This page includes the latest FDA filings for Koru Medical Systems. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 1318360 |
FEI Number | 1318360 |
Name | REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems |
Owner & Operator | KORU Medical Systems |
Contact Address | 24 CARPENTER RD. Chester NY 10918 US |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 24 Carpenter Rd CHESTER, NY 10918 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | HlgH-Flo Super26 Subcutaneous Needle Sets | 2019-04-08 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Intagrated Catch-up Freedom Syringe Driver Infusion System | 2017-09-12 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Intagrated Catch-up Freedom Syringe Driver Infusion System | 2017-09-12 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Intagrated Catch-up Freedom Syringe Driver Infusion System | 2017-09-12 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS Soft Catheter | 2015-12-18 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS Subcutaneous Safety Needle Set | 2014-03-10 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS Subcutaneous Needle Set | 2014-03-10 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS HIgH-Flo Subcutaneous Safety Needle Sets | 2014-03-10 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | HIgH-Flo Subcutaneous Safety Needle Sets | 2014-03-10 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS Subcutaneous Safety Needle Set | 2011-12-14 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RMS Subcutaneous Needle Set | 2011-12-14 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | HIgH-Flo Subcutaneous Safety Needle Sets | 2011-12-14 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RES-Q-VAC | 2010-12-06 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Emergency Airway Vacuum System | 2010-12-06 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RES-Q-VAC; Neonate Aspiration System | 2010-12-06 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Freedom Edge | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Freedom 60 Syringe Infusion System | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | FREEDOM60 Syringe Infusion System | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | FREEDOM60 Precision Flow Rate Tubing | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Masterson Endometrial Biopsy Kit | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | Gyneco Thermal Cautery Unit | 2007-12-20 |
REPRO-MED SYSTEMS, INC. dba KORU Medical Systems [KORU Medical Systems] | RES-Q-VAC AIRWAY SUCTION SYSTEM | 2001-07-12 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020080669992 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | PEMALE CAP MALE CAP | 70 CTN |
2020080419066 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | PLASTIC WARES | 273 CTN |
2020072838094 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | PLASTIC WARES | 273 CTN |
2020072363363 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | PLASTIC WARES | 273 CTN |
2020071838460 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | MALE LUER LOCK FEMALE CAP MALE CAP SLIDE CLAMP | 135 CTN |
2020041849757 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | MALE LUER LOCK FEMALE CAP MALE CAP | 48 CTN |
202004016807 | Kaohsiung,China (Taiwan) -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey | HOUSING BOTTON REV HOUSING TOP REV | 70 CTN |
2020032830295 | Taipei,China (Taiwan) -> Los Angeles, California | MALE LUER LOCK FEMALE CAP MALE CAP SLIDE CLAMP | 51 CTN |