Inami Ophthalmic Instruments

GUDID 04547451327066

Scissors Spring Handle Type Curved Short Pointed


General-purpose surgical scissors, reusable
Primary Device ID04547451327066
NIH Device Record Key3f626803-c8e8-40a0-91e2-0cb31aa66dda
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameInami Ophthalmic Instruments
Version Model NumberS-511CSS
Company DUNS690688742
Company NameINAMI & CO., LTD.
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchfalse
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS104547451327066 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

HNFScissors, Ophthalmic


Steralize Prior To Usetrue
Device Is Sterilefalse


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2023-10-26
Device Publish Date2023-10-18

On-Brand Devices [Inami Ophthalmic Instruments]

04547451336396Noguchi Lens Grabber II, whole length 159mm/shaft 36.0mm/diameter 19G
04547451336341Noguchi Lens Grabber II whole length 137mm /shaft 13.5mm /diameter 19G
04547451327066Scissors Spring Handle Type Curved Short Pointed
04547451044314Cornial forceps, Mishima
04547451042198Forceps Cornea and Suturing Type C Ultra Fine 0.12mm
04547451041580Ultra fine forceps, Suturing,
04547451335351TMH SHOJI edition, Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Right with whole length of 105mm
04547451335344TMH SHOJI edition, Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Left with whole length of 105mm
04547451335337TMH SHOJI edition, Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Straight with whole length of 101m
04547451334873TOME2 Push-hook, whole length: 97mm/tip size:0.9x1.5mm
04547451334842TOME1 Hook with whole length of 97mm
04547451332404Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Straight with whole length of 101mm
04547451332398Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Left with the whole length of 100mm
04547451332381Tanito ab interno Trabecrotomy Micro-hook, Right with whole length of 100mm
04547451334231A needle holder with scissors tip deveoped by Dr. Goto whole length of 133mm
04547451032687Spatula Cannula Goniosynechialysis NAGATA Angled Type Left 25G
04547451032670Spatula Cannula Goniosynechialysis NAGATA Angled Type Right 25G
04547451032663Spatula Cannula Goniosynechialysis NAGATA Angled Type Right 22G
04547451032656Spatula Cannula Goniosynechialysis NAGATA Angled Type Left 22G

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