Inductive Charger Tizian JMA-Optic NA

GUDID B915015705201

The inductive charger Tizian JMA-Optic is an accessory of the facebow Tizian JMA-Optic and intended for wireless charging of the facebow batteries.

zebris MEDICAL GmbH

Primary Device IDB915015705201
NIH Device Record Key318737c5-a247-4f06-8bc5-26060d549aa3
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameInductive Charger Tizian JMA-Optic
Version Model Number01570520
Catalog NumberNA
Company DUNS328971791
Company Namezebris MEDICAL GmbH
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchfalse
Serial Numbertrue
Manufacturing Datetrue
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptiontrue
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Customer Support Contacts


Operating and Storage Conditions

Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity
Storage Environment TemperatureBetween -20 Degrees Celsius and 70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Environment HumidityBetween 0 Percent (%) Relative Humidity and 95 Percent (%) Relative Humidity

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
HIBCCB915015705201 [Primary]

FDA Product Code

NFSDevice, Jaw Tracking, For Monitoring Jaw Positions


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Sterilefalse

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2023-10-12
Device Publish Date2023-10-04

Devices Manufactured by zebris MEDICAL GmbH

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