Well Lead Tracheostomy Tube

GUDID 16944932702728


Well Lead Medical Co.,Ltd

Tracheostomy tube, non-reinforced, non-customized, single-use
Primary Device ID16944932702728
NIH Device Record Keyb68cdca6-c275-41be-bac4-bf3f86171d38
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameWell Lead Tracheostomy Tube
Version Model NumberA02A017010
Company DUNS544811862
Company NameWell Lead Medical Co.,Ltd
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usetrue
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datetrue
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS106944932702721 [Primary]
GS116944932702728 [Package]
Contains: 06944932702721
Package: Box [10 Units]
In Commercial Distribution
GS126944932702725 [Package]
Package: Carton [10 Units]
In Commercial Distribution

FDA Pre-market Approvals/Notifications & deNovo

FDA Product Code

BTOTube, Tracheostomy (W/Wo Connector)


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Steriletrue

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2024-03-29
Device Publish Date2024-03-21

On-Brand Devices [Well Lead Tracheostomy Tube]

16944932702933TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 10.0
16944932702926TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 9.5
16944932702919TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 9.0
16944932702902TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 8.5
16944932702896TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 8.0
16944932702889TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 7.5
16944932702872TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 7.0
16944932702865TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 6.5
16944932702858TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 6.0
16944932702841TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 5.5
16944932702834TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 5.0
16944932702827TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 4.5
16944932702810TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 4.0
16944932702803TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 3.5
16944932702797TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 3.0
16944932702780TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 10.0
16944932702773TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 9.5
16944932702766TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 9.0
16944932702759TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 8.5
16944932702742TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 8.0
16944932702735TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 7.5
16944932702728TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 7.0
16944932702711TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 6.5
16944932702704TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 6.0
16944932702698TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 5.5
16944932702681TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 5.0
16944932702674TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 4.5
16944932702667TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 4.0
16944932702650TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 3.5
16944932702643TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 3.0
16936881181136TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 11.0
16936881181129TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 10.5
16936881181112TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 2.5
16936881181105TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Uncuffed)I.D. 2.0
16936881181099TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 11.0
16936881181082TRACHEOSTOMY TUBES (Cuffed)I.D. 10.5

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