A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: pmaNumber

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 21


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 21
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 25


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 25
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 25


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 25
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 26


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 26
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 26


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 26
Function: _error_handler

510(k) FDA Premarket Notification K212765

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 33


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 33
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: classificationName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 34


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 34
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 35


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 35
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 54


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 54
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 55


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 55
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicant

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 66


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 66
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 66


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 66
Function: _error_handler

The following data is part of a premarket notification filed by with the FDA for .

Pre-market Notification Details

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceId

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 78


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 78
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: 501kNumber

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 79


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 79
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 80


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 80
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: classificationName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 81


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 81
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicantFull

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 82


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 82
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicantContact

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 83


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 83
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: applicantContact

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 83


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 83
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: correspondent

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 84


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 84
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: correspondentContact

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 84


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 84
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: correspondentContact

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 85


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 85
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: correspondent

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 85


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 85
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: classificationPC

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 87


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 87
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: subsequentPC

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 90


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 90
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: regulationNumber

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 95


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 95
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: decision

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 99


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 99
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: regulationMS

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 100


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 100
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: 501kReviewPanel

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 103


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 103
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: fdaReview

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 106


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 106
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: fdaReview

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 107


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 107
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: type

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 109


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 109
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: thirdPartyReviewed

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 110


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 110
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: combinationProduct

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 111


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 111
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: dateReceived

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 112


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 112
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: decisionDate

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 113


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 113
Function: _error_handler

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: summary

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 114


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 114
Function: _error_handler



Device IdentifiersubmissionNumberSupplement
06974564882072 K212765 000
06974564881891 K212765 000
06974564881884 K212765 000
06974564881877 K212765 000
06974564881860 K212765 000
06974564881853 K212765 000
06974564881846 K212765 000
06974564881839 K212765 000
06974564881822 K212765 000
06974564881815 K212765 000
06974564881808 K212765 000
06974564881792 K212765 000
06974564881785 K212765 000
06974564881778 K212765 000
06974564881761 K212765 000
06974564881907 K212765 000
06974564881914 K212765 000
06974564881921 K212765 000
06974564882065 K212765 000
06974564882058 K212765 000
06974564882041 K212765 000
06974564882034 K212765 000
06974564882027 K212765 000
06974564882010 K212765 000
06974564882003 K212765 000
06974564881990 K212765 000
06974564881983 K212765 000
06974564881976 K212765 000
06974564881969 K212765 000
06974564881952 K212765 000
06974564881945 K212765 000
06974564881938 K212765 000
06974564881754 K212765 000
06974564881747 K212765 000
06974564880986 K212765 000
06974564880962 K212765 000
06974564880955 K212765 000
06974564880429 K212765 000
06974564880412 K212765 000
06974564880405 K212765 000
06974564880399 K212765 000
06974564880382 K212765 000
06974564880375 K212765 000
06974564880368 K212765 000
06974564880351 K212765 000
06974564882270 K212765 000
06974564882263 K212765 000
06974564880993 K212765 000
06974564881006 K212765 000
06974564881013 K212765 000
06974564881020 K212765 000
06974564881730 K212765 000
06974564881723 K212765 000
06974564881716 K212765 000
06974564881709 K212765 000
06974564881693 K212765 000
06974564881686 K212765 000
06974564881679 K212765 000
06974564881662 K212765 000
06974564881082 K212765 000
06974564881075 K212765 000
06974564881068 K212765 000
06974564881051 K212765 000
06974564881044 K212765 000
06974564881037 K212765 000
06974564880979 K212765 000
06974564881563 K212765 000
06974564880887 K212765 000
06974564880641 K212765 000
06974564880573 K212765 000
06974564880245 K212765 000
06974564880238 K212765 000
06974564880221 K212765 000
06974564880009 K212765 000
06942075423374 K212765 000
06942075421738 K212765 000
06974564881655 K212765 000
06974564881648 K212765 000
06974564881631 K212765 000
06974564881624 K212765 000
06974564881617 K212765 000
06974564880900 K212765 000
06974564880917 K212765 000
06974564880924 K212765 000
06974564881556 K212765 000
06974564881549 K212765 000
06974564881532 K212765 000
06974564881525 K212765 000
06974564881518 K212765 000
06974564881501 K212765 000
06974564881495 K212765 000
06974564881488 K212765 000
06974564881471 K212765 000
06974564881464 K212765 000
06974564881457 K212765 000
06974564881440 K212765 000
06974564880948 K212765 000
06974564880931 K212765 000
06974564881600 K212765 000
06974564881594 K212765 000
06974564882225 K212765 000
06974564882218 K212765 000
06974564882201 K212765 000
06974564882195 K212765 000
06974564882188 K212765 000
06974564882171 K212765 000
06974564882164 K212765 000
06974564882157 K212765 000
06974564882140 K212765 000
06974564882133 K212765 000
06974564882126 K212765 000
06974564882119 K212765 000
06974564882102 K212765 000
06974564882096 K212765 000
06974564882232 K212765 000
06974564882249 K212765 000
06974564882256 K212765 000
06974564881587 K212765 000
06974564881570 K212765 000
06974564880672 K212765 000
06974564880665 K212765 000
06974564880658 K212765 000
06974564880627 K212765 000
06974564880610 K212765 000
06974564880603 K212765 000
06974564880597 K212765 000
06974564880580 K212765 000
06974564880252 K212765 000
06974564880092 K212765 000
06942075423367 K212765 000
06942075421745 K212765 000
06974564882089 K212765 000

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: deviceName

Filename: fda.report/pmn_item.php

Line Number: 156


File: /var/www/fda.report/pmn_item.php
Line: 156
Function: _error_handler

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