Primary Device ID | 09336472018054 |
NIH Device Record Key | fea99045-591f-418f-b041-f106e521d302 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | RIVA LC |
Version Model Number | 8700900 |
Catalog Number | 8700900 |
Company DUNS | 753221852 |
Company Name | SDI LIMITED |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Storage conditions < 25°C (< 77°F) for liquid refills and P/L kits. Powder refills can be stored at ambient temperature |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 09336472018054 [Primary] |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2025-01-16 |
Device Publish Date | 2025-01-08 |
DO3687300061 | RIVA LC HV B1 50 CAP |
DO3687300041 | RIVA LC HV A3.5 50 CAP |
DO3687300031 | RIVA LC HV A3 50 CAP |
DO3687300021 | RIVA LC HV A2 50 CAP |
DO3687300011 | RIVA LC HV A1 50 CAP |
DO3687100021 | RIVA LC STARTER KT A2 |
DO3687100011 | RIVA LC STARTER KT A1 |
DO3687100001 | RIVA LC CAP ASSTD KT |
DO3687009001 | RIVA LC LQD REF |
DO3687005121 | RIVA LC C2 P/L KT |
DO3687005071 | RIVA LC B2 P/L KT |
DO3687005051 | RIVA LC A4 P/L KT |
DO3687005041 | RIVA LC A3.5 P/L KT |
DO3687005031 | RIVA LC A3 P/L KT |
DO3687005021 | RIVA LC A2 P/L KT |
DO3687005011 | RIVA LC A1 P/L KT |
DO3687001161 | RIVA LC B PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001141 | RIVA LC C4 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001121 | RIVA LC C2 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001081 | RIVA LC B3 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001071 | RIVA LC B2 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001041 | RIVA LC A3.5 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001031 | RIVA LC A3 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001021 | RIVA LC A2 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687001011 | RIVA LC A1 PWD REF 15G |
DO3687000161 | RIVA LC B 50 CAP |
DO3687000141 | RIVA LC C4 50 CAP |
DO3687000121 | RIVA LC C2 50 CAP |
DO3687000101 | RIVA LC B4 50 CAP |
DO3687000081 | RIVA LC B3 50 CAP |
DO3687000071 | RIVA LC B2 50 CAP |
DO3687000051 | RIVA LC A4 50 CAP |
DO3687000041 | RIVA LC A3.5 50 CAP |
DO3687000031 | RIVA LC A3 50 CAP |
DO3687000021 | RIVA LC A2 50 CAP |
DO3687000011 | RIVA LC A1 50 CAP |
09336472018184 | RIVA LC HV B1 50 CAP |
09336472018177 | RIVA LC HV A3.5 50 CAP |
09336472018160 | RIVA LC HV A3 50 CAP |
09336472018153 | RIVA LC HV A2 50 CAP |
09336472018146 | RIVA LC HV A1 50 CAP |
09336472018085 | RIVA LC CAP ASSTD KT |
09336472018054 | RIVA LC LQD REF |
09336472017781 | RIVA LC A3 P/L KT |
09336472017774 | RIVA LC A2 P/L KT |
09336472017767 | RIVA LC A1 P/L KT |
09336472017606 | RIVA LC A3 PWD REF 15G |
09336472017590 | RIVA LC A2 PWD REF 15G |
09336472017484 | RIVA LC B 50 CAP |
09336472017477 | RIVA LC C4 50 CAP |