Primary Device ID | 08904333252506 |
NIH Device Record Key | 262384f7-4d6d-4f85-b3a2-73c1e3ed23d6 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | UniRay |
Version Model Number | DFD00100 |
Company DUNS | 650843316 |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | false |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | false |
OTC Over-The-Counter | true |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 08904333252506 [Primary] |
LMB | Device, Digital Image Storage, Radiological |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2023-02-27 |
Device Publish Date | 2023-02-18 |
08904333253121 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - XS |
08904333253114 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - XS |
08904333250595 | Thyroid collar, Elegance - 0.35mm MaxLite |
08904333250588 | Mittens (Open) / pair, 0.35mm |
08904333250571 | Mittens (Full coverage) / pair, 0.35mm |
08904333250564 | Mittens (Open) / pair, 0.5mm |
08904333250557 | Mittens (Full coverage) / pair, 0.5mm |
08904333250540 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure (Universal) - 0.35mm LiteLead |
08904333250533 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure (Elegance) - 0.35mm LiteLead |
08904333250526 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure, Universal - 0.35mm MaxLite |
08904333250519 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure - 0.35mm MaxLite |
08904333250502 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - 3XL |
08904333250496 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - XXL |
08904333250489 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - Large |
08904333250472 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - Small |
08904333250465 | Vest Optixx - 0.35mm MaxLite - XS |
08904333250458 | Surgical apron - 0.35mm MaxLite - XSmall |
08904333250441 | Coat Apron with Back Protection - 0.35mm MaxLite - XSmall |
08904333250434 | Skirt Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - 3XL |
08904333250427 | Skirt Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - XXL |
08904333250410 | Skirt Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - Large |
08904333250403 | Skirt Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - Small |
08904333250397 | Skirt Optixx - 0.35mm LiteLead - XS |
08904333250380 | Surgical apron - 0.35mm LiteLead - XSmall |
08904333250373 | Coat Apron with back protection - 0.35mm LiteLead - XSmall |
08904333246963 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure - 0.5mm MaxLite |
08904333246932 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure, Universal - 0.5mm MaxLite |
08904333246871 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 9.0 - Prime |
08904333246864 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 8.5- Prime |
08904333246857 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 8.0 - Prime |
08904333246840 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 7.5 - Prime |
08904333246833 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 7.0 - Prime |
08904333246826 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 6.5 - Prime |
08904333246819 | Gloves - Latex Free - size 6.0 - Prime |
08904333246802 | Gloves - Latex - size 9.0 - type Sheer |
08904333246796 | Gloves - Latex - size 8.5 - type Sheer |
08904333246789 | Gloves - Latex - size 8.0 - type Sheer |
08904333246772 | Gloves - Latex - size 7.5 - type Sheer |
08904333246765 | Gloves - Latex - size 7 - type Sheer |
08904333246758 | Gloves - Latex - size 6.5 - type Sheer |
08904333246741 | Gloves - Latex - size 6.0 - type Sheer |
08904333246734 | Gloves - Latex - size 9.0 - type Prime |
08904333246727 | Gloves - Latex - size 8.5 - type Prime |
08904333246710 | Gloves - Latex - size 8 - type Prime |
08904333246703 | Gloves - Latex - size 7.5 - type Prime |
08904333246697 | Gloves - Latex - size 7.0 - type Prime |
08904333246680 | Gloves - Latex - size 6.5 - type Prime |
08904333246673 | Gloves - Latex - size 6.0 - type Prime |
08904333245942 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure (Elegance) - 0.5mm LiteLead |
08904333245928 | Thyroid Collar with magnetic closure (Universal) - 0.5mm LiteLead |
Mark Image Registration | Serial | Company Trademark Application Date |
UNIRAY 98680997 not registered Live/Pending |
Chengdu Creative Forest Technology Co., Ltd. 2024-08-02 |
UNIRAY 90116087 not registered Live/Pending |
Zhang Yiheng 2020-08-15 |
UNIRAY 87825137 not registered Dead/Abandoned |
Uniray, LLC 2018-03-08 |
UNIRAY 77430040 3655540 Dead/Cancelled |
Universal Solutions of America LLC 2008-03-24 |
UNIRAY 73272595 1187114 Dead/Cancelled |
Micro-Circuit Engineering, Inc. 1980-08-01 |