This page includes the latest FDA filings for S L P Inc. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
S L P Inc holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:
Registration Number | 3006463573 |
FEI Number | 3006463573 |
Name | S.L.P. INC. |
Owner & Operator | S.L.P. INC. |
Contact Address | 2511 Technology Drive Suite 112 Elgin IL 60124 US |
Official Correspondent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 2511 Technology Drive, Suite 112 Elgin, IL 60124 US |
Establishment Type | Repack or Relabel Medical Device |
Device Company | Device | Date |
S.L.P. INC. | sleepsense | 2016-05-10 |
S.L.P. INC. | SleepStreep II | 2014-06-10 |
S.L.P. INC. | ApneaStrip | 2014-06-10 |
S.L.P. INC. | Apnea Strip | 2014-06-10 |
S.L.P. INC. | EasyTalk | 2011-12-14 |
S.L.P. INC. | Accessory to transducer gas pressure | 2011-12-14 |
S.L.P. INC. | SleepSense | 2011-12-11 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020081734522 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA | 40 CTN |
2020081734521 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA | 220 CTN |
2020081734523 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT NASAL CANNULA PRESSURE TUBING | 90 CTN |
2020080737324 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA NASAL CANNULA | 100 CTN |
2020080413393 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA NASAL CANNULA | 80 CTN |
2020080413394 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA | 60 CTN |
2020072751972 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT THERMO CANNULA | 20 CTN |
2020072751971 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT NASAL ORAL CANNULA NASAL CANNULA THERMO CANNULA | 140 CTN |