Lenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear

FDA Premarket Approval P010019

This medical device has supplements. The device description/function or indication may have changed. Be sure to look at the supplements to get an up-to-date information on device changes. The labeling included below is the version at time of approval of the original pma or panel track supplement and may not represent the most recent labeling.

Pre-market Approval Supplement Details

Approval for the focus night and day (lotrafilcon a) soft contact lenses for extended wear. The device will be marketed with the following trade names and indications: focus night and day (lotrafilcon a) soft contact lenses are indicated for the optical correction of refractive ametropia (myopia and hyperopia) in phakic or aphakic persons with non-diseased eyes and with up to approximately 1. 50 diopters of astigmatism. Focus night and day toric (lotrafilcon a) soft contact lenses are indicated for the optical correction of refractive ametropia (myopia and hyperopia in phakic or aphakic persons with non-diseased eyes with 6. 00 diopters (d) or less of astigmatism. Focus night and day progressives (lotrafilcon a) soft contact lenses are indicated for the optical correction of refractive ametropia (myopia and hyperopia) and/or presbyopia in phakic or aphakic persons with non-diseased eyes who may require a reading addition of +3. 00 diopters (d) or less and who may have up to approximately 1. 50 diopters of astigmatism. The lenses may be prescribed for extended wear for up to 30 nights of continuous wear, with removal for disposal, or cleaning and disinfection prior to reinsertion, as recommended by the eye care professional.

Classification NameLenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
Generic NameLenses, Soft Contact, Extended Wear
ApplicantAlcon Laboratories, Inc.
Date Received2001-03-21
Decision Date2001-10-11
Notice Date2001-10-19
Product CodeLPM
Docket Number01M-0479
Advisory CommitteeOphthalmic
Expedited ReviewNo
Combination Product No
Applicant Address Alcon Laboratories, Inc. 6201 South Freeway fort Worth, TX 76134-2099
Summary:Summary of Safety and Effectiveness
Labeling: Labeling
Approval Order: Approval Order

Supplemental Filings

Supplement NumberDateSupplement Type
P010019Original Filing
S083 2022-06-09 30-day Notice
S081 2021-12-17 30-day Notice
S080 2021-08-31 30-day Notice
S079 2021-08-16 30-day Notice
S078 2021-06-04 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S077 2020-11-17 30-day Notice
S076 2020-02-18 30-day Notice
S075 2019-12-23 30-day Notice
S074 2019-11-13 30-day Notice
S073 2019-08-02 30-day Notice
S071 2019-02-21 30-day Notice
S070 2018-11-27 30-day Notice
S068 2018-07-31 30-day Notice
S067 2018-07-13 30-day Notice
S066 2018-06-27 30-day Notice
S065 2018-04-30 30-day Notice
S064 2018-03-22 30-day Notice
S063 2018-02-02 30-day Notice
S062 2017-12-18 Real-time Process
S061 2017-10-17 30-day Notice
S060 2017-09-27 30-day Notice
S059 2017-08-29 30-day Notice
S058 2017-08-28 30-day Notice
S056 2017-08-09 30-day Notice
S055 2017-06-12 30-day Notice
S054 2017-03-24 30-day Notice
S053 2017-01-23 135 Review Track For 30-day Notice
S052 2016-08-12 30-day Notice
S051 2016-06-01 30-day Notice
S050 2016-04-22 Normal 180 Day Track
S049 2016-03-11 30-day Notice
S048 2016-03-01 30-day Notice
S047 2016-02-26 30-day Notice
S046 2016-02-16 30-day Notice
S045 2016-02-09 30-day Notice
S044 2016-01-28 30-day Notice
S043 2015-12-21 30-day Notice
S042 2015-11-12 30-day Notice
S041 2015-09-21 30-day Notice
S040 2015-07-30 30-day Notice
S039 2015-05-01 30-day Notice
S038 2015-04-08 30-day Notice
S037 2015-03-03 30-day Notice
S036 2013-11-12 30-day Notice
S035 2013-08-02 30-day Notice
S034 2012-09-27 30-day Notice
S033 2012-07-10 30-day Notice
S032 2012-05-04 30-day Notice
S031 2012-04-23 30-day Notice
S030 2012-04-16 30-day Notice
S029 2012-02-01 30-day Notice
S028 2011-12-14 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S027 2011-12-12 30-day Notice
S026 2011-09-30 30-day Notice
S025 2011-06-06 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S024 2011-04-21 30-day Notice
S023 2011-04-13 30-day Notice
S022 2011-03-25 135 Review Track For 30-day Notice
S021 2011-03-01 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S020 2011-02-14 30-day Notice
S019 2010-08-09 30-day Notice
S018 2010-08-06 30-day Notice
S017 2010-06-29 30-day Notice
S015 2010-05-05 30-day Notice
S014 2010-03-03 30-day Notice
S013 2010-03-02 30-day Notice
S011 2008-08-25 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S010 2008-07-07 30-day Notice
S009 2008-04-07 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S008 2007-12-17 Real-time Process
S007 2007-09-14 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S006 2007-04-02 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S005 2006-11-20 30-day Notice
S004 2006-08-22 Real-time Process
S003 2004-06-08 Normal 180 Day Track
S002 2003-02-24 Real-time Process
S001 2002-04-05 Normal 180 Day Track

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