MapPHAN (10cm) 10830001

GUDID B016108300010

Accessory to Model 1177 MapCHECK 2.


Accelerator system quality assurance device
Primary Device IDB016108300010
NIH Device Record Key007cc85d-6a1e-4a26-a003-27aa3cefdddb
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameMapPHAN (10cm)
Version Model Number10830001
Catalog Number10830001
Company DUNS122240021
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exemptfalse
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Operating and Storage Conditions

Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *When cleaning, wipe with the grain of the phantom, not in a circular motion.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *To remove dust or other light debris from the surface, use a clean paper towel and a small amount of 100% alcohol. Do not use the first or last sheet of a paper towel roll, as it may contain adhesive.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not immerse the phantom in any fluid. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not write on a phantom with a permanent marker since the ink cannot be removed.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *To prevent scratches on water equivalent phantoms, do not use the phantoms as a writing surface.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not place anything directly on the surface of a phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Store water equivalent phantoms on a flat, level surface.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Store water equivalent phantoms in an indoor, protected environment.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *The phantoms will change color when exposed to sunlight. If phantoms are not stored in a closed cabinet or box, cover phantoms with black plastic bags.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not store anything on top of the phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 * To prevent warping or breaking of thinner phantoms, do not place a thicker phantom on top of a thinner phantom. For example, a 10.0 cm phantom must not be stored on top of a 5.0 cm phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Before handling the phantoms, wash hands thoroughly to prevent fingerprints, which cannot be removed. Fingerprints can be caused by regular skin oils, hand lotion, or petroleum jelly.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *MapPHAN is constructed from water equivalent material, which must be handled carefully to prevent damage such as scratching, warping, breaking, or discoloration.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *The phantoms are fragile. Handle gently and avoid bumping against other objects.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Avoid wearing jewelry on hands when handling the phantoms.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *When cleaning, wipe with the grain of the phantom, not in a circular motion.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *To remove dust or other light debris from the surface, use a clean paper towel and a small amount of 100% alcohol. Do not use the first or last sheet of a paper towel roll, as it may contain adhesive.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not immerse the phantom in any fluid. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not write on a phantom with a permanent marker since the ink cannot be removed.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *To prevent scratches on water equivalent phantoms, do not use the phantoms as a writing surface.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not place anything directly on the surface of a phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Store water equivalent phantoms on a flat, level surface.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Store water equivalent phantoms in an indoor, protected environment.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *The phantoms will change color when exposed to sunlight. If phantoms are not stored in a closed cabinet or box, cover phantoms with black plastic bags.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Do not store anything on top of the phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 * To prevent warping or breaking of thinner phantoms, do not place a thicker phantom on top of a thinner phantom. For example, a 10.0 cm phantom must not be stored on top of a 5.0 cm phantom.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Before handling the phantoms, wash hands thoroughly to prevent fingerprints, which cannot be removed. Fingerprints can be caused by regular skin oils, hand lotion, or petroleum jelly.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *MapPHAN is constructed from water equivalent material, which must be handled carefully to prevent damage such as scratching, warping, breaking, or discoloration.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *The phantoms are fragile. Handle gently and avoid bumping against other objects.
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *Avoid wearing jewelry on hands when handling the phantoms.

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
HIBCCB016108300010 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

IXGPhantom, Anthropomorphic, Radiographic


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusUpdate
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number2
Public Version Date2018-03-29
Device Publish Date2017-01-14

Devices Manufactured by SUN NUCLEAR CORP.

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