Preventice Services L L C

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Preventice Services L L C. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number3005332083
FEI Number3005332083
NamePreventice Services, LLC
Owner & OperatorPreventice Services
Contact Address1717 N SamHouston Parkway Suite 100
Houston TX 77038 US
Official Correspondent
  • Charles Rector
  • 1-952-5641465-x
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration Address1717 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
Houston, TX 77038 US
Establishment TypeRepack or Relabel Medical Device

FDA Filings

Preventice Services, LLC
PER900 Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC
Mortara H3+ Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC
BodyGuardian Mini Plus Remote Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC
BodyGuardian Mini Remote Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC
BodyGuardian Heart Remote Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC
BodyGuardian One Remote Monitoring System Kit 2022-03-29
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini Plus2018-12-05
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian One2018-10-29
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Heart2018-08-09
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Mini2018-08-09
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
BodyGuardian Heart2015-01-15
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
VX3 Holter2015-01-15
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
eCardio Event+2014-09-16
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
UMI Pacetrak2014-05-06
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
IMD PSD4102013-12-03
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Aerotel HeartOne2013-12-03
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
eCardio Verite2013-06-10
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Post Event Recorder2010-12-04
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]
Preventice Services, LLC [Preventice Services]

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2018110151453Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Los Angeles, CaliforniaSWITCHING POWER SUPPLY HS CODE 850440140051 CTN
2018012021786Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Houston, TexasFOAM POUCH112 PCS

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.