Catherine Lapp

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Catherine Lapp. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3007147067
FEI Number3007147067
NameCatherine Lapp
Owner & OperatorNexstim Plc
Contact AddressElimaenkatu 9B
Helsinki FI-ES Etela-Suomen laani 00510 FI
Official Correspondent
  • Anna Honkanen
  • 358-40-5829760-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Bedford Avenue A-202
Brooklyn, NY 11211 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

FDA Filings

Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07

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