U2 Hip Stem 9104-5302

GUDID 04719872171089

Neck trial, φ13, φ14, φ15mm


Femoral stem prosthesis trial
Primary Device ID04719872171089
NIH Device Record Key936fcc6c-0f7d-4399-b15c-816b5ec1e38c
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameU2 Hip Stem
Version Model Number9104-5302
Catalog Number9104-5302
Company DUNS656700556
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Customer Support Contacts


Device Dimensions

Device Size Text, specify0

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS104719872171089 [Primary]

FDA Pre-market Approvals/Notifications & deNovo

FDA Product Code

LWJProsthesis, Hip, Semi-Constrained, Metal/Polymer, Uncemented


Steralize Prior To Usetrue
Device Is Sterilefalse


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusUpdate
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number2
Public Version Date2019-02-07
Device Publish Date2018-06-21

On-Brand Devices [U2 Hip Stem]

04719872177753U2 Hip case, #2
04719872177746U2 Hip case, #1
04719872177739U2 Stem case
04719872177722U2 Hip basic case
04719872177715U2 Revision hip trial case
04719872177708U2 Revision hip stem case
04719872172390Flexible reamer set case
04719872172383U2 Revision hip trial case
04719872172376U2 Revision hip stem case
04719872171119Neck trial, Ø16.5, Ø18mm
04719872171102Neck trial, φ16.5, φ18mm
04719872171096Neck trial, Ø13, Ø14, Ø15mm
04719872171089Neck trial, φ13, φ14, φ15mm
04719872171072Neck trial, Ø11, Ø12mm
04719872171065Neck trial, φ11, φ12mm
04719872170976Neck trial, #0
04719872167136Revision hip stem broach, Ø16.5mm
04719872167129Revision hip stem broach, Ø14mm
04719872167112Revision hip stem broach, Ø13mm
04719872167105Revision hip stem broach, Ø12mm
04719872167099U2 Broach, #7
04719872167082U2 Broach, #7
04719872167068U2 Broach, #6
04719872167051U2 Broach, #6
04719872167037U2 Broach, #5
04719872167020U2 Broach, #5
04719872166993U2 Broach, #4
04719872166986U2 Broach, #4
04719872166962U2 Broach, #3
04719872166955U2 Broach, #3
04719872166931U2 Broach, #2
04719872166900U2 Broach, #1
04719872166894U2 Broach, #1
04719872166870U2 Broach, #0
04719872166863U2 Broach, #0
04719872166856U2 Broach, #0
04719872159681Femoral head trial φ22mm, +9mm
04719872159469Femoral head trial, Ø22mm, +3mm
04719872159452Femoral head trial φ22mm, +3mm
04719872159117Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø18×230mm
04719872159100Revision hip stem trial, curved, right,φ18×230mm
04719872159094Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø16.5×230mm
04719872159087Revision hip stem trial, curved, right,φ16.5×230mm
04719872159070Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø15×230mm
04719872159063Revision hip stem trial, curved, right,φ15×230mm
04719872159056Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø14×230mm
04719872159049Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, φ14×230mm
04719872159032Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø13×230mm
04719872159025Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, φ13×230mm
04719872159018Revision hip stem trial, curved, right, Ø12×230mm

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