Preventice Services

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Preventice Services. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3005332083
FEI Number3005332083
NamePreventice Services, LLC
Owner & OperatorPreventice Services
Contact Address1717 N SamHouston Parkway Suite 100
Houston TX 77038 US
Official Correspondent
  • Charles Rector
  • 1-952-5641465-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address1717 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
Houston, TX 77038 US
Establishment TypeRepack or Relabel Medical Device

FDA Filings

Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian One2018-10-29
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Heart2018-08-09
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-08-09
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Heart2015-01-15
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
VX3 Holter2015-01-15
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
eCardio Event+2014-09-16
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
UMI Pacetrak2014-05-06
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
IMD PSD4102013-12-03
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Aerotel HeartOne2013-12-03
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
eCardio Verite2013-06-10
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Post Event Recorder2010-12-04
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]

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Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2019090461912Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaPHONE CASE H.S. CODE 392690909041 CTN

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