NDC 46122-700

GNP Mucus Relief PE


GNP Mucus Relief PE is a Oral Tablet in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Amerisourcebergen Drug Corp. The primary component is Guaifenesin; Phenylephrine Hydrochloride.

Product ID46122-700_d8c746d9-0756-48d8-b519-e9df6502e3f7
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary NameGNP Mucus Relief PE
Generic NameGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
Dosage FormTablet
Route of AdministrationORAL
Marketing Start Date2021-08-18
Marketing CategoryOTC MONOGRAPH FINAL /
Application Numberpart341
Labeler NameAmerisourceBergen Drug Corp
Active Ingredient Strength400 mg/1; mg/1
Pharm ClassesAdrenergic alpha1-Agonists [MoA], Decreased Respiratory Secretion Viscosity [PE], Expectorant [EPC], Increased Respiratory Secretions [PE], alpha-1 Adrenergic Agonist [EPC]
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2023-12-31


NDC 46122-700-71

1 BOTTLE in 1 CARTON (46122-700-71) > 50 TABLET in 1 BOTTLE
Marketing Start Date2021-08-18
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "GNP Mucus Relief PE" or generic name "Guaifenesin/phenylephrine"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
10956-004CVS Chest Congestion Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
69842-997CVS Health Chest Congestion Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
46122-700GNP Mucus ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
24385-925Good Neighbor Pharmacy Mucus Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
37205-874LEADER Chest Congestion ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
61715-014Preferred Plus Chest Congestion ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
68016-021Premier Value Chest and Sinus Congestion reliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
63868-752Quality Choice Mucus Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
10956-814Reese ONETAB Congestion and coughGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
10956-381Refenesen Chest Congestion ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
10956-791Refenesen Chest Congestion ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
0536-1309Rugby Chest Congestion ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
15127-171Select Brand Mucus ReliefGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
37012-077Skopko Chest Congestion Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
49348-774Sunmark Chest Congestion Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine
36800-989Topcare Chest Congestion and Sinus Congestion Relief PEGuaifenesin/phenylephrine

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