Primary Device ID | EPRCA1000283 |
NIH Device Record Key | 500c62e6-89a6-4cd2-b9b7-6305e89e8022 |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | audioprint INR-1 |
Version Model Number | 500 g bottle ; neon-yellow translucent |
Catalog Number | EPRCA1000283 |
Company DUNS | 312947842 |
Company Name | pro3dure medical GmbH |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | true |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | true |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | true |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | false |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
EPRCA1000290 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000289 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000287 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000285 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000284 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000283 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000282 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000281 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000276 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000275 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000226 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000225 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000223 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000215 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000214 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000213 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000212 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000208 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000206 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000205 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000204 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000202 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000292 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000291 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000288 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000277 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000228 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000227 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000207 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000298 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000295 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |
EPRCA1000294 | audioprint INR-1
Generative resin for production of earpieces |