Primary Device ID | 08800104091957 |
NIH Device Record Key | 5d934890-2795-4617-ab9d-2e9d8eab61be |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage System |
Version Model Number | 8001-2412S |
Catalog Number | 8001-2412S |
Company DUNS | 688385418 |
Company Name | GS Medical Co., Ltd. |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | | |
Phone | +82432377393 | |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 08800104091957 [Primary] |
MAX | Intervertebral Fusion Device With Bone Graft, Lumbar |
Steralize Prior To Use | true |
Device Is Sterile | true |
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Radiation Sterilization
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2024-04-17 |
Device Publish Date | 2024-04-09 |
08800104095535 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096655 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104095313 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104093005 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092930 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092893 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08809885719753 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08809885719746 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08809885719739 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08809885719722 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08809885719715 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08809885719708 | 3D T-PLIF Trial |
08800104092046 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092039 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092022 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092015 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092008 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091995 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091988 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091971 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091964 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091957 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091940 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091933 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091926 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091919 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091902 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104095511 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092084 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092077 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092060 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104092053 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096792 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096785 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096761 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096747 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104091810 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104096426 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08809885719821 | PYXIS 3D Titanium T-PLIF Cage Instruments Tray |
08800104095498 | The PYXIS 3D Titanium Cage devices are designed for restoring the height of the intervertebral s |
08800104098437 | 3D TLIF Cage Inserter |
08809885790035 | 3D PLIF Cage Inserter(Gun Type) |
08809885790028 | 3D T-PLIF Cage Inserter |