OrthoMedFlex 112-152-518

GUDID M7161121525180

Trial Liner 20° 28/48-50 (B)


Acetabulum prosthesis trial, reusable
Primary Device IDM7161121525180
NIH Device Record Keyec05ccde-6e55-4dce-a33a-31dd25871998
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameOrthoMedFlex
Version Model Number112152518
Catalog Number112-152-518
Company DUNS034442726
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usefalse
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datefalse
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
HIBCCM7161121525180 [Primary]

FDA Product Code



Steralize Prior To Usetrue
Device Is Sterilefalse


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization


Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2019-04-10
Device Publish Date2019-04-02

On-Brand Devices [OrthoMedFlex]

M7161121525260Trial Liner 20° 36/60-70 (E)
M7161121525250Trial Liner 20° 36/56-58 (D)
M7161121525240Trial Liner 20° 36/52-54 (C)
M7161121525230Trial Liner 20° 32/60-70 (E)
M7161121525220Trial Liner 20° 32/56-58 (D)
M7161121525210Trial Liner 20° 32/52-54 (C)
M7161121525200Trial Liner 20° 32/48-50 (B)
M7161121525190Trial Liner 20° 28/52-54 (C)
M7161121525180Trial Liner 20° 28/48-50 (B)
M7161121525170Trial Liner 20° 28/44-46 (A)
M7161121525160Trial Liner 20° 22/40-42
M7161121588520Trial Liner, 28/52-54C (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121588500Trial Liner, 28/48-50B (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121588440Trial Liner, 28/44-46A (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121586600Trial Liner, 36/60-68E (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121586560Trial Liner, 36/56-58D (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121586520Trial Liner, 36/52-54C (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121582600Trial Liner, 32/60-68E (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121582560Trial Liner, 32/56-58D (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121582520Trial Liner, 32/52-54C (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121582500Trial Liner, 32/48-50B (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121582400Trial Liner, 22/40-42 (+4 10° Hooded Lateralised)
M7161121578520Trial Liner, 28/52-54C (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121578500Trial Liner, 28/48-50B (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121578440Trial Liner, 28/44-46A (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121576600Trial Liner, 36/60-68E (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121576560Trial Liner, 36/56-58D (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121576520Trial Liner, 36/52-54C (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121572600Trial Liner, 32/60-68E (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121572560Trial Liner, 32/56-58D (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121572520Trial Liner, 32/52-54C (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121572500Trial Liner, 32/48-50B (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161121572400Trial Liner, 22/40-42 (+4 Neutral Lateralised)
M7161122500790Femoral Head Extractor Long
M7161122500380Femoral Head Extractor
M7161122401010Bipolar Head Inserter
M716101144010Thread Adaptor
M7161011410Femoral Head Extractor
M716AL2361560Tryon Acetabular Cup Liner, Neutral, SIZE 36/56-58mm XL - UHMWPE
M716AFS65200Tryon Acetabular Bone Screw, SIZE 20mm Ti6AI4V Alloys
M716111124368068mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124366066mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124364064mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124362062mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124360060mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124358058mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124356056mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124354054mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124352052mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA
M716111124350050mm Acetabular Cup (3-Hole) HA

Trademark Results [OrthoMedFlex]

Mark Image

Registration | Serial
Application Date
86216632 4886418 Live/Registered
Orthomedflex, LLC

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