somease is a Oral Spray, Metered in the Human Otc Drug category. It is labeled and distributed by Biotico Health Canada Limited. The primary component is Melatonin.
Product ID | 71902-100_bedca3e4-3a46-4d7b-ada3-d9d95fb34848 |
NDC | 71902-100 |
Product Type | Human Otc Drug |
Proprietary Name | somease |
Generic Name | Melatonin |
Dosage Form | Spray, Metered |
Route of Administration | ORAL |
Marketing Start Date | 2018-01-15 |
Labeler Name | Biotico Health Canada Limited |
Substance Name | MELATONIN |
Active Ingredient Strength | 1 mg/.2mL |
NDC Exclude Flag | E |
Listing Certified Through | 2018-12-31 |
Marketing Start Date | 2018-01-15 |
NDC Exclude Flag | N |
Sample Package? | N |
Marketing Category | unapproved homeopathic |
Product Type | HUMAN OTC DRUG |
Marketing Start Date | 2018-01-15 |
Inactivation Date | 2020-01-31 |
Marketing Category | unapproved homeopathic |
Product Type | HUMAN OTC DRUG |
Marketing Start Date | 2018-01-15 |
Inactivation Date | 2020-01-31 |
Ingredient | Strength |
MELATONIN | 1 mg/.2mL |
SPL SET ID: | 57e6b4dc-e244-4a76-826a-d40bc7c8baf8 |
Manufacturer | |
NDC | Brand Name | Generic Name |
71902-100 | somease | Melatonin |
43742-0205 | Melatonin | Melatonin |
43742-0771 | Melatonin | Melatonin |
43857-0086 | Melatonin | Melatonin |
43857-0511 | Melatonin | Melatonin |
63083-1527 | Melatonin | Melatonin |
44911-0194 | MELATONIN CORD | Melatonin |
44911-0247 | Melatonin Phenolic | Melatonin |