NDC 0280-0064

Bayer Headache

Aspirin And Caffeine

Bayer Headache is a Oral Tablet in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Bayer Healthcare Llc.. The primary component is Aspirin; Caffeine.

Product ID0280-0064_c0a92873-0915-6a86-e053-2995a90ac41c
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary NameBayer Headache
Generic NameAspirin And Caffeine
Dosage FormTablet
Route of AdministrationORAL
Marketing Start Date2021-04-28
Application Numberpart343
Labeler NameBayer HealthCare LLC.
Active Ingredient Strength500 mg/1; mg/1
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2022-12-31


NDC 0280-0064-01

1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (0280-0064-01) > 100 TABLET in 1 BOTTLE
Marketing Start Date2021-04-28
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "Bayer Headache" or generic name "Aspirin And Caffeine"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
0280-0064Bayer HeadacheAspirin and caffeine
51596-008Ache and Pain Relief to Goaspirin and caffeine
63736-211AnacinAspirin and Caffeine
0280-2635BayerAspirin and Caffeine
63029-201BCAspirin and Caffeine
63029-992BCAspirin and Caffeine
63029-202BC ArthritisAspirin and Caffeine
63029-990BC ArthritisAspirin and Caffeine
63029-200BC CherryAspirin and Caffeine
66715-9815BC CherryAspirin and Caffeine
63941-402Best Choice Pain Relief PowderAspirin and Caffeine
55910-695Dollar General Headache PowdersAspirin and Caffeine
63029-665GOODYSaspirin and caffeine
51596-007Headache Relief to Goaspirin and caffeine
63868-661Quality Choice Pain Relief PowderAspirin and Caffeine
10956-501Reese Headache PowdersAspirin and Caffeine
63029-501StanbackAspirin and Caffeine
0363-8712Walgreens Headache PowdersAspirin and Caffeine

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