System, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodynamic Therapy

FDA Premarket Approval P940010 S011

This medical device record is a pma supplement. A supplement may have changed the device description/function or indication from that approved in the original pma. Be sure to look at the original pma record for more information.

Pre-market Approval Supplement Details

Approval for:1) a change in the material of the tubing cap placed over the diffuser tip from a polycarbonatematerial to an etfe tubing material;2) the use of heat bonding for the etfe tubing material in place of the adhesive bonding presently used for the tubing cap;3) elimination of the orange sheath presently added over the inactive length of the presentlymarketed fiber optic diffusers; and4) modification of the diffuser tip, specifically:a) use of a silver mirror to replace the dielectric material presently used;b) the use of a silicon diffuser mix between the end of the fiber core and dielectric mirror;c) and the addition of diffuser shrink tubing to the distal end. The device, as modified, will be marketed under the trade name optiguide fiber optic diffuserdcyl 700 series and is indicated for use in photodynamic therapy with photofrin(porfimer sodium) for injection for: 1) palliation of patients with completely obstructing esophageal cancer or patients with partiallyobstructing esophageal cancer who, in the opinion of their physician, cannot be satisfactorilytreated with nd:yag laser therapy;2) reduction of obstruction and palliation of symptoms in patients with completely or partiallyobstructing endobronchial nonsmall cell lung cancer (nsclc);3) treatment of microinvasive endobronchial nsclc in patients for whom surgery and radiotherapy are not indicated; and4) ablation of high-grade dysplasia (hgd) in barretts esophagus (be) among patients who are not candidates for esophagectomy.

Classification NameSystem, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodynamic Therapy
Generic NameSystem, Laser, Fiber Optic, Photodynamic Therapy
Date Received2013-09-13
Decision Date2014-03-21
Product CodeMVG
Advisory CommitteeGeneral & Plastic Surgery
Supplement TypeReal-time Process
Supplement ReasonChange Design/components/specifications/material
Expedited ReviewNo
Combination Product Yes
Applicant Address CONCORDIA LABORATORIES, INC 5 Canewood Industrial Park st Michael BB110

Supplemental Filings

Supplement NumberDateSupplement Type
P940010Original Filing
S017 2020-11-02 Real-time Process
S016 2018-12-19 Normal 180 Day Track
S015 2018-04-03 Real-time Process
S014 2018-01-16 30-day Notice
S013 2017-12-18 30-day Notice
S012 2017-10-24 Real-time Process
S011 2013-09-13 Real-time Process
S010 2002-06-12 Panel Track
S009 2000-04-17 Normal 180 Day Track
S008 1999-09-21 Normal 180 Day Track
S007 1999-07-08 Normal 180 Day Track
S006 1999-02-08 Normal 180 Day Track
S005 1998-08-21 Normal 180 Day Track
S004 1998-03-24 Normal 180 Day Track
S003 1997-02-18 Normal 180 Day Track
S002 1997-02-10 Normal 180 Day Track
S001 1996-07-03 Normal 180 Day Track


Device IDPMASupp
00376128000087 P940010 000
00376128000148 P940010 000
00376128000131 P940010 000
00376128000124 P940010 000
00376128000117 P940010 000
00376128000100 P940010 000
00376128000094 P940010 000
00376128000278 P940010 001
00376128000261 P940010 001
00376128000254 P940010 001
00376128000247 P940010 001
00376128000230 P940010 001
00376128000223 P940010 001
00376128000148 P940010 001
00376128000087 P940010 001
00376128000131 P940010 001
00376128000124 P940010 001
00376128000117 P940010 001
00376128000100 P940010 001
00376128000094 P940010 001
00376128000070 P940010 011
00376128000063 P940010 011
00376128000049 P940010 011
00376128000032 P940010 011
00376128000025 P940010 011
00376128000018 P940010 011
00376128000056 P940010 011
00376128000346 P940010 016
00376128000353 P940010 016
00376128000360 P940010 016
00376128000377 P940010 016
00376128000391 P940010 016
00376128000384 P940010 016

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