NDC 66800-3091

Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPL 15

Avobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%

Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPL 15 is a Topical Lotion in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Beiersdorf Inc. The primary component is Avobenzone; Homosalate; Octisalate; Octocrylene.

Product ID66800-3091_df4b522e-93d5-1284-e053-2a95a90a1cd9
Product TypeHuman Otc Drug
Proprietary NameCoppertone Sport Sunscreen SPL 15
Generic NameAvobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%
Dosage FormLotion
Route of AdministrationTOPICAL
Marketing Start Date2021-11-01
Marketing CategoryOTC MONOGRAPH FINAL /
Application Numberpart352
Labeler NameBeiersdorf Inc
Active Ingredient Strength2 g/100g; g/100g; g/100g; g/100g
NDC Exclude FlagN
Listing Certified Through2023-12-31


NDC 66800-3091-7

207 g in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC (66800-3091-7)
Marketing Start Date2021-11-01
NDC Exclude FlagN
Sample Package?N

Drug Details

NDC Crossover Matching brand name "Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPL 15" or generic name "Avobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%"

NDCBrand NameGeneric Name
66800-3091Coppertone Sport Sunscreen SPL 15Avobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%
66800-4087Coppertone Tanning Sunscreen SPF 15Avobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%
66800-4086Coppertone Tanning Sunscreen SPF 8Avobenzone 2%, Homosalate 5%, Octisalate 4.5%, Octocrylene 3%

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