FDA Premarket Approval P910068

This medical device has supplements. The device description/function or indication may have changed. Be sure to look at the supplements to get an up-to-date information on device changes. The labeling included below is the version at time of approval of the original pma or panel track supplement and may not represent the most recent labeling.

Pre-market Approval Supplement Details

Approval for vitreon(r) (perfluorophenanthrene) intraocular fluid. This device is indicated for use as an intraoperative surgical aid during vitreoretinal surgery inpatients with primary and recurrent complicated reinal detachments. Complicated cases include giant retinal tear or retinal dialysis, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, proliferative diabetic reinopathy, tractional retinal detachments, and blunt or penetrating ocular trauma. We are pleased to inform you that the pma is approved for a single batch (batch #672-45-0001) of the finished product packaged in sterile 6 ml vials.

Generic NameFluid, Intraocular
Date Received1991-12-06
Decision Date1997-09-30
Notice Date1998-01-02
Product CodeLWL 
Docket Number97M-0519
Advisory CommitteeOphthalmic
Expedited ReviewYes
Combination Product No
Applicant Address AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS, INC. 7201 Hamilton Blvd. allentown, PA 18951-501

Supplemental Filings

Supplement NumberDateSupplement Type
P910068Original Filing
S001 1999-04-26 Normal 180 Day Track

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