Nexstim P L C

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Nexstim P L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3007147067
FEI Number3007147067
NameCatherine Lapp
Owner & OperatorNexstim Plc
Contact AddressElimaenkatu 9B
Helsinki FI-ES Etela-Suomen laani 00510 FI
Official Correspondent
  • Anna Honkanen
  • 358-40-5829760-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address101 Bedford Avenue A-202
Brooklyn, NY 11211 US
Establishment TypeManufacture Medical Device

Registration Number3009543145
FEI Number3009543145
Owner & OperatorNexstim Plc
Contact AddressElimaenkatu 9B
Helsinki FI-ES Etela-Suomen laani 00510 FI
Official Correspondent
  • Anna Honkanen
  • 358-40-5829760-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterY
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address2921 Landmark Place Suite #300
Madison, WI 53713 US

FDA Filings

Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy System (NBT) 22019-10-22
Nexstim Plc
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22019-03-22
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-12-08
Nexstim Plc
Nexstim Navigated Brain Therapy (NBT) System 22017-11-10
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NexSpeech2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim Navigated Brain Stimulation System2012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 52012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System 42012-07-02
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim eXimia NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Nexstim NBS System2010-01-07
Catherine Lapp [Nexstim Plc]
Navigated Brain Stimulation (NBS)2010-01-07

Related Finance Registrations

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.