Medtronic MiniMed 670G System, GS3 Transfer to MPROC, Medtronic MiniMed 770G System, Medtronic MiniMed 780G System

FDA Premarket Approval P160017 S105

This medical device record is a pma supplement. A supplement may have changed the device description/function or indication from that approved in the original pma. Be sure to look at the original pma record for more information.

Pre-market Approval Supplement Details

DeviceMedtronic MiniMed 670G System, GS3 Transfer to MPROC, Medtronic MiniMed 770G System, Medtronic MiniMed 780G System
ApplicantMEDTRONIC MINIMED, INC.18000 Devonshire Streetnorthridge, CA 91325 PMA NumberP160017 Supplement NumberS105 Date Received11/04/2022 Decision Date12/08/2022 Advisory Committee Clinical Chemistry Supplement Type30-day Notice Supplement Reason Process Change - Manufacturer/sterilizer/packager/supplier Expedited Review Granted? No
Date Received2022-11-04
Decision Date2022-12-08
Advisory CommitteeClinical Chemistry
Supplement Type30-day Notice
Supplement ReasonProcess Change - Manufacturer/sterilizer/packager/supplier
Expedited ReviewNo
Combination ProductNo
18000 Devonshire Street
northridge, CA 91325 PMA NumberP160017 Supplement NumberS105 Date Received11/04/2022 Decision Date12/08/2022 Advisory Committee Clinical Chemistry Supplement Type30-day Notice Supplement Reason Process Change - Manufacturer/sterilizer/packager/supplier Expedited Review Granted? No Combination ProductNo Approval Order Statement  
addition Of A New Supplier For The Thermoformed Packaging Tray For The Enlite Sensor And The Guardian Sensor (3). The Enlite Sensor Is A Components Of The MiniMed 530G, 630G, Paradigm Real-Time Revel, And IPro2 CGM Systems. The Guardian Sensor (3) Is A Component Of The MiniMed 630G, Guardian Connect, 670G And 770G Systems

Supplemental Filings

Supplement NumberDateSupplement Type
P160017Original Filing
S106 2022-11-16 Special (immediate Track)
S105 2022-11-04 30-day Notice
S103 2022-09-29 30-day Notice
S102 2022-09-14 Special (immediate Track)
S100 2022-04-01 30-day Notice
S099 2022-03-30 30-day Notice
S098 2022-03-29 30-day Notice
S095 2021-11-17 Special (immediate Track)
S094 2021-09-20 30-day Notice
S092 2021-06-29 30-day Notice
S090 2021-01-27 Special (immediate Track)
S088 2020-11-03 30-day Notice
S087 2020-08-28 Real-time Process
S086 2020-08-04 30-day Notice
S085 2020-05-26 30-day Notice
S082 2020-03-30 30-day Notice
S081 2020-01-08 30-day Notice
S080 2019-12-23 30-day Notice
S079 2019-11-29 30-day Notice
S078 2019-11-27 30-day Notice
S077 2019-11-27 30-day Notice
S075 2019-10-17 30-day Notice
S074 2019-10-11 30-day Notice
S073 2019-09-30 30-day Notice
S070 2019-08-21 30-day Notice
S069 2019-07-15 30-day Notice
S067 2019-06-19 30-day Notice
S066 2019-06-13 30-day Notice
S065 2019-05-21 30-day Notice
S064 2019-05-17 30-day Notice
S060 2019-04-03 30-day Notice
S059 2019-04-01 30-day Notice
S058 2019-02-25 30-day Notice
S057 2019-02-11 30-day Notice
S055 2019-02-01 30-day Notice
S054 2019-01-22 30-day Notice
S053 2018-11-02 30-day Notice
S052 2018-10-15 30-day Notice
S051 2018-08-31 Real-time Process
S050 2018-08-07 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S049 2018-07-23 30-day Notice
S048 2018-07-23 Normal 180 Day Track
S047 2018-07-09 30-day Notice
S046 2018-07-02 30-day Notice
S045 2018-06-19 30-day Notice
S044 2018-06-07 Special (immediate Track)
S043 2018-06-04 30-day Notice
S042 2018-05-11 30-day Notice
S041 2018-03-29 30-day Notice
S040 2018-03-26 30-day Notice
S039 2018-03-12 30-day Notice
S038 2018-02-23 30-day Notice
S037 2018-02-09 Real-time Process
S036 2018-02-07 30-day Notice
S035 2018-01-31 30-day Notice
S034 2018-01-30 30-day Notice
S033 2018-01-29 30-day Notice
S032 2018-01-29 30-day Notice
S031 2018-01-26 Panel Track
S030 2018-01-23 Special (immediate Track)
S029 2017-12-22 30-day Notice
S028 2017-11-30 Real-time Process
S027 2017-11-24 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S026 2017-11-24 30-day Notice
S024 2017-10-10 30-day Notice
S023 2017-10-06 30-day Notice
S021 2017-09-29 30-day Notice
S020 2017-09-27 Normal 180 Day Track
S019 2017-09-14 30-day Notice
S018 2017-08-04 Real-time Process
S017 2017-08-02 Panel Track
S016 2017-07-21 Real-time Process
S014 2017-06-02 Special (immediate Track)
S013 2017-05-08 30-day Notice
S012 2017-04-10 30-day Notice
S011 2017-03-31 30-day Notice
S010 2017-03-24 30-day Notice
S008 2016-12-30 Real-time Process
S007 2016-11-28 30-day Notice
S006 2016-11-28 30-day Notice
S005 2016-11-02 30-day Notice
S004 2016-10-27 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S003 2016-10-26 Normal 180 Day Track
S002 2016-10-14 30-day Notice
S001 2016-10-12 30-day Notice


Device IDPMASupp
00643169980525 P160017 000
00365702702134 P160017 000
00763000293871 P160017 000
10365702702292 P160017 000
00643169939202 P160017 000
00643169939219 P160017 000
00643169946040 P160017 000
00643169946057 P160017 000
10365702738109 P160017 000
00763000400620 P160017 000
20643169975105 P160017 003
20643169704057 P160017 003
00643169955691 P160017 003
00643169955684 P160017 003
00643169704060 P160017 003
00763000286774 P160017 008
00763000146856 P160017 008
00763000146849 P160017 008
00763000166564 P160017 017
20763000140940 P160017 017
20763000157603 P160017 017
00763000157050 P160017 017
00763000166540 P160017 017
00763000140779 P160017 017
00763000157616 P160017 017
00763000075460 P160017 019
00763000075453 P160017 019
00763000072537 P160017 019
00763000239824 P160017 020
00763000096984 P160017 020
00763000386979 P160017 020
00763000239831 P160017 020
00763000090203 P160017 020
00763000166526 P160017 028
00763000179649 P160017 028
00763000173043 P160017 028
00763000388379 P160017 037
00763000117030 P160017 037
20763000118864 P160017 037
00763000386986 P160017 048
00763000389024 P160017 048
00763000215538 P160017 048
00763000286781 P160017 048
00763000215545 P160017 048
00763000278427 P160017 051
00763000190453 P160017 051
00763000190460 P160017 051
00763000256838 P160017 051
00763000256821 P160017 051
00763000293888 P160017 061
00763000283520 P160017 061
00763000393786 P160017 061
00763000395858 P160017 061
00763000283445 P160017 061
00763000283506 P160017 061
00763000283513 P160017 061
00763000341923 P160017 074
00763000372002 P160017 076
00763000926113 P160017 076
00763000439866 P160017 076
00763000521363 P160017 076
00763000586195 P160017 076
00763000586188 P160017 076
00763000545604 P160017 076
00763000640095 P160017 076
00763000926106 P160017 076
00763000357511 P160017 076
00763000358440 P160017 076
00763000414344 P160017 076
00763000336998 P160017 076
00763000316990 P160017 076
00763000413750 P160017 076
00763000414351 P160017 076
00763000336981 P160017 076
00763000365912 P160017 082
00763000365929 P160017 082
00763000365882 P160017 082
00763000367084 P160017 082
00763000367077 P160017 082
00763000391034 P160017 086
00763000391065 P160017 086
00763000391041 P160017 086
00763000578848 P160017 090
00763000578800 P160017 090
00763000445218 P160017 091
00763000445164 P160017 091
00763000445157 P160017 091
00763000859206 P160017 091
00763000819385 P160017 091
00763000865665 P160017 091
00763000535827 P160017 091
20763000413389 P160017 091
00763000819392 P160017 091
00763000819378 P160017 091
00763000758547 P160017 091
00763000758530 P160017 091
20763000519692 P160017 091
20763000519685 P160017 091
00763000413477 P160017 091
20763000578798 P160017 095
00763000578640 P160017 103
10365702702537 P160017 110
00365702702417 P160017 110
10365702702889 P160017 110
10365702702476 P160017 110
00763000910082 P160017 113
00763000924102 P160017 116
00763000924096 P160017 116
00763000924089 P160017 116
00763000924119 P160017 116

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