Primary Device ID | 10724995215894 |
NIH Device Record Key | 69c6ccbe-644b-42d8-a2c6-5a8e225fddcb |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | VIA |
Version Model Number | 00717379 |
Catalog Number | 00717379 |
Company DUNS | 627879687 |
Company Name | US Endoscopy |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | true |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | false |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
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Phone | +1(800)548-4873 |
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Phone | +1(800)548-4873 |
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Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 00724995215897 [Primary] |
GS1 | 10724995215894 [Package] Contains: 00724995215897 Package: Case [18 Units] In Commercial Distribution |
GS1 | 20724995215891 [Package] Contains: 00724995215897 Package: Case [20 Units] Discontinued: 2022-02-25 In Commercial Distribution |
NWU | Endoscope introducer kit |
Steralize Prior To Use | false |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Public Version Status | New |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 1 |
Public Version Date | 2021-09-06 |
Device Publish Date | 2021-08-27 |
10816765015480 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, biohazard sticker, |
10816765015473 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pads, gauze pads, Via basins, enzymatic sponge |
10816765015466 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015459 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via bas |
10816765015442 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes gauze pads, chux pad, Via basin, enzymatic sponge, sucti |
10816765015435 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, enzymatic |
10816765015404 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015398 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via basin, biohazard sticker, |
10816765015381 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015374 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015367 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015350 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015343 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, Via basin, |
10816765015336 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via bas |
10816765015329 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via bas |
10816765015312 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via basin, Chux pad, s |
10816765015305 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via bas |
10816765015299 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, chux pad, Via enzymatic sponge, Via basin |
10816765015282 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, Via enzymatic sponge, Via bas |
10816765015268 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes Via enzymatic sponge, Via basin, and BioGuard air water |
10816765015251 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, Via enzymatic sponge, Via basin, biohazar |
10816765015206 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, suction tubing biohazard stic |
10816765015190 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, biohazard sticker, enz |
10816765015176 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, bioh |
10816765015169 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, lubr |
10816765015152 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, basin, syri |
10816765015145 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, bioh |
10816765015138 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, bioh |
10816765015121 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, enzymatic sponge, basin, suct |
10816765015114 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes chux pad, gauze pads, lubricating jelly, suction tubing, |
10816765015107 | The VIA procedure kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, suct |
10816765015091 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, and BioGuard air wate |
10816765015084 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, biohaz |
10816765015077 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, and lu |
10816765015015 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, syring |
10816765015008 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, enzymatic sponge, suctio |
10816765014995 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, enzymatic sponge, basin, biopsy valve, bioh |
10816765014988 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, dry sponge, enzymatic s |
10816765014971 | The VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, basin, biohazard sticker, enzymatic sponge |
10816765014964 | VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, chux pad, basin, biohazard sticker, |
10816765014957 | VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker and lubricating j |
10816765014940 | VIA procedure kit-custom includes transport pad, chux pad, basin, suction tubing, BioShield biop |
10816765014933 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, biohazard sticker, lub |
10816765014926 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, biohazard sticker, and |
10816765014919 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, basin, biohazard sticker, lub |
10816765014902 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze basin, lubricating jelly, dry spong |
10816765014629 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, basin, VIA |
10816765014612 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, basin, dry |
10816765014605 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, water dete |
10816765014599 | The VIA Procedure Kit - custom includes transport pad, gauze pads, biohazard sticker, water dete |