catalog Number | VK.J703QRS |
Company DUNS | 328485453 |
Company Name | Vitalitec International Medizintechnik GmbH |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | MR Unsafe |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | false |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | true |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 04250325494411 [Primary] |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2023-07-06 |
Device Publish Date | 2023-06-28 |
04250325493582 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 1 mm, |
04250325493575 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 3 mm, |
04250325493568 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 3 mm, |
04250325439887 | Tube 5 mm, 34 cm for bipolar instruments |
04250325437463 | Composite handle HF connection, without ratchet |
04250325437265 | Ergonomic handle for bipolar instruments with flat plug |
04250325436473 | Insulated Tube 10 mm |
04250325436312 | Insulated Tube 5 mm |
04250325431430 | DeBAKEY FCPS superfine 20 mm, d/a |
04250325429529 | BABCOCK rounded, d/a, 10 mm |
04250325421004 | BOWEL FCPS, fenestr. d/a |
04250325419827 | MARYLAND FORCEPS curved, d/a |
04250325414280 | Bipolar Insert fenestrated, 34 cm |
04250325497955 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening 40d UP, 2,5 mm |
04250325494886 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening 40d UP, 2 mm, |
04250325494756 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 3,5 mm |
04250325494749 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 2,5 mm |
04250325495463 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening 90d UP, 3 mm, |
04250325497238 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d DOWN, 2mm, |
04250325497221 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d DOWN, 1 mm |
04250325496224 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 6 mm, |
04250325495401 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 1.5 mm |
04250325495067 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening 40d UP, 5 mm, |
04250325495395 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 1 mm, |
04250325495388 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 2 mm, |
04250325495371 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 3 mm, |
04250325495258 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 2 mm 40d DOWN, 4mm, |
04250325495104 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 6 mm, |
04250325495098 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 6 mm, |
04250325495074 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 4 mm, |
04250325495012 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 1 mm, |
04250325495005 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 2 mm, |
04250325494992 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 5 mm, |
04250325494985 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 4 mm, |
04250325494954 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d DOWN, 2 mm |
04250325494688 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 4mm, 8 |
04250325494435 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 5 mm, |
04250325494428 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 4 mm, |
04250325494411 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 3 mm, |
04250325494404 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 16 mm bite opening 40d UP, 2 mm, |
04250325493889 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 1mm, 8 |
04250325493520 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 90d UP, 1 mm, |
04250325497979 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, micro thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening 40d UP, 5 mm, |
04250325498006 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 6 mm, |
04250325411692 | Endoscopic Applier, 10 mm, 33 cm rotatable and dismantable for SLS medium-lar |
04250325497306 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 5mm, 8 |
04250325497160 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 4mm, 8 |
04250325497047 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 3mm, 8 |
04250325496910 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite opening, 40d UP, 2mm, 8 |
04250325496774 | QUICK RELEASE Micro Kerrison Rongeur, Rongeur, thin footplate, 12 mm bite open 40d UP, 1mm, 8 |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
![]() VITALITEC 75877180 2469158 Live/Registered |