Medical Action Industries

GUDID 50809160001293

Ndlctr: Foam/Adhesive 30Ct


Sharp surgical instrument counting tray/pad, single-use
Primary Device ID50809160001293
NIH Device Record Keyeb2bb67c-be1c-4951-b2cf-39ddf190f9e8
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameMedical Action Industries
Version Model NumberNS9110
Company DUNS092364462
Device Count96
DM Exempttrue
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usetrue
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latextrue
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Countertrue

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS140809160001296 [Unit of Use]
GS150809160001293 [Primary]

FDA Product Code



Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusUpdate
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number3
Public Version Date2018-06-26
Device Publish Date2016-08-20

On-Brand Devices [Medical Action Industries]

50809160001453Ndlctr: Foam Strip/Foam Strip 60/Ct
50809160001446Sponge: Bandage Roll Med Super
50809160001347Ndlctr: Mag/Mag
50809160001323Ndlctr: Foam/Foam 20Ct
50809160001316Ndlctr: Foam/Foam 10Ct 200/cs
50809160001293Ndlctr: Foam/Adhesive 30Ct
50809160001286Ndlctr: Foam/Foam 60Ct
50809160001279Ndlctr: Foam/Mag 30Ct
50809160001262Ndlctr: Foam/Adhesive 40Ct
50809160001255Ndlctr: Foam/Ahesive 20Ct
50809160001248Ndlctr: Foam/Adhesive 10Ct
50809160001231Ndlctr: 80Ct Double Foam
50809160001224Ndlctr: Foam/Mag 40Ct
50809160001217Ndlctr: Foam/Mag 20Ct
50809160001200Ndlctr: Foam/Mag 10Ct
50809160001194Ndlctr: Foam 40Ct
50809160001187Ndlctr: Foam 30Ct
50809160001170Ndlctr: Foam 20Ct
50809160001163Ndlctr: Foam 10Ct
50809160001156Ndlctr: Foam Strip/Adhesive 192/Cs
50809160001149Ndlctr: Mag/Foam Strip 30Ct
50809160001132Ndlctr: Foam Strip 15Ct
50809160001125Ndlctr: Foam Strip/Foam Strip 30Ct
50809160001118Ndlctr: Foam Strip 60Ct
50809160001101Ndlctr: Foam Strip/Adhesive 30CT
50809160001095Ndlctr: Foam Strip/Mag 30Ct
50809160001088Ndlctr: Mag/Foam Strip 15Ct
50809160001071Ndlctr: Mag/Mag 60Ct Wht
50809160001064Ndlctr: Mag/Mag 20Ct Wht
50809160001057Ndlctr: Mag/Adhesive 10/Ct
50809160001040Ndlctr: Mag/Adhesive
50809160001033Ndlctr: Mag/Mag Unnumbered
50809160001019Ndlctr: Mag/Mag 60Ct
50809160001002Ndlctr: Mag Cl Top 30/Ct
50809160000999Ndlctr: Mag/Mag 30Ct
50809160000982Ndlctr: Mag/Mag 20/Ct
50809160000975Ndlctr: Mag/Mag Unnumbered
50809160000968Ndlctr: Mag 10Ct
50809160000951Ndlctr: Mag W/Clear Top
50809160000715Towel: OR Blu Pret 400/cs
50809160000623Towel: OR Wht Pret
50809160000616Towel: OR Grn XR 100/cs
50809160000609Towel: OR Grn Pret
50809160000593Towel: OR Blu XR Pret
50809160000586Towel: OR Blu Pret
50809160000579Towel: OR Blu Pret 100/Cs
50809160000272Sponge: Lap 18X18 W 800/Cs
50809160000067Sponge: Lap 4X18 W Pret 2400/Cs

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