Oncomine Dx Target Test

Next Generation Sequencing Oncology Panel, Somatic Or Germline Variant Detection System

FDA Premarket Approval P160045

This medical device has supplements. The device description/function or indication may have changed. Be sure to look at the supplements to get an up-to-date information on device changes. The labeling included below is the version at time of approval of the original pma or panel track supplement and may not represent the most recent labeling.

Pre-market Approval Supplement Details

Approval for the the oncomine dx target test is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic test that uses targeted high throughput, parallel-sequencing technology to detect single nucleotide variants (snvs) and deletions in 23 genes from dna and fusions in ros1 from rna isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (ffpe) tumor tissue samples from patients with non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) using the ion pgm dx system. The test is indicated to aid in selecting nsclc patients for treatment with the targeted therapies listed in table 1 in accordance with the approved therapeutic product labeling. Table 1. List of variants for therapeutic usegene variant targeted therapybraf braf v600e tafinlar® (dabrafenib) in combination with mekinist® (trametinib)ros1 ros1 fusions xalkori® (crizotinib)egfr l858r, exon 19 deletions iressa® (gefitinib)safe and effective use has not been established for selecting therapies using this device for the variants in table 1 in tissue types other than nsclc. Results other than those listed in table 1 are indicated for use only in patients who have already been considered for all appropriate therapies (including those listed in table 1). Analytical performance using nsclc specimens has been established for the variants listed in table 2. Table 2. List of variants with established analytical performance onlygene variant id nucleotide changekras cosm512 c. 34_35delgginsttkras cosm516 c. 34g>tmet cosm707 c. 3029c>tpik3ca cosm754 c. 1035t>athe test is not indicated to be used for standalone diagnostic purposes, screening, monitoring, risk assessment, or prognosis.

DeviceOncomine Dx Target Test
Classification NameNext Generation Sequencing Oncology Panel, Somatic Or Germline Variant Detection System
Generic NameNext Generation Sequencing Oncology Panel, Somatic Or Germline Variant Detection System
Date Received2016-10-17
Decision Date2017-06-22
Notice Date2017-06-23
Product CodePQP
Docket Number17M-3928
Advisory CommitteePathology
Expedited ReviewNo
Combination Product No
Applicant Address LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 5781 Van Allen Way carlsbad, CA 92008
Summary:Summary of Safety and Effectiveness
Labeling: Labeling Labeling Part 2
Approval Order: Approval Order

Supplemental Filings

Supplement NumberDateSupplement Type
P160045Original Filing
S038 2022-08-05 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S037 2022-06-14 Real-time Process
S036 2022-03-29 135 Review Track For 30-day Notice
S035 2022-03-08 Panel Track
S034 2021-12-23 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S030 2021-05-14 30-day Notice
S024 2020-11-06 30-day Notice
S023 2020-10-01 30-day Notice
S022 2020-09-11 30-day Notice
S020 2020-05-14 30-day Notice
S018 2019-10-16 30-day Notice
S016 2019-07-22 30-day Notice
S015 2019-04-23 30-day Notice
S014 2019-01-31 30-day Notice
S013 2019-01-25 30-day Notice
S012 2018-11-13 30-day Notice
S011 2018-10-19 30-day Notice
S010 2018-10-09 30-day Notice
S008 2018-07-20 30-day Notice
S006 2018-05-02 30-day Notice
S005 2018-03-22 Normal 180 Day Track No User Fee
S003 2017-11-20 30-day Notice
S002 2017-11-08 30-day Notice
S001 2017-07-28 30-day Notice


Device IDPMASupp
10190302015103 P160045 000
10190302006156 P160045 000
10190302006095 P160045 000
10190302006064 P160045 000
10190302015646 P160045 000
10190302006071 P160045 000
10190302017756 P160045 000
10190302006385 P160045 000

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