DRYVIEW DVB Laser Imaging Film 1651942

GUDID 60889971651945

125SH 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB CE


Medical x-ray film, non-screen
Primary Device ID60889971651945
NIH Device Record Key8659207a-4a72-4017-96c2-756c9098ce0d
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameDRYVIEW DVB Laser Imaging Film
Version Model NumberDRYVIEW DVB Laser Imaging Film
Catalog Number1651942
Company DUNS793169512
Device Count125
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usetrue
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS100889971651943 [Unit of Use]
GS140889971651941 [Primary]
GS160889971651945 [Package]
Contains: 40889971651941
Package: Case [4 Units]
In Commercial Distribution

FDA Product Code

IWZFilm, radiographic


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusUpdate
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number2
Public Version Date2018-03-29
Device Publish Date2016-09-16

On-Brand Devices [DRYVIEW DVB Laser Imaging Film]

6088997187028550SH 35X43CM (14X17IN) DVB
60889971667540125SH 35X43CM (14X17IN) DVB SBOX
60889978723133125SH 35X43CM DVB
60889978705788125SH 35X28CM (14X11IN) DVB CE
60889978613427125SH 20X25CM DVB
60889978440740125SH 8500 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB CE
60889978384488125SH 35X35CM (14X14IN) DVB
60889976562628100SH 5800 35X43CM (14X17IN) DVB
60889976562611100SH 5800 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB
60889976562604100SH 5800 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB
60889976562598100SH 5800 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB
60889976549742125SH 35X35CM (14X14IN) DVB
60889976549735125SH 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB
60889976549728125SH 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB
60889976549711125SH 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB
60889976549698125SH 35X43CM (14X17IN) DVB
60889971893123100SH 5800 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB CE
60889971829313100SH 5800 35X35CM (14X14IN) DVB CE
60889971759023100SH 5800 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB CE
60889971759009100SH 5800 35X43CM (14X17IN) DVB
60889971752062125SH 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB IN
60889971727817100SH 5800 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB
60889971660589100SH 5800 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB
60889971656513125SH 35X35CM (14X14IN) DVB CE
60889971651945125SH 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB CE
60889971549082125SH 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB CE
60889971512833125SH 8500 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB
60889971375377100SH 20X25CM (8X10IN) DVB
60889971286536125SH 25X30CM (10X12IN) DVB
60889971102638125SH 35X28CM (14X11IN) DVB
60889971050847125SH 35X43CM DVB (2PK) CE
60889971050786100SH 5800 25X30CM(10X12IN) DVB(2PK) CE
60889971050779100SH 5800 35X43CM(14X17IN) DVB(2PK) CE
60889971018397100SH 5800 28X35CM (11X14IN) DVB CE

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