This page includes the latest FDA filings for Thermo Fisher Scientific. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Thermo Fisher Scientific holds import registrations or U.S. agent authorizations in conjunction with the following organizations:
Registration Number | 3004548426 |
FEI Number | 3004548426 |
Name | Nalge Nunc International Corporation |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 236 Perinton Pkwy FAIRPORT, NY 14450 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Registration Number | 3006190736 |
FEI Number | 3006190736 |
Name | Janet Cosgrove |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 75 Panorama Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14625 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Registration Number | 1062700 |
FEI Number | 3000325731 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 2039 MCMILLAN STREET Auburn, AL 36832 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 3007730738 | ||||
FEI Number | 3007730738 | ||||
Name | Janet Cosgrove | ||||
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific | ||||
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US | ||||
US Agent |
| ||||
Importing Logistics Registration |
| ||||
Registration Status | 1 | ||||
Initial Importer | N | ||||
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 | ||||
Registration Address | 75 Panorama Creek Drive Rochester, NY 14625 US | ||||
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Registration Number | 2242462 |
FEI Number | 2242462 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 755 STATE HIGHWAY 202 NORTH BRIDGEWATER, NJ 08807 US |
Establishment Type | Repack or Relabel Medical Device |
Registration Number | 3005642384 |
FEI Number | 3005642384 |
Name | Michelle Bowerman |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 4481 Campus Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49008 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer) |
Registration Number | 1031428 |
FEI Number | 1031428 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 2797 Peterson Pl NORCROSS, GA 30071 US |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer) |
Registration Number | 3010939897 |
FEI Number | 3010939897 |
Name | Microgenics Corporation |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 46500 Kato Road Fremont, CA 94538 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 3007284190 |
FEI Number | 3007284190 |
Name | Molecular Bio Products |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 9389 Waples Street San Diego, CA 92121 US |
Registration Number | 1530126 |
FEI Number | 1000515493 |
Name | Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 1 Thermo Fisher Way Oakwood Village, OH 44146 US |
Establishment Type | Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility |
Registration Number | 8021914 |
FEI Number | 3002806332 |
Name | Rob Norris |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 12076 Santa Fe Trail Drive Lenexa, KS 66215 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 8010096 |
FEI Number | 3006224287 |
Name | Rob Norris |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 12076 Santa Fe Trail Lenexa, KS 66215 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 2214740 |
FEI Number | 2214740 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | ONE REAGENT LN. FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 3006440892 |
FEI Number | 3006440892 |
Name | Rob Norris |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 12076 SANTA FE DRIVE LENEXA, KS 66215 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 3010455511 |
FEI Number | 3010455511 |
Name | Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | No.297,Taishan Road, New District Suzhou Jiangsu, 215129 CN |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer) |
Registration Number | 3003750284 |
FEI Number | 3003750284 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 1924669 |
FEI Number | 1924669 |
Name | REMEL, INC. |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 12076 Santa Fe Trail Dr LENEXA, KS 66215 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 2517925 |
FEI Number | 2517925 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 300 Industry Dr Regulatory Affairs PITTSBURGH, PA 15275 US |
Registration Number | 3003150158 |
FEI Number | 3003150158 |
Name | NUNC A/S |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | KAMSTRUPUEJ 90, KAMSTRUP ROSKILDE Region Sjaelland, DK-4000 DK |
Establishment Type | Manufacture Medical Device |
Registration Number | 1181121 |
FEI Number | 1181121 |
Name | Fisher Diagnostics |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 8365 VALLEY PIKE MIDDLETOWN, VA 22645 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 1219230 |
FEI Number | 1219230 |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 20 POST RD Portsmouth, NH 03801 US |
Establishment Type |
Registration Number | 1000174157 |
FEI Number | 1000174157 |
Name | Michelle Bowerman |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 4481 Campus Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49008 US |
Establishment Type | Develop Specifications But Do Not Manufacture At This Facility |
Registration Number | 1314344 |
FEI Number | 1000087290 |
Name | Nalge Nunc International Corporation |
Owner & Operator | Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Contact Address | 168 Third Avenue -- Waltham MA 02451 US |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | Y |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 75 Panorama Creek Dr Rochester, NY 14625 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre YeastOne Susceptibility System With Voriconazole In The Dilution Range Of 0.008 - 8 Ug/mL | 2021-12-15 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 20-24 Hour Haemophilus Influenzae /Streptococcus Pneumoniae MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Dtest (containing Erythromycin At 1 Ug/mL And Clindamycin At 0.5 Ug/mL) | 2021-07-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COVID-19 Control | 2020-04-08 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Cefiderocol In The Dilution Range Of 0.03-64 µg/ml | 2020-03-12 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tricyclic Antidepressants Reagent Kit | 2020-02-12 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 20-24 Hour Haemophilus Influenzae/Streptococcus Pneumoniae MIC Or Breakpoint, Susceptibility System With Lefamulin In The Dilution Range Of 0.008-16ug/mL | 2020-01-08 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Benzodiazepine Assay | 2019-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific Sensititre ARIS HiQ System | 2019-12-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific Sensititre ARIS HiQ | 2019-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lactate Dehydrogenase | 2019-11-26 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Lefamulin In The Dilution Range Of 0.008-16ug/ml | 2019-11-06 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Thermo Scientific Sensititre ARIS HiQ System | 2019-11-06 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Thermo Scientific Sensititre ARIS HiQ System | 2019-11-06 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Imipenem-Relebactam In The Dilution Range Of 0.03/4-256/4 Ug/mL | 2019-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hours Susceptibility Plates (OMADACYCLINE) | 2019-07-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hours Susceptibility Plates (OMADACYCLINE) | 2019-07-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hours Susceptibility Plates (OMADACYCLINE) | 2019-07-08 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Low Control | 2019-04-29 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine High Control | 2019-04-29 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI pH Detect Test | 2019-04-29 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI pH Detect Controls | 2019-04-29 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI pH Calibrator Set | 2019-04-29 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sentry Urine Dipstick Control | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Urinalysis Controls | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS UrichemTrak Urine Control | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS UA Control | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Total Thyroxine T4 Calibrator | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cyclosporine Plus High Range Calibrator | 2019-04-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Tacrolimus Calibrators | 2019-04-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS T-Marker | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Omni-Immune | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Omni-Immune Pro | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Omni-Core | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Omni-Cardio | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Moni-Trol | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Liquimmune Control | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Immunology Control | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS ChemTRAK H | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS CardioImmune XL | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS CSF Control | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Alcohol Ammonia Control | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity iSTAT CK-MB Control Kit | 2019-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i STAT Myoglobin Controls | 2019-04-10 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kit Roche Cell CollectionMedium 945 ML | 2019-03-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kit Roche Cell Collection Medium 20 ML | 2019-03-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kit Dispenser for 945 ML RCCM Bottle | 2019-03-11 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 20-24 Hour Haemophilus Influenzae/Streptococcus Pneumoniae MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Omadacycline In The Dilution Range Of 0.008 - 32 Ug/mL | 2019-02-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific Oxoid Meropenem/VaborbactamDisc (30?g) MEV30 | 2019-01-28 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Omadacycline In The Dilution Range Of 0.03-32ug/ml | 2019-01-04 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Petri Dishes | 2018-12-24 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Multidish 4-well | 2018-12-24 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF ICSI Dish | 2018-12-24 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Center Well Dish | 2018-12-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Petri Dishes | 2018-12-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Multidish 4-well | 2018-12-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF ICSI Dish | 2018-12-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? IVF Center Well Dish | 2018-12-24 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capitol Vial Cup | 2018-12-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Magnesium | 2018-12-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Magnesium Reagent Kit | 2018-12-19 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Eravacycline In The Dilution Range Of 0.008- 16 µg/mL | 2018-11-30 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Plazomicin Immunoassay | 2018-11-19 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens QC Toxicology Control | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MGC Select DAU Control Set | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MGC Primary DAU Control Set | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MGC Clinical DAU Control Set | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Tox Control | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS PAR TDM Liquid Assayed Therapeutic Drug Control | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS DOA Total Liquid Assayed Drugs of Abuse Control | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Specialty Control Set | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA MultiDrug Optional Controls | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tox Controls | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC III Controls | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC II Controls | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC I Controls | 2018-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista Drug 2 Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Drug Cal II | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Atellica CH Drug II Cal | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA Chemistry Serum Toxicology Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA Chemistry Negative Drug Urine Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA Chemistry DRUG Calibrator II | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Serum Tox Cals | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Negative Urine Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Multi-Drug Urine Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Drugs of Abuse Low Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Drugs of Abuse High Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Negative Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Multi-Drug OFT Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Multi-Drug Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA AntibioticTDM Multi-Calibrator | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Antibiotic TDM Multi-Cal | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tox Semiquant Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tox Qual Calibrators | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c TDM Multiconstituent Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC Semiquant Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC Qual Low Calibrator 1 Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC Qual Calibrator 2 Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c DOA MC Negative Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Benzodiazepines Semiquant Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Benzodiazepines Qual Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Zonisamide Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Vancomycin Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Tobramycin Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Quinidine Calibrator Set | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Plazomicin Immunoassay Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lidocaine Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lamotrigine Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Gentamicin Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Everolimus Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Amikacin Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Quinidine Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI THC Urine Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Calibrator 500 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Calibrator 300 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Calibrator 100 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Calibrator 1000 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Calibrator 0 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Opiate Urine Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Metabolite 300ng/mL Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Metabolite 2000ng/mL Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Metabolite 150ng/mL Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Metabolite 1000ng/mL Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone Assay Calibrator 500 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone Assay Calibrator 300 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone Assay Calibrator 100 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone Assay Calibrator 1000 | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Ecstasy Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA THC OFT Negative Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA THC OFT Cutoff Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA THC Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA PPX/Methadone Intermediate Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA PPX/Methadone High Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA PPX/Methadone Cutoff Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Mycophenolic Acid Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Negative Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Cut off Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA LSD Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Heroin Metabolite (6-AM) High Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Heroin Metabolite (6-AM) Cutoff Calibrator | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine II Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tobramycin Calibrators | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Opiates Semiquant Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Opiates Qual Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ecstacy Semiquant Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ecstacy Qual Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Semiquant 200 Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Semiquant 100 Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Qual Calibrator Kit | 2018-09-07 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Plazomicin In The Dilution Range Of 0.06-128 Ug/mL | 2018-08-08 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cocaine Metabolite | 2018-07-31 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cocaine Reagent Kit | 2018-07-31 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone | 2018-07-31 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS PTH Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Diabetes Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS CardioImmune UL | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Bilirubin Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI THC Urine Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Control 2 Kit | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Control 1 Kit | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Syphillis | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix HIVp24 | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EV Negative Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EBV Low Plasma Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EBV High Plasma Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix BB NAT HBV Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix AntiHBs | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix Negative Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix MSSA Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix MRSA Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix GBS Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BKV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BKV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS PTH Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Diabetes Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS CardioImmune UL | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Bilirubin Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI THC Urine Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Controls | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Control 2 Kit | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Control 1 Kit | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Syphillis | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix HIVp24 | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EV Negative Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EBV Low Plasma Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix EBV High Plasma Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix BB NAT HBV Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix AntiHBs | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix Negative Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix MSSA Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix MRSA Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HIV-1 High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HCV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV Mid Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix HBV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix GBS Positive Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BKV Low Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BKV High Control | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Calibrators | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Cortisol Calibrators | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Calibrators | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Calibrators | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Calibrators | 2018-06-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Triglyceride Reagent Kit | 2018-06-06 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Alcohol Calibrators | 2018-06-04 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ethanol Calibrator Kit | 2018-06-04 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Tox Control Ammonia | 2018-06-04 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Alcohol Controls | 2018-06-04 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ethanol Control Kit | 2018-06-04 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Uric Acid | 2018-06-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Uric Acid Reagent Kit | 2018-06-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Reagent Kit | 2018-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine/CSF Protein Calibrator | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Serum Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Atellica CH Chemistry Calibrator | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Atellica CH A-LYTE IMT Dilution Check | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Multiconstituent Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c ICT Serum Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Carbon Dioxide Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Bilirubin Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Aliniity c Iron Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine/CSF Protein Calibrator | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Serum Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Atellica CH Chemistry Calibrator | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Atellica CH A-LYTE IMT Dilution Check | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Multiconstituent Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c ICT Serum Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Carbon Dioxide Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Bilirubin Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Aliniity c Iron Calibrator Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Aspartate Aminotransferase | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Aspartate Aminotransferase Reagent Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Activated Aspartate Aminotransferase Reagent Kit | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Activated Aspartate Aminotransferase | 2018-05-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c ICT Sample Diluent | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c ICT Sample Diluent | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c ICT Sample Diluent | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c-series ICT Reference Solution | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c-series Alkaline Wash | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c-series Acid Wash | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c-series Acid Probe Wash | 2018-05-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium | 2018-04-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Calcium Reagent Kit | 2018-04-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase | 2018-04-26 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Reagent Kit | 2018-04-26 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Triglyceride | 2018-04-26 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Triglyceride Reagent Kit | 2018-04-26 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rose Bengal Disodium Salt (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Malachite Green Oxalate (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Brilliant Green (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neutral Red (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cal-Ex? Decalcifier | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pararosaniline Hydrochloride (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phloxine B (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Orange G (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-04-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prealbumin | 2018-04-10 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Immunoglobulin G Reagent Kit | 2018-04-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Benzodiazepine Assay | 2018-03-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Benzodiazepines Reagent Kit | 2018-03-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Heroin Metabolite (6-AM) Assay | 2018-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Immunoglobulin A Reagent Kit | 2018-03-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT B.R.A.H.M.S PCT | 2018-02-05 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT Troponin-I | 2018-02-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Indigo Carmine (Certified Bilogical Stain) | 2018-02-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carmine (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-02-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin B (Certified Biological Stain) | 2018-02-05 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Spectra ESBL | 2018-02-02 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thionin (Certified Biological Stain) | 2017-12-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sudan IV (Certified Biological Stain) | 2017-12-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Toluene (Histological) | 2017-12-20 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Quest Blood Kit | 2017-12-15 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Labcorp Blood Kit | 2017-12-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphorus | 2017-12-12 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Phosphorus Reagent Kit | 2017-12-12 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Meropenem/Vaborbactam In The Dilution Range Of 0.008/8 - 18/8 Ug/mL | 2017-12-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity h-series Diluent | 2017-11-09 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dimension Vista? Chemistry 1 Calibrator | 2017-11-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dimension Vista? Chemistry 1 Calibrator | 2017-11-01 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Delafloxacin In The Dilution Range Of 0.004-8 Ug/mL | 2017-10-13 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | The Sensititre 20-24 Hour Haemophilus Influenzae/Streptococcus Pneumoniae MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Delafloxacin In The Dilution Range Of 0.00025-8µg/mL | 2017-08-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | The Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Delafloxacin In The Dilution Range Of 0.0005 – 8 Ug/mL | 2017-08-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Reagent Kit | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT ASSAY | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Reagent Kit | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT ASSAY | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Reagent Kit | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT ASSAY | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Reagent Kit | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT ASSAY | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i BRAHMS PCT Reagent Kit | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT ASSAY | 2017-07-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Calibrators | 2017-06-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Cortisol Calibrators | 2017-06-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Calibrators | 2017-06-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT BRAHMS PCT Calibrators | 2017-06-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Uric Acid | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Uric Acid Reagent Kit | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Calibrators | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Albumin BCP Reagent Kit | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Albumin BCG Reagent Kit | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Albumin BCG Reagent Kit | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urea Nitrogen | 2017-06-14 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Urea Nitrogen Reagent Kit | 2017-06-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Atellica MetMtb Cal | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA Chemistry Methadone Metabolite 1000ng/mL Urine Calibrators | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Zonisamide Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Topiramate Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Plazomicin Immunoassay Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lamotrigine Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Everolimus Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MGC Cyclosporine PLUS Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Mycophenolic Acid Liquid Assayed Mycophenolic Acid Controls | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Control Set 300 | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Control Set 100 | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI MDA Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Hydrocodone Assay Control Kit | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA THC OFT Controls | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Controls | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA DAU THC Control Set | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine II Control | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine Controls | 2017-06-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine II Assay | 2017-04-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine II Assay | 2017-04-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine II Assay | 2017-04-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiconstituent Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bilirubin Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Controls | 2017-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Urine/CSF Protein Calibrator Kit | 2017-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Iron Calibrator Kit | 2017-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Carbon Dioxide Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiconstituent Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bilirubin Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Controls | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Urine/CSF Protein Calibrator Kit | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Iron Calibrator Kit | 2017-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Carbon Dioxide Calibrator | 2017-02-24 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Embryo Corral Dish; Embryo GPS Dish | 2017-01-06 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 4Well GPS Dish; MG38; MicroDrop GPS Dish; Universal GPS | 2017-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Alkaline Wash | 2016-12-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Acid Wash | 2016-12-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Activated Aspartate Aminotransferase Reagent Kit | 2016-12-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Activated Aspartate Aminotransferase | 2016-12-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microalbumin | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Reagent Kit | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Controls | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Calibrators | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microalbumin | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Reagent Kit | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Controls | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Calibrators | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microalbumin | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Reagent Kit | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Controls | 2016-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Calibrators | 2016-11-28 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GPID Identification, Non Fastidious, GramPositive | 2016-08-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (MEROPENEM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFEPIME) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CLARYTHROMYCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFPODOXIME) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (LOMEFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (PIPERACILLIN/TAZOBACTAM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (Ofloxacin, Cefotetan, Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid, Ampicillin/Sulbactam) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE HP - Haemophilus - Pneumococcus MIC PlatE | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTABILITY PLATES, Ampicillin/Sulbactam, Cefonicid, Ciproflaxacin | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFTAZIMDIME/AVIBACTAM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFTAZIMDIME/AVIBACTAM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFTAZIMDIME/AVIBACTAM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (TELAVANCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (TELAVANCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Y3462 Sensititre YeastONE Broth | 2016-08-12 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Y3462 Sensititre YeastONE Broth | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (DOXYCYCLINE) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (DOXYCYCLINE) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (VORICONIZOLE) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFOXITIN SCREEN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFOXITIN SCREEN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (DORIPENEM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (ERTAPENEM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (ERTAPENEM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (TiGECYCLINe) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (TiGECYCLINe) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (TiGECYCLINe) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (ERTAPENEM) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CLINDAMYCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (DAPTOMYCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (DAPTOMYCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (MOXIFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (MOXIFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (CEFOTAXIME) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (VANCOMYCIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (MOXIFLOXCACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (LINEZOLID) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (LEVOFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (GATIFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES (GATIFLOXACIN) | 2016-08-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE 18 - 24 HOURS SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES - STREPTOMYCIN | 2016-08-11 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ZOX30 CEFTIZOXIME | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CIP5 CIPROFLOXACIN | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ATM30 AZTREONAM | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEC30 CEFACLOR | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | WILKINS CHALGREN ANAEROBE BROTH | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VOGEL-JOHNSON AGAR | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | YERSINIA SEL. AGAR BASE | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BACILLUS CEREUS SELECT AGAR BASE | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | WILKINS CHALGREN ANAEROBE AGAR | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S S AGAR | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PERFRINGENS AGAR | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clostridium Difficile | 2016-07-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Norfloxacin Antimicrobial Susceptibility Disks | 2016-06-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ofloxacin Antimicrobial Susceptibility Disks | 2016-06-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAM20 AMPICILLIN / SULBACTAM | 2016-06-22 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IPM10 IMIPENEM | 2016-06-22 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2016-03-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Creatinine Reagent Kit | 2016-03-15 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Methadone for Architect | 2016-01-22 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Assay | 2016-01-22 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Methadone Reagent Kit | 2016-01-22 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? inoculation system | 2016-01-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18 ? 24 hour Susceptibility MIC Plates | 2016-01-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? inoculation system | 2016-01-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18 ? 24 hour Susceptibility MIC Plates | 2016-01-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? inoculation system | 2016-01-15 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18 ? 24 hour Susceptibility MIC Plates | 2016-01-15 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA T4 | 2016-01-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Barbiturates | 2016-01-11 |
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | The Sensititre 18-24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Ceftazidime/Avibactam In The Dilutions Range Of 0.015/4 - 32/4 Ug/mL | 2015-12-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ACE System Diluent | 2015-11-18 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ACE CLINICAL CHEMISTRY SYSTEM | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour MIC or Breakpoint Susceptibility System | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour MIC or Breakpoint Susceptibility System | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour MIC or Breakpoint Susceptibility System | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour MIC or Breakpoint Susceptibility System | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus/S. pneumoniae (HP) MIC Susceptibility plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus/S. pneumoniae (HP) MIC Susceptibility plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus/S. pneumoniae (HP) MIC Susceptibility plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre 18-24 hour Susceptibility plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Haemophilus influenza/Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Susceptibility Plate | 2015-11-18 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CALCIUM | 2015-10-20 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Calcium Reagent Kit | 2015-10-20 |
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | Sensititre 18-24 Hours MIC Or BP Susceptibility System With Ceftolozane/tazobactam (0.03/4- 64/4ug/mL) | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wash G/L Zero Reagent | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cleaning Solution 1 and Cleaning Solution 2 (C1/C2) | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cal G/L Reagent | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffer 7.382 (7.3/CO-ox Zero Buffer) | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffer 6.838 | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Atlas Rinse Additive | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Atlas Calibrator #4 (Clarity) | 2015-08-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Atlas Calibration Kit | 2015-08-28 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid PSEUDOMONAS C-N SEL.SUPPL. 1 X 10 | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid G-N ANAEROBE SELECTIVE SUPPL. 1X10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid N-S ANAEROBE SELECTIVE SUPP.1 X 10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid LCAT SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT 1 X 10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid V.C.A.T. SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT 1X10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid YEAST AUTOLYSATE SUPPLEMENT 1 X 10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid diagnostic discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid V.C.N.T. SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid V.C.N. SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT 1 X 10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid VITOX SUPP+REHYDRATION FLUID 2X5VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid CAMPYLOBACTER SEL.SUPP.(BLASER-WANG)1X10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid diagnostic discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid diagnostic discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid diagnostic discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid diagnostic discs | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid OPTOCHIN | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid CAMPYLOBACTER GROWTH SUPPLEMENT(LIQUID) | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid BORDETELLA SELECTIVE SUPP. | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid CHLORAMPHENICOL SUPPLEMENT | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid PERFRINGENS (OPSP) SEL.SUPP.1 X 10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid DERMASEL SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid STREPTOCOCCUS SELECTIVE SUPPL.1X10 VIALS | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid O.G.Y.E.SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid selective supplement | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid Tinsdale Supplement | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid Mycoplasma Syupplement | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid Mycoplasma Supplement | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anaerogen | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antibiotic Medium | 2015-08-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Differential | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Supplement, Culture Media | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, SELECTIVE BROTH | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DISCS, STRIPS AND REAGENTS, MICROORGANISM DIFFERENTIATION | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DISCS, STRIPS AND REAGENTS, MICROORGANISM DIFFERENTIATION | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DISCS, STRIPS AND REAGENTS, MICROORGANISM DIFFERENTIATION | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUPPLEMENT, CULTURE MEDIA | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LEGIONELLA BCYE GROWTH SUPPLEMENT | 2015-08-05 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NAFCILLIN 1ug | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antisera, All Types, Escherichia Coli | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RD5 RIFAMPICIN | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, ENRICHED | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphylococcus Aureus Somatic Antigens | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Differential | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Plasma, Coagulase, Human, Horse And Rabbit | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, NON-SELECTIVE AND NON-DIFFERENTIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Staphylococcus Spp. | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kit, Anaerobic Identification | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antisera, All Types, Escherichia Coli | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antisera, Fluorescent, All Types, Staphylococcus Spp. | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antisera, All Groups, Streptococcus Spp. | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culture Media, Selective And Non-Differential | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, NON-SELECTIVE AND NON-DIFFERENTIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DISCS, STRIPS AND REAGENTS, MICROORGANISM DIFFERENTIATION | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, NON-SELECTIVE AND NON-DIFFERENTIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | KIT, FASTIDIOUS ORGANISMS | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUPPLEMENT, CULTURE MEDIA | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CULTURE MEDIA, SELECTIVE AND NON-DIFFERENTIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUPPLEMENT, CULTURE MEDIA | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SUSCEPTIBILITY TEST DISCS, ANTIMICROBIAL | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Susceptibility Test Discs, Antimicrobial | 2015-08-04 |
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | Sensititre 18 - 24 Hour MIC Or Breakpoint Susceptibility System With Dalbavancin (0.0005 - 2ug/mL) | 2015-07-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AxSYM Probe Cleaning Solution | 2015-04-13 |
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates | 2015-04-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix WNVRNA | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix BB NAT WNV Negative Control | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BB NAT NEGATIVE CTRL | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BB NAT HIV-1 POS. CTRL | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AcroMetrix BB NAT HCV POS. CTRL | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Triscreen | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Oncology Hotspot Control | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Multi-Analyte Control HIV/HCV/HBV Low | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix Multi-Analyte Control HIV/HCV/HBV High | 2015-03-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acrometrix CT/NG Control | 2015-03-10 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | The Sensititre HP MIC Susceptibility Plate With Oritavancin (0.0005-8mcg/ml) | 2015-03-05 |
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC | Sensititre HP MIC Susceptibility Plate With Tedizolid (0.002-4 Mcg/ml) | 2015-03-02 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Iron/Mag Cal | 2015-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Carbon Dioxide Cal | 2015-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Bilirubin Cal | 2015-02-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott MCC Cal | 2015-02-24 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates | 2015-02-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Trutol GTTB Orange (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Trutol GTTB Lemon-Lime (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Trutol GTTB Fruit Punch (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PSS Fruit Punch (75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucocrush Orange (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucocrush Lemon-Lime (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucocrush Fruit Punch (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FisherBrand Sun-Dex (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FisherBrand Limeondex (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FisherBrand Fruit Punch (50,75,100) | 2015-01-29 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DCA/Microalbumin Creatine Control | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Rinse Additive Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clinitek Novus Calibrator Kit | 2015-01-06 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOUR SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES | 2014-12-23 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AP-9003-125 Citrate Buffer-HIER 125mL 10X | 2014-12-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphate Buffered Saline 10mL 10X | 2014-12-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TA-125-TR Trypsin (Enzymatic Pretreatment) 125mL | 2014-12-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TA-015-TR Trypsin (Enzymatic Pretreatment) 15mL | 2014-12-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista Digitoxin Calibrator | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista ECREA Cal (Enzymatic Creatinine Calibrator) | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista Drugs of Abuse Positive Control | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista Drugs of Abuse Negative Control | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension DOA-Positive Control | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension DOA-Negative Control | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dimension Vista? Chemistry 1 Calibrator | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Dimension Vista Chemistry 2 Calibrator | 2014-11-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA Chemistry Serum TCA | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Tricyclic Antidepressant | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Tricyclics Serum Tox Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methadone Metabolite (EDDP) Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Phencyclidine Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Opiate 2K Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methadone Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Thyroxine (T4) Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Amphetamine Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Reagent Kit | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Amphetamine Assay | 2014-11-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Reagent Kit | 2014-11-05 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES | 2014-10-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HPB1 Sensititre? Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae MIC Plate | 2014-08-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | V3030 Sensititre? OptiRead? | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | V3030 Sensititre? OptiRead? | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | V3030 Sensititre? OptiRead? | 2014-08-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre AIM? | 2014-08-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10325 Thayer Martin,Imp (Pill Pocket) 10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10320 Thayer Martin,Imp (JEMBEC) 10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10312 Thayer Martin,Imp (JEMBEC) 100/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10310 Thayer Martin,Modified (JEMBEC) 10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02058 Chocolate/Thayer Martin Imp Biplate10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01886 Thayer Martin,Imp 100/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01885 Thayer Martin,Imp 15/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01884 Thayer Martin,Imp 10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01882 Thayer Martin,Modified 100/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01881 Thayer Martin,Modified 15/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01880 Thayer Martin,Modified 10/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064622 Stuart Transport Med w/o Charcoal 20/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060462 Casamino Acid Solution 1% (0.5ml) 20/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060072 Amies Transport Medium w/Charcoal 20/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060070 Amies Transport Medium w/Charcoal 100/PK | 2014-08-15 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060062 Amies Transport Medium w/oCharcoal 20/PK | 2014-08-15 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | SENSITITRE SUSCEPTIBILITY PLATES | 2014-07-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 2 | 2014-07-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 1 | 2014-07-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 2 | 2014-07-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 1 | 2014-07-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 2 | 2014-07-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Next Level 1 | 2014-07-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Mycophenolic Acid Assay | 2014-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Mycophenolic Acid Assay | 2014-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Mycophenolic Acid Assay | 2014-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity C Theophylline Reagent Kit | 2014-03-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Theophylline Assay | 2014-03-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Phenytoin Assay | 2014-03-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Phenytoin Reagent Kit | 2014-03-21 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | SENSITITRE 18-24 HOUR MIC SUCEPTIBILITY SYSTEM | 2014-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbamazepine Assay for Architect | 2013-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Carbamazepine Reagent Kit | 2013-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Phenobarbital Reagent Kit | 2013-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Phenobarbital Assay | 2013-11-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Everolimus Assay | 2013-09-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Countour Normal Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Normal Bulk, Contour Normal Single Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Low Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour High Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bayer Contour TS | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Countour Normal Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Normal Bulk, Contour Normal Single Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour Low Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Contour High Control | 2013-09-13 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bayer Contour TS | 2013-09-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Tacrolimus Immunoassay | 2013-09-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Tacrolimus Immunoassay | 2013-09-11 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R31949 Cary-Blair Orange / Empty Vl PK/120 SET | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R31925 Cary-Blair Orange w/Ind (15ml Vi) PK/120 | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R31620 Cary-Blair Orange w/o spoon (15ml) PK/12 | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R31610 Cary-Blair Orange w/Ind (15ml Vi) PK/12 | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21968 PVA-Mod/Form/Cary-Blair w/Ind | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21949 Cary-Blair w/Ind/Empty Vial | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21925 Cary-Blair w/Ind | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21924 PVA Modified | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21650 Glycerol Saline | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21620 Cary-Blair w/o spoon | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21617 Cary-Blair w/Ind | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21616 Cary-Blair w/Ind/Empty | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21610 Cary-Blair w/Ind | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05039 PRAS Cary-Blair | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05038 PRAS Cary-Blair Mod HC | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PVA Modified | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PRAS Cary-Blair | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PRAS Cary-Blair Mod HC | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cary-Blair/Glycerol Saline | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cary-Blair w/Ind | 2013-07-18 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21522 BactiDrop Indole,Kovac's | 2013-05-06 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Indole,Kovac's | 2013-05-06 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Magnesium Reagent Kit | 2013-03-26 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Magnesium | 2013-03-26 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Magnesium | 2013-03-26 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ToxAmmonia Calibrator | 2013-02-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Atellica CH Tox Cal | 2013-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Immunoglobulin A Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Immunoglobulin G Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Transferrin Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Transferrin | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Urea Nitrogen Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Albumin BCP Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Albumin BCP | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Albumin BCG Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine/CSF Protein | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cholesterol Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Cholesterol | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Reference Solution | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Reference Solution | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Reference Solution | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ICT Reference Solution | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Alkaline Phosphatase Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Alkaline Phosphatase | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prealbumin | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Prealbumin Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine/CSF Protein | 2013-01-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Urine/CSF Protein Reagent Kit | 2013-01-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | IMMUNOCAP ALLERGEN K82 | 2013-01-29 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRYSPOT E.COLI 0157 LATEX KIT | 2013-01-03 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRYSPOT E.COLI 0157 LATEX KIT | 2013-01-03 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Remel D-Dimer | 2012-12-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07676 Fuji Medium | 2012-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07674 Fuji Medium (10ml) 100/PK | 2012-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2012-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Schaudinn's Fixative | 2012-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40036 Schaudinn's Fixative | 2012-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21507 BactiDrop Calcofluor White | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Calcofluor White | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40015 Calcofluor White Stain Kit | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcofluor White Stain Kit | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21518 BactiDrop India Ink | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop India Ink | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21502 BactiDrop Acridine Orange | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Acridine Orange | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21520 BactiDrop Indole,Ehrlich's | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Indole,Kovac's | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Indole,Ehrlich's | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21544 BactiDrop PYR | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop PYR | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21534 BactiDrop Ninhydrin | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Ninhydrin | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21524 BactiDrop Potassium Hydroxide(KOH) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21536 BactiDrop Nitrate A | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Nitrate A | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21538 BactiDrop Nitrate B | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Nitrate B | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21540 BactiDrop Oxidase | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Oxidase | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21562 BactiDrop VP-B (40% KOH) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop VP-B | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21510 BactiDrop Dobell & O'Connor Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Dobell & O'Connor Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21526 BactiDrop Lactophenol Aniline Blue | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Lactophenol Aniline Blue | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21550 BactiDrop Spot Indole | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Spot Indole | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21560 BactiDrop VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21514 BactiDrop Ferric Chloride | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Ferric Chloride | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21508 BactiDrop Desoxycholate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDrop Desoxycholate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07097 Diamonds Medium,Modified | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07096 Diamonds Medium,Modified | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Diamonds Medium,Modified | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20532 Potato Dextrose Agar Slide Culture | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Potato Dextrose Agar Slide Culture | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20533 Potato Flake Agar Slide Culture | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Potato Flake Agar Slide Culture | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40121 Methanol (absolute) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methanol (absolute) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01561 MacConkey w/Sorbitol | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01556 MacConkey w/Sorbitol | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MacConkey w/Sorbitol | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TB Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40204 TB Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40104 TB Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin BTL/250ml | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sulfuric Acid, 10% | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40126 Sulfuric Acid (10%) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40123 Light Green | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Light Green | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TB Methylene Blue | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40210 TB Methylene Blue | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40110 TB Methylene Blue BTL/250ml | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Todd Hewitt Broth w/CNA (LIM) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064812 Todd Hewitt Broth w/CNA (LIM) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064810 Todd Hewitt Broth w/CNA (LIM) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40077 Gram Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40057 Gram Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40056 Gram Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Iodine | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermonuclease Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01895 Thermonuclease Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01554 MacConkey Agar w/MUG | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MacConkey Agar w/MUG | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01653 OFPBL Medium | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OFPBL Medium | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep ID II Triplate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02382 Strep ID II Triplate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062085 PYR Broth | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062085 PYR Broth (0.5ml) 20/PK | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR Broth (0.5ml) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | V Agar,Selective | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01952 V Agar,Selective | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep Selective II Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01859 Strep Selective II Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01858 Strep Selective II Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20358 Arginine Broth,Lyophilized | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20004 Arginine Broth | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20002 Arginine Broth | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Arginine Broth | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Arginine Broth,Lyophilized | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R45007 PAV Supplement (1ml) PK/10 | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R45006 PAC Supplement (1ml) PK/10 | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R45005 BCYE Supplement | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R450041 BCYE Supplement | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCYE Supplement | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01323 Columbia CNA w/5% Sheep Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01322 Columbia CNA w/5% Sheep Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01321 Columbia CNA w/5% Sheep Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01320 Columbia CNA w/5% Sheep Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01318 CNA w/Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01316 Columbia CNA w/5% SB,Vanc | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01312 CLED Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01310 Clostridium Difficile Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Columbia CNA w/5% Sheep Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Columbia CNA w/5% SB,Vanc | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clostridium Difficile Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CNA w/Blood | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CLED Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01688 Porphyrin Test Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Porphyrin Test Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Yersinia Sel (CIN) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R45050 CN Selective Supplement (1ml) PK/10 | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R450031 CN Selective Supplement | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09999 Yersinia Sel (CIN) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CN Selective Supplement | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01226 Blood Agar w/Amp(10mcg) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Blood Agar w/Amp(10mcg) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R03343 Haemophilus ID II Triplate (IWP) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02345 Haemophilus ID II Triplate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Haemophilus ID II Triplate | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tinsdale Enrichment | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R45045 Tinsdale Enrichment (3.3ml) PK/10 | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40222 Gram Iodine PVP | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40061 Gram Iodine PVP | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Iodine PVP | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01272 Campy CVA Medium | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01270 Campy CVA Medium | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Campy CVA Medium | 2012-11-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R452652 Brucella Agar 500g each | 2012-11-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R452651 Brucella Agar 100g each | 2012-11-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Brucella Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R452652 Brucella Agar 500g each | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R452651 Brucella Agar 100g each | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Brucella Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21130 Lysostaphin | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lysostaphin Kit | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acridine Orange | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01339 BCYE w/PAC | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCYE w/PAC | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01342 BCYE Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCYE Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061060 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Arabinose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061056 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Adonitol | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061052 HI Broth w/BCP Base Control | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061046 HI Broth w/6.5% NaCl,BCP | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061044 HI Broth w/6.5% NaCl,BCP | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HI Broth w/BCP,1% Arabinose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HI Broth w/BCP,1% Adonitol | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HI Broth w/BCP Base Control | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HI Broth w/6.5% NaCl,BCP (5ml) | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Sucrose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Maltose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Lactose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Fructose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Dextrose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid Ferm Agar Base Control | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064072 Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Sucrose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064052 Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Maltose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064042 Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Lactose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064032 Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Fructose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064022 Rapid Ferm Agar w/2% Dextrose | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064002 Rapid Ferm Agar Base Control | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060372 Campy Thio Medium w/Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060370 Campy Thio Medium w/Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Campy Thio Medium w/Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01284 Campy Blood Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01281 Campy Blood Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01280 Campy Blood Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Campy Blood Agar | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21060 Coagulase Plasma | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21052 Coagulase Plasma | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21051 Coagulase Plasma | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21050 Coagulase Plasma | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulase Plasma | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40240 Gram Stain Kit, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40238 Gram Safranin,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40237 Gram Safranin,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40235 Gram Iodine,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40234 Gram Iodine,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40232 Gram Enhancer | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40231 Gram Enhancer | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40229 Gram Decolorizer,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40228 Gram Decolorizer,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40226 Gram Crystal Violet-Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40225 Gram Crystal Violet,Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Stain Kit, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Safranin, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Iodine, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Enhancer | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Decolorizer, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Crystal Violet, Enhanced | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Flu A&B Control | 2012-11-19 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Flu A&B Control | 2012-11-19 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Barbiturates Assay for use with Architect | 2012-11-15 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI? Barbiturate Assay | 2012-11-15 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Barbiturates Reagent Kit | 2012-11-15 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiStaph Latex | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID CB Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID CB Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Yeast Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Yeast Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Strep | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Strep | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Candida | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Candida | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard E.coli | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard E.coli | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RIM E.coli O157:H7 Latex | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R30851502 Protease Tablet | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R30851501 Cryptococcus LTX Antigen Test 50TST/KT | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cryptococcus Latex Antigen Test | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R30851502 Protease Tablet | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R30851501 Cryptococcus LTX Antigen Test 50TST/KT | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cryptococcus Latex Antigen Test | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LAP Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LAP Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Indoxyl Acetate Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Neisseria | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bacticard Neisseria | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. pneumoniae IgG/IgM Antibody | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Niacin Control Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LAP Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LAP Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nitrate Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vancomycin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catarrhalis Test Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catarrhalis Test Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID NF Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID NF Plus System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Candida albicans Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | C. Albicans disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID ANA II System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID ANA II System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALN Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PRO Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID NH System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID NH System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR/Esculin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neisseria Enzyme Test (NET) | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NET | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR Disk Test | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR Disk w/Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PYR Disk Test | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MUG Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID SS/u System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID SS/u System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID ONE System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID ONE System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caffeic Acid Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pyridoxal Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Niacin Reagent Strip | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microdase Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microdase Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Colistin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Penicillin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rifampin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Novobiocin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Novobiocin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Haemophilus Identification Kit | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID STR System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID STR System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxy-Swab | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urea-PDA Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Porphyrin Reagent | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bile Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kanamycin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta Lysin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nitrocefin Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | A.L.A. Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | A.L.A. Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hippurate Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hippurate Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nitrate Swab | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta Lactam Reagent Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta Lactam Reagent Disk | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Microbial Identification System | 2012-11-14 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Microbial Identification System | 2012-11-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Myoglobin | 2012-01-25 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect CK-MB | 2012-01-25 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE ARIS | 2011-12-19 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE ARIS | 2011-12-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE ARIS | 2011-12-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VersaTREK Myco PZA Kit | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GN Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GN Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GN Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GN Panel | 2011-12-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GN Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GP Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GP Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GP Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GP Panel | 2011-12-19 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre GP Panel | 2011-12-19 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sensititre Susceptibility Plates - Multiple | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462-05 MUELLER-HINTON BROTH W/TES 5ml 100/BOX | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mueller Hinton Broth | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP11410 Sensititre Cation Adjusted AutoRead Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP112-10 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462-05 MUELLER-HINTON BROTH W/TES 5ml 100/BOX | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mueller Hinton Broth | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP11410 Sensititre Cation Adjusted AutoRead Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP112-10 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462-05 MUELLER-HINTON BROTH W/TES 5ml 100/BOX | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | T3462 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mueller Hinton Broth | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP11410 Sensititre Cation Adjusted AutoRead Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CP112-10 Sensititre Cation Adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth w/ TES w/ Lysed Horse Blood | 2011-12-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SENSITITRE VIZION | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VersaTREK | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7112-42 VERSATREK MYCO GS | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7111-42M VERSATREK MYCO BOTTLES, W/MODIFIED CAP | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7111-42 VERSATREK MYCO BOTTLES | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7110-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2M, EZ DRAW 40ML | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7107-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2, EZ DRAW 40ML | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7106-44 VERSATREK REDOX 1, 40 ML W/STIR BAR | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7104-44 VERSATREK REDOX 80ML TWIN-PACK | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7103-44M VERSATREK REDOX 2M 80ML | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7103-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2, 80ML | 2011-12-13 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7102-44 VERSATREK REDOX 1, 80 ML W/STIR BAR | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VersaTREK | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7112-42 VERSATREK MYCO GS | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7111-42M VERSATREK MYCO BOTTLES, W/MODIFIED CAP | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7111-42 VERSATREK MYCO BOTTLES | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7110-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2M, EZ DRAW 40ML | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7107-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2, EZ DRAW 40ML | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7106-44 VERSATREK REDOX 1, 40 ML W/STIR BAR | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7104-44 VERSATREK REDOX 80ML TWIN-PACK | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7103-44M VERSATREK REDOX 2M 80ML | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7103-44 VERSATREK REDOX 2, 80ML | 2011-12-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 7102-44 VERSATREK REDOX 1, 80 ML W/STIR BAR | 2011-12-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oral Eze - Oral Fluid Collection System | 2011-07-28 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oral Eze - Oral Fluid Collection System | 2011-07-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Gentamicin | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lidocaine | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Topiramate | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lamotrigine Assay | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lamotrigine Assay | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Lamotrigine Assay | 2011-07-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Opiate OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Methamphetamine OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA PCP OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Amphetamine OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cannibinoids OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cannibinoids OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cocaine OFT Assay | 2011-07-13 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21069 Germ Tube Solution | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21068 Germ Tube Solution | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064856 Rapid Trehalose Assim Broth(0.2ml) | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Germ Tube | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Spectra VRE | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01832 Spectra VRE | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01830 Spectra VRE | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Spectra MRSA | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01822 Spectra MRSA 100/PK | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01821 Spectra MRSA 10/PK | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RPMI w/MOPS | 2010-11-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04067 RPMI w/MOPS | 2010-11-24 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | REMEL SPECTRA VRE | 2010-07-15 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN CHLAMYDIA SPECIMEN COLLN | 2010-01-05 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific HEMA-TROL? Whole Blood HGB | 2009-12-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Procainamide Assay | 2009-12-11 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Core Multidrug Cals | 2009-12-11 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect(tm) Rotavirus Test | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01186 Bile Esculin Azide Agar w/6ug Vanc | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bile Esculin Azide with Vancomycin | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R124022 ACT II Dual Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12402 ACT II Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Act II Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ACT II Dual Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12401 ACT I Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Act I Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20305 10B Arginine Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 10B Arginine Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01621 MH Agar w/2% NaCl | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mueller Hinton with 2% NaCl | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12580 M5Universal Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12555 M5Traditional Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12516 M5 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12515 M5 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microtest M5 Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01176 BHI Agar w/Vanc (6ug) | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BHI w/6mg Vancomycin | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synergy Quad | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02474 Synergy Quad | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Zinc-PVA Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21927 Zinc PVA Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21765 Zinc PVA Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21279 Zinc PVA Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21278 Zinc PVA Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12588 M4RT KIT w/ FLOCKED SWAB PK/100 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12587 M4RT Tube PK/72 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12578 M4RTUniversal Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12576 M4RT Universal Plus Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12567 M4RTUniversal Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12566 M4RTMicroTip Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12565 M4RTTraditional FlockSwab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12552 M4RTTraditional Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12506 M4RT | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12505 M4RT | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microtest M4RT Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12300 BactiSwab NPG (Mod Stuarts) | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiSwab NPG | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12582 M6 Universal Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12571 M4Universal Plus Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12570 M4Universal Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12569 M6 MicroTip Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12568 M6Traditional FlockSwab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12563 M6 Universal Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12562 M6(1.5ml)Universal Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12561 M6(1.5ml)MicroTip Flock Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12560 M6(1.5ml)Traditional FlockSwab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12559 M6 Universal (Alum) Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12557 M6Traditional Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12550 M4Traditional Swab Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12535 M6 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12533 M6 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12530 M6 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12521 M4Plastic Dram | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12520 M4Glass Dram | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12503 M4w/o Beads | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12502 M4 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12500 M4 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microtest M6 Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microtest M4 Transport | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20044 Haemophilus Test Medium Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07681 Haemophilus Test Medium Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Haemophilus Test Medium Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20303 A3B Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20006 A3B Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | A3B Broth | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAF Fixative | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21941 SAF/Empty Vial PK/120SET | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21921 SAF Fixative (15ml Vial) PK/120 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21732 SAF/Empty Vial PK/6SET | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21730 SAF Fixative (15ml Vial) PK/12 | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21263 SAF Fixative 500ml Each | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R24600 Xpect Flu A&B | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Clostridium Diff. Toxin A/B | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R24650 Xpect C. diff Toxin A/B KT/20TST | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R24640 Xpect C. diff Toxin A/B KT/40TST | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Cryptosporidium | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2451020 Xpect Cryptosporidium | 2009-12-01 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia | 2009-12-01 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia Control | 2009-12-01 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450030 Xpect Giardia Control | 2009-12-01 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450020 Xpect Giardia | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450030 Xpect Giardia Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450020 Xpect Giardia | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia/Crypto Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia/Crypto Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450530 Xpect Giardia/Crypto Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450520 Xpect Giardia/Crypto | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia/Crypto Kit | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect Giardia/Crypto Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450530 Xpect Giardia/Crypto Control | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2450520 Xpect Giardia/Crypto | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xpect(tm) RSV Test | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12015 BactiSwab (Dry) | 2009-12-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiSwab Dry | 2009-12-01 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Calibrators | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite 100/300 Assay | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Calibrators | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite 100/300 Assay | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite Calibrators | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methadone Metabolite 100/300 Assay | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Stat Troponin I | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxycodone DRI Automated Assay for Drug Abuse Roche/Hitachi | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxycodone DRI Automated Assay for Drug Abuse COBAS INTEGRA/Cobas c systems | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Assay | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Oxycodone Assay for SYNCHRON Systems | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT Myoglobin Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT Myoglobin Controls | 2009-11-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB Controls | 2009-11-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ?? | 2009-10-20 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Viral Panel | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Mounting Fluid | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Screen Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Negative Control Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RSV Screening Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 3 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 2 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 1 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza B Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza A Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Adenovirus Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Viral Panel | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Mounting Fluid | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Screen Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Negative Control Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RSV Screening Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 3 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 2 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 1 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza B Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza A Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Adenovirus Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Viral Panel | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Mounting Fluid | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Screen Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Negative Control Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RSV Screening Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 3 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 2 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 1 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza B Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza A Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Adenovirus Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Viral Panel | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Respiratory Mounting Fluid | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Screen Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Negative Control Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RVP Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX RSV Screening Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 3 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 2 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Parainfluenza 1 Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza B Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Influenza A Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Adenovirus Reagent | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay (Mono) | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Shiga Toxin E. coli Microplate Assay | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus Tests Latex | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus Control Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus Tests Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect Plus Control Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcolex E.coli O157:H7 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcolex E.coli O157 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Giardia/Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Giardia/Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphaurex Plus | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDx RSV | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Giardia Microplate assay | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prospect E. Histolytica | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prospect Giardia EZ | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prospect Giardia Controls | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Acid Extraction Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDx Herpes | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep D Negative Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep D Grouping latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep D Grouping Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Control D Antigen | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep D/PYR Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Chlamydia Trachomatis FA Direct Test Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Chlamydia Culture Confirmation Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcolex Colour Shigella | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcolex Colour Salmonella | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E.coli O157 LPS | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E.coli O157 LPS | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep Grouping Universal Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep Grouping Universal Kit bulk | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep Grouping Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep G Grouping Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep F Grouping Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep C Grouping Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep B Grouping Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep A Grouping Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Disposable Slides | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Control Antigen F, G | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Control Antigen A, B, C | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen Bacterial Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen N Meningitidis B/E.coli K1 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphaurex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | N meningitidis B monoclonal antibody | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Rapid | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Polyvalent Positive Control | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group G | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group F | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group D | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group C | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group B | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Latex Group A | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Extraction Enzyme | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptex Acid Extraction Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep C Negative Control Swab | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep A Positive Control Swab | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep A Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Strep A Hospital Kit | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Extraction Reagent 3 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Extraction Reagent 2 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Extraction Reagent 1 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PathoDX Control Latex | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen Streptococcus pneumoniae | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen H Influenzae B | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen N meninigitidis A,C,Y, W135 | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wellcogen Strep B | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Test Kits | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Card Tiles | 2009-10-16 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Carbon Antigen | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Test Kits | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Card Tiles | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | VDRL Carbon Antigen | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thymune T | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thymune M | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | N meningitidis Group W135 Agglutinating Sera | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT C.difficile A/B | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | N Meningitidis | 2009-10-16 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thrombo-Wellcotest | 2009-10-16 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | XPECT FLU A & B | 2009-08-26 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | QMS LIDOCAINE CALIBRATORS, MODEL 0374678 | 2009-07-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific dTIBC Calibrator | 2009-07-07 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | DRI METHADONE METABOLITE (100/300) ASSAY, CALIBRATORS AND CONTROLS | 2009-01-14 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Tox Calibrators | 2008-12-10 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Tox Controls | 2008-12-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04030 GC Agar Base | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01460 GC Agar Base | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GC Agar Base | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12200 BactiSwab II (Mod Stuarts) | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiSwab II | 2008-12-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12100 BactiSwab (Mod Stuarts) | 2008-12-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiSwab (Mod Stuarts) | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R12100 BactiSwab (Mod Stuarts) | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiSwab (Mod Stuarts) | 2008-12-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04033 Haemophilus Test Medium (150mm) 10/PK | 2008-12-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01503 Haemophilus Test Medium (100mm) 10/PK | 2008-12-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Haemophilus Test Medium | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04033 Haemophilus Test Medium (150mm) 10/PK | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01503 Haemophilus Test Medium (100mm) 10/PK | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Haemophilus Test Medium | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Selective Rapid Urea | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20389 Selective Rapid Urea | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09598 MH Broth w/Cations | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09592 MH Agar (25ml deep) | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08596 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08594 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07128 MH Broth w/Cations | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061480 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061478 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061472 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061470 MH Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04057 MH Agar w/5% Sheep Blood | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04055 MH Agar w/5% Sheep Blood | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04052 MH Agar | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04050 MH Agar | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01626 MH Agar w/4% NaCl,6ug Oxacillin | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01624 MH Agar | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01622 MH Agar w/5% Sheep Blood | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01620 MH Agar (100mm) 10/PK | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MH Agar w/4% NaCl,6ug Oxacillin | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20304 10B Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20302 10B Broth,Lyophilized | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20128 10B Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064141 Regan Lowe Semi-Solid Transport 20/PK | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 10B Broth | 2008-12-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 10B Broth,Lyophilized | 2008-12-04 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Amikacin Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Vancomycin Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Gentamicin Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Tobramycin Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Gentamicin | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity C Gentamicin Reagent Kit | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Quinidine Reagents | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Quinidine Reagents | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Vancomycin Reagents | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Vancomycin | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Vancomycin Reagent Kit | 2008-08-07 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Propoxyphene Assay | 2008-08-06 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Propoxyphene Assay | 2008-08-06 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Propoxyphene Reagent Kit | 2008-08-06 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Cannabinoid Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-06 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ecstasy Calibrators for Architect | 2008-08-06 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | MAS TOX CONTROL | 2008-04-30 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Anti-TPO Rgt Kit 02K47-25 | 2008-04-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Anti-TPO Rgt Kit 02K47-20 | 2008-04-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect MPO Reagent Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Rubella Control Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect MPO Control Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Controls | 2008-04-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Reagent Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT B.R.A.H.M.S PCT Controls | 2008-04-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Rubella Control Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect MPO Control Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Controls | 2008-04-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Microalbumin Reagent Kit | 2008-04-03 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT B.R.A.H.M.S PCT Controls | 2008-04-03 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Color Slide II Mononucleosis Test | 2008-03-11 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | SPECTRA MRSA | 2008-02-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Phenytoin II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Phenytoin II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA N-Acetylprocainamide Assay (NAPA) | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA TDM Cardiac Calibrators | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Theophylline II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Acetaminophen Serum Tox Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA? Chemistry Serum Benzodiazepine | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Serum Benzodiazepines | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Benzodiazepine Serum Tox Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Serum Benzodiazepines Reagent Kit | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA LSD Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Propoxyphene Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Phenobarbital II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Multi-level THC Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Opiates Low Calibrators | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methaqualone Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cocaine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Phencyclidine (PCP) | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Phencyclidine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Phencyclidine Reagent Kit | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Cannabinoids Controls | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Valproic Acid II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Carbamazepine II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GENTC | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Gentamicin II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Tobramycin II Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Digitoxin Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Buprenorphine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Controls | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Calibrator Kit | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Controls | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Calibrator Kit | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cotinine Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA? Chemistry Methadone Metabolite | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Methadone Metabolite Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cyclosporine Plus Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Cyclosporine Plus Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ecstasy Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Ecstasy Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ecstacy Reagent Kit | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA Amphetamine/Ecstasy Assay | 2008-02-27 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA DAU Opiate Assay | 2008-02-26 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAS Advanced Immunology Controls | 2008-02-19 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CRP Liquid Assayed Control | 2008-02-19 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Orange 75, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Orange 50, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Orange 100, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Lemon-Lime 75, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Lemon-Lime 50, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Lemon-Lime 100, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Fruit Punch 75, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Fruit Punch 50, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GTTB Trutol Fruit Punch 100, 24 PK | 2008-02-11 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thromboplastin-DL Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thromboplastin-D Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thromboscreen 400C Instrument | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thromboscreen 200, Instrument | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Deficient Plasma, immun | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control Level 3 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control 3 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control Level 2 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control 2 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Controls | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control Plasma Level 1 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Coagulation Control Level 1 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LDL Cholesterol | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LDL Cholesterol, Automated | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity HDL Cholesterol | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL Cholesterol Auto Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PBG | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardiac Enzyme Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UIBC Saturating Standard | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UIBC Reagent Ferene Method | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UIBC FerroZine Method | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Iron / UIBC | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thromboplastin-DS Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ACE Controls | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lipid Controls | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D-Dimer Latex Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D-Dimer Assay Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus GGT | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GGT, Soluble Substrate | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GAMMA GT - SS | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GAMMA GT - GLUPA C | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL Medium Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL Low Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL High Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Theophylline Standard | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium Chloride, 0.025M | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium Chloride, 0.020M | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | APTT-XL Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | APTT-LS Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GGT Enzyme Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Glucose Oxidase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucose Oxidase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucose Oxidase LSP | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucose Oxidase DST | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sicklescreen Control Set | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Sicklescreen Assay Kits | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glycine Buffered Saline | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FDP Sample Collection Tubes | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FDP Positive and Negative Control S | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FDP Latex Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FDP Assay Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kontact Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kontact APTT Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thrombin Time Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cholinesterase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Imidazole Buffered Saline | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IBS | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fibrinogen Reference Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fibrinogen Reference Plasma Normal | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fibrinogen Assay Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Diluting Fluid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bovine Thrombin | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Barbital Buffered Saline | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Iron, Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogen Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Normal Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abnormal Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ACE | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ACE | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ACE | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Troponin-I Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Troponin-I Calibrator Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Troponin-I Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Troponin-I Calibrator Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fibrinogen Reagent with Kaolin | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fibrinogen Reagent with Kaolin | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reference Emulsion Fluid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | INR Controls | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | INR Control Plasmas | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus Lithium | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lithium Standard | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lithium Bulk Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium, Beckman SYNCHRON | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium Standard | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium Reagent for Olympus? Analyzers | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium Liquid Stable Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium Liquid Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Lithium (Li) Reagent for Beckman Coulter SYNCHRON Systems | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DiStat D-Dimer Control Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DiStat D-Dimer Assay Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Low Fibrinogen Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | High Fibrinogen Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abnormal Thrombin Time Control | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Architect Rubella IgG Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL-C PPT Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL Precipitating Reagent | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HDL PPT | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dade HDL Cholesterol PPT Conc | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lactate Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Lactic Acid Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GGT (Liquid) Reagent 1 | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry GGT | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Copper 2-part Liquid | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XII Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XI Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor X Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VII Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor V Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor IX Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor II Deficient Plasma | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | U.C.R.P. | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | A.C.R.P. | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TR141 - Creatine Kinase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TR141 - CK | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TR141 - CK-NAC | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatine Kinase | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Creatine Kinase Reagent Kit | 2008-01-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Glucose Hexokinase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucose Hexokinase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Ammonia Liquid Stable Reagent | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microprotein Standard | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Iron Standard | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Uric Acid | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Uric Acid | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus Cholesterol | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Cholesterol | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cholesterol | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cholesterol LSP | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cholesterol DST | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity AST (GPT) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ALT (GPT) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity AST (GOT) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AST (GOT) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AST (DST) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hitachi Total Bilirubin | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microprotein | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amylase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amylase CNPG3 | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity ACE Calibrator | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Microprotein | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Magnesium Arsenazo | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LDH-L | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LD Enzyme Reagent | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LD Activator Reagent | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Iron / UIBC Calibrators | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | b-Hydroxybutyrate Standard | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium Arsenazo III | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Total Protein Standard (8g/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Albumin Standard (4g/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid Phosphatase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid Phosphatase Liquid Stabilizer | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkaline Phosphatase PNPP | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkaline Phosphatase IFCC | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkaline Phosphatase (AMP) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkaline Phosphatase (AMP) Buffer | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALP | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphorus Standard (5.5mg/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Magnesium Standard (3.65mg/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glucose Standard (200mg/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Creatinine Standard (5mg/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chloride Standard (100mm) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbon Dioxide Standard (25mMol/L) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium Standard (10mg/dL) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bicarbonate Standard, 25mEq/L | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Amylase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hitachi Albumin | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Albumin | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Albumin BCP | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Total Protein | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Total Protein Reagent Kit | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c AST | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphorus | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Infinity Inorganic Phosphorus | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium CPC | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chloride | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphorus Reagent | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus Alkaline Phosphatase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus CK-NAC | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus AST (GPT) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Activated Alanine Aminotransferase Reagent Kit | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | A-ALT | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus Creatinine | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Olympus Albumin | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LDH-P | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | LDH-L | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkaline Phosphatase (TRIS) | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Direct Bilirubin | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcium | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amylase | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amylase LSP | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amylase EPS-G7 | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Enzymatic Creatinine Reagent | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DataCal Calibrator Reference Serum | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calibrator Set, High / Low | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ammonia Standard Set | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TR143 - CK-MB | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 04V3830 - Alinity i STAT CK-MB Reganet Kit | 2008-01-08 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 04V3820 - Alinity i STAT CK-MB Reagent Kit | 2008-01-08 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Tobramycin Reagents | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Tobramycin Reagents | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Tobramycin Reagent Kit | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS Amikacin | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Amikacin | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Amikacin Reagent Kit | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Reagent | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Control | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Reagent | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Control | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Reagent | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Control | 2007-11-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Hemoglobin A1c Calibrator | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Valproic Acid | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Valproic Acid Reagent Kit | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multigent Digoxin | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Digoxin | 2007-11-28 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Digoxin Reagent Kit | 2007-11-28 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxoid "IM" Kit | 2007-11-19 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mono-Lex System | 2007-11-19 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RabMAb Anti-ER | 2007-11-12 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RabMAb Anti-PR | 2007-11-12 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN Parainfluenza Virus Group kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN PARAINFLUENZA GROUP | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IDEIA PCE Chlamydia Blocking Reagent kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN Influenza Virus A and B kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN Herpes Simplex Virus kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chlamydia Collection Kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN Chlamydia | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN Respiratory Syncytial Virus kit | 2007-06-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IDEIA PCE Chlamydia kit | 2007-06-26 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific | AMYLASE EPS REAGENT | 2007-05-22 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Cortisol Reagent Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT CORTISOL ASSAY | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Cortisol Reagent Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT CORTISOL ASSAY | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI T-Uptake Calibrator Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI T-Uptake (EIA Assay) | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA T-Uptake Assay | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Reagent Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-Uptake | 2007-05-21 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 125I T3 UPTAKE RADIOASSAY KIT | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI T-Uptake Calibrator Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI T-Uptake (EIA Assay) | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CEDIA T-Uptake Assay | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i T-Uptake Reagent Kit | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-Uptake | 2007-05-21 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 125I T3 UPTAKE RADIOASSAY KIT | 2007-05-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIPLE LISTERIA TEST KITS | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella Vi Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella Vi Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factors 3,10,15, 19 (Group E) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factors 3,10,15, 19 (Group E) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 9 (Group D) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 9 (Group D) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 8 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 8 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 6,7 (Group C1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 6,7 (Group C1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 5 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 5 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 41 (Group S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 41 (Group S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 40 (Group R) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 40 (Group R) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 4 (Group B ) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 4 (Group B ) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 39 (Group Q) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 39 (Group Q) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 38 (Group P) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 38 (Group P) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 35 (Group O) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 35 (Group O) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 30 (Group N) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 30 (Group N) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 28 (Group M) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 28 (Group M) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 27 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 27 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 21 (Group L) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 21 (Group L) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 20 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 20 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 2 (Group A) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 2 (Group A) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 19 (Group E4) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 19 (Group E4) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 18 (Group K) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 18 (Group K) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 17 (Group J) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 17 (Group J) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 16 (Group I) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 16 (Group I) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 15 (Group E2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 15 (Group E2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 14 (Group H) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 14 (Group H) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 13, 22 (Group G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 13, 22 (Group G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 11 (Group F) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 11 (Group F) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 10 (Group E1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 10 (Group E1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z4, z23 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z4, z23 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z38 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z38 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z36 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z36 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z29 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z29 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z27 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z27 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z10 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z10 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H y Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H y Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H r Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H r Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H m,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H m,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,w Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,w Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,v Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,v Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H k Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H k Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H i Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H i Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,s,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,s,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,q Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,q Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,p Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,p Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,m Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,m Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H f,g Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H f,g Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H enz15 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H enz15 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,n,x Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,n,x Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,h Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,h Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H d Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H d Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H c Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H c Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H b Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H b Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H a Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H a Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 3 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 3 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 1 Agglutinatingl Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 1 Agglutinatingl Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phases 1 & 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phases 1 & 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phase 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phase 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H L Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H L Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H G Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H G Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H E Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H E Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,7 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,7 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,5 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,5 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella Vi Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Polyvalent (Groups A to G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factors 3,10,15, 19 (Group E) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 9 (Group D) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 8 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 6,7 (Group C1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 5 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 41 (Group S) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 40 (Group R) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 4 (Group B ) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 39 (Group Q) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 38 (Group P) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 35 (Group O) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 30 (Group N) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 28 (Group M) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 27 (Group B) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 21 (Group L) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 20 (Group C2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 2 (Group A) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 19 (Group E4) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 18 (Group K) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 17 (Group J) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 16 (Group I) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 15 (Group E2) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 14 (Group H) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 13, 22 (Group G) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 11 (Group F) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella O Factor 10 (Group E1) Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z4, z23 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z38 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z36 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z29 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z27 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z10 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H z Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H y Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H r Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H m,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,w Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H l,v Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H k Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H i Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,s,t Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,q Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,p Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H g,m Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H f,g Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H enz15 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,n,x Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H e,h Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H d Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H c Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H b Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H a Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 3 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 1 Agglutinatingl Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phases 1 & 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H Polyvalent Phase 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H L Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H G Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H E Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,7 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,6 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,5 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Salmonella H 1,2 Agglutinating Sera | 2007-05-04 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine Transport Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Fisher | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Sample Cups | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIPLE STORAGE CONTAIN | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Sample Cup | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dry Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cup | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capital Vial | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine Transport Containers | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Fisher | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Sample Cups | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIPLE STORAGE CONTAIN | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Sample Cup | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dry Containers | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cup | 2006-11-13 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capital Vial | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine Transport Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Fisher | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Sample Cups | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIPLE STORAGE CONTAIN | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Sample Cup | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dry Containers | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cup | 2006-11-13 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capital Vial | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Urine Transport Containers | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Fisher | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Sample Cups | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Specimen Containers | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIPLE STORAGE CONTAIN | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Sample Cup | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dry Containers | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cup | 2006-11-13 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capital Vial | 2006-11-13 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO Transfer Pipettes | 2006-09-12 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisher Transfer Pipettes | 2006-09-12 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO Transfer Pipettes | 2006-09-12 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisher Transfer Pipettes | 2006-09-12 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TPO Immunoassay Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TPO Immunoassay Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-TPO Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TPO Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TPO Immunoassay Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TG REAGENT | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TG REAGENT | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity i Anti-Tg Reagent Kit | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Reagents | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Controls | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT Anti-TG Calibrators | 2006-05-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT ANTI-TG REAGENT | 2006-05-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Gold Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Control Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Cytology Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Premium Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Polysine Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Excell Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Diagnostic Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Plus Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colorfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line UltraClean Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line SuperChip Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Poly-l-lysine Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Clearcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line BioGold Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Adcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Ultrastick Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Rite-On Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Frosted Cytology Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Fluorescent Antibody Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Gold Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Gold Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Control Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Control Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Cytology Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superfrost Cytology Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Premium Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Premium Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Polysine Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Polysine Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Permafrost Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Superfrost Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Ink Jet Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Excell Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Excell Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Diagnostic Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Diagnostic Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Plus Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Plus Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colormark Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colorfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Colorfrost PLUS Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line UltraClean Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line UltraClean Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line SuperChip Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line SuperChip Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Poly-l-lysine Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Poly-l-lysine Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Clearcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Clearcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line BioGold Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line BioGold Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Adcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Cel-Line Adcell Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Ultrastick Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Ultrastick Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Ultrafrost Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Rite-On Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Rite-On Frosted Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Plain Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Frosted Cytology Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Frosted Cytology Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Fluorescent Antibody Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Fluorescent Antibody Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epredia - SlideMate Adhesion Microscope Slides | 2006-03-17 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB | 2006-03-02 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB I | 2006-03-02 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB | 2006-03-02 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT STAT CK-MB I | 2006-03-02 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Zonisamide Assay | 2006-01-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Zonisamide Assay | 2006-01-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QMS? Zonisamide Assay | 2006-01-24 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT DOA MC I Calibrators | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA? Chemistry Serum Barbiturate | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Barbiturate Serum Tox Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Cocaine Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Cannabinoids Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Cannabinoids Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Cannabinoids Reagent Kit | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Benzodiazepines Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ethanol Controls for Architect | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ethanol Calibrators for Architect | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ethanol Controls for Architect | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ethanol Calibrators for Architect | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Ethanol Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Ethanol Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Ethanol Reagent Kit | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens Attelica CH Multidrug QC | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Siemens ADVIA? Chemistry Multi-Drug Urine Controls | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Opiates Low Ctrl Set | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT DOA MC II Controls | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT DOA MC II CA | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT DOA MC I Controls | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT Opiates Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MULTIGENT OPIATES LOW CONTROL | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DRI Opiates Assay | 2006-01-13 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Opiates Reagent Kit | 2006-01-13 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Species Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Pneumophilia 1 | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Latex Agglut. Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia Reag. Kit | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia 2-14 Kit | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Species | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Pneumo.Serogroup 2-14 | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Species Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Pneumophilia 1 | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Latex Agglut. Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia Reag. Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia 2-14 Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Species | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Pneumo.Serogroup 2-14 | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Species Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Pneumophilia 1 | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Latex Agglut. Tests Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia Reag. Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legion. Pneumophilia 2-14 Kit | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Species | 2005-11-10 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Legionella Pneumo.Serogroup 2-14 | 2005-11-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | System, Test, Infectious Mononucleosis | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | REAGIN ANTIGEN SUSPENSIONS | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | REAGIN ANTIGEN SUSPENSIONS | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OXOID PYLORI TEST | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OXOID PYLORI TEST | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OXOID PBP2 LATEX AGGLUTINATION TEST | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OXOID PBP2 LATEX AGGLUTINATION TEST | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | STAPHYLASE TEST | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | STAPHYLASE TEST | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Escherichia ColiI O157 Latex Test | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O91 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O26 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O145 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O128 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O111 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O103 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot E. coli Seroscreen Kit | 2005-11-08 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot E. coli 0157 Latex Test | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Escherichia ColiI O157 Latex Test | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O91 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O26 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O145 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O128 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O111 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Serocheck O103 Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot E. coli Seroscreen Kit | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot E. coli 0157 Latex Test | 2005-11-08 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2451030 Xpect Cryptosporidium Control | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cryptosporidium Spp. | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2451030 Xpect Cryptosporidium Control | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cryptosporidium Spp. | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R242028 PROSPECT GIARDIA MAB 1MG | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R242007 PROSPECT GIARDIA PAB 1MG | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MUTIPLE | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GIARDIA SPP. | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R242028 PROSPECT GIARDIA MAB 1MG | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R242007 PROSPECT GIARDIA PAB 1MG | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MUTIPLE | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GIARDIA SPP. | 2005-10-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Campylobacter Microplate Assay | 2005-10-12 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E.COLI 0157 ELISA S | 2005-10-12 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. COLI 0157 ELISA | 2005-10-12 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SPS Disk | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SPS Disk | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Staph Plus Panels | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Staph Plus Panels | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Spot Indole Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Spot Indole Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate B Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate B Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate A Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate A Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21395 Reagent QC Kit KT/30TST | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21395 Reagent QC Kit KT/30TST | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21281 VP-B (40% KOH) BTL/25ml | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21281 VP-B (40% KOH) BTL/25ml | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21258 PYR Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21258 PYR Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21254 Potassium Tellurite (0.2%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21254 Potassium Tellurite (0.2%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21251 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 3% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21251 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 3% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21245 Spot Indole Reagent (DMACA) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21245 Spot Indole Reagent (DMACA) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21244 Nitrate Reagent B for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21244 Nitrate Reagent B for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21243 Nitrate Reagent A for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21243 Nitrate Reagent A for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21242 Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21242 Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21239 Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21239 Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21238 Ninhydrin Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21238 Ninhydrin Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21233 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% w/glycerol | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21233 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% w/glycerol | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21231 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21231 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21230 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 10% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21230 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 10% | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21227 Indole Reagent,Kovac's | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21227 Indole Reagent,Kovac's | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21226 Gelatin Reagent (12.5%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21226 Gelatin Reagent (12.5%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21221 Hippurate Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21221 Hippurate Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21218 Ferric Chloride-PDA (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21218 Ferric Chloride-PDA (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21216 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (20%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21216 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (20%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21215 Esculin Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21215 Esculin Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21213 Indole Reagent,Ehrlich's | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21213 Indole Reagent,Ehrlich's | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21211 Anaer Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21211 Anaer Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21209 Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21209 Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21206 Bile Solubility Reagent (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21206 Bile Solubility Reagent (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21201 Anaer Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21201 Anaer Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21200 VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21200 VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211348 Enterococcus/Grp A Strep Screen | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211348 Enterococcus/Grp A Strep Screen | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211347 E. coli Screen w/Kovacs | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211347 E. coli Screen w/Kovacs | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01563 MacConkey w/Sorbitol,MUG | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01563 MacConkey w/Sorbitol,MUG | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pathotec CO | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pathotec CO | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxichrome Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxichrome Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Listeria Identification System | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Listeria Identification System | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. Cat. Butyrate Disk | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. Cat. Butyrate Disk | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Kit Buffer | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Kit Buffer | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram-Sure Disk | 2005-05-31 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram-Sure Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SPS Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Staph Plus Panels | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Spot Indole Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate B Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate A Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21395 Reagent QC Kit KT/30TST | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21281 VP-B (40% KOH) BTL/25ml | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21258 PYR Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21254 Potassium Tellurite (0.2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21251 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 3% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21245 Spot Indole Reagent (DMACA) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21244 Nitrate Reagent B for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21243 Nitrate Reagent A for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21242 Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21239 Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21238 Ninhydrin Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21233 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% w/glycerol | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21231 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21230 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 10% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21227 Indole Reagent,Kovac's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21226 Gelatin Reagent (12.5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21221 Hippurate Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21218 Ferric Chloride-PDA (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21216 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (20%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21215 Esculin Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21213 Indole Reagent,Ehrlich's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21211 Anaer Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21209 Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21206 Bile Solubility Reagent (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21201 Anaer Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21200 VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211348 Enterococcus/Grp A Strep Screen | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211347 E. coli Screen w/Kovacs | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01563 MacConkey w/Sorbitol,MUG | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pathotec CO | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxichrome Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Listeria Identification System | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. Cat. Butyrate Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Kit Buffer | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram-Sure Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SPS Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Staph Plus Panels | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Spot Indole Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate B Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate A Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21395 Reagent QC Kit KT/30TST | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21281 VP-B (40% KOH) BTL/25ml | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21258 PYR Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21254 Potassium Tellurite (0.2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21251 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 3% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21245 Spot Indole Reagent (DMACA) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21244 Nitrate Reagent B for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21243 Nitrate Reagent A for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21242 Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21239 Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21238 Ninhydrin Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21233 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% w/glycerol | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21231 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21230 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 10% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21227 Indole Reagent,Kovac's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21226 Gelatin Reagent (12.5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21221 Hippurate Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21218 Ferric Chloride-PDA (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21216 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (20%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21215 Esculin Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21213 Indole Reagent,Ehrlich's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21211 Anaer Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21209 Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21206 Bile Solubility Reagent (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21201 Anaer Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21200 VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211348 Enterococcus/Grp A Strep Screen | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211347 E. coli Screen w/Kovacs | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01563 MacConkey w/Sorbitol,MUG | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pathotec CO | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxichrome Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Listeria Identification System | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. Cat. Butyrate Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Kit Buffer | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram-Sure Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SPS Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Staph Plus Panels | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Spot Indole Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate B Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RapID Nitrate A Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21395 Reagent QC Kit KT/30TST | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21281 VP-B (40% KOH) BTL/25ml | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21258 PYR Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21254 Potassium Tellurite (0.2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21251 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 3% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21245 Spot Indole Reagent (DMACA) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21244 Nitrate Reagent B for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21243 Nitrate Reagent A for AFB | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21242 Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21239 Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21238 Ninhydrin Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21233 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% w/glycerol | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21231 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 20% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21230 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) 10% | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21227 Indole Reagent,Kovac's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21226 Gelatin Reagent (12.5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21221 Hippurate Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21218 Ferric Chloride-PDA (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21216 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (20%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21215 Esculin Hydrolysis Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21213 Indole Reagent,Ehrlich's | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21211 Anaer Nitrate Reagent B | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21209 Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21206 Bile Solubility Reagent (10%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21201 Anaer Nitrate Reagent A | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21200 VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211348 Enterococcus/Grp A Strep Screen | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R211347 E. coli Screen w/Kovacs | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01563 MacConkey w/Sorbitol,MUG | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pathotec CO | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Oxichrome Reagent | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Micro-ID Listeria Identification System | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | M. Cat. Butyrate Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Legionella Kit Buffer | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram-Sure Disk | 2005-05-31 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Dehydrant 100% | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reagent Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40206 TB Decolorizer (3%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40134 Acid Ethanol (90%), | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40132 Ethanol (95%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40106 TB Decolorizer (Acid Alcohol) 3% | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2470110 Ethanol (70%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Para-Release Spray | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Accessories | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methanol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropanol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 95 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 80 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 2 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 1 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CleanCell M 2x2L, | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D 2x1, 8L | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Base Mold Release | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acetone | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 95% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 80% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 70% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 60% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 100% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Dehydrant 100% | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reagent Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40206 TB Decolorizer (3%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40134 Acid Ethanol (90%), | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40132 Ethanol (95%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40106 TB Decolorizer (Acid Alcohol) 3% | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2470110 Ethanol (70%) | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Para-Release Spray | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Accessories | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methanol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropanol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 95 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 80 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 2 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 1 | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CleanCell M 2x2L, | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D 2x1, 8L | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Base Mold Release | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acetone | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 95% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 80% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 70% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 60% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 100% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Dehydrant 100% | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reagent Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40206 TB Decolorizer (3%) | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40134 Acid Ethanol (90%), | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40132 Ethanol (95%) | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40106 TB Decolorizer (Acid Alcohol) 3% | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2470110 Ethanol (70%) | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Para-Release Spray | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Accessories | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methanol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropanol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 95 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 80 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 2 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 1 | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CleanCell M 2x2L, | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D 2x1, 8L | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Base Mold Release | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acetone | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 95% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 80% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 70% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 60% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 100% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Dehydrant 100% | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reagent Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40206 TB Decolorizer (3%) | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40134 Acid Ethanol (90%), | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40132 Ethanol (95%) | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40106 TB Decolorizer (Acid Alcohol) 3% | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2470110 Ethanol (70%) | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Para-Release Spray | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple Accessories | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methanol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Isopropanol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 95 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 80 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Flex 100 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 2 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Kit 1 | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethyl Alcohol | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CleanCell M 2x2L, | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cell Wash Solution I/NaOH-D 2x1, 8L | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Base Mold Release | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acetone | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 95% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 80% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 70% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 60% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 100% Dehydrant | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COPPER SULFATE | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COPPER SULFATE SOLUTION | 2005-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect DrySpot Kit | 2005-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Staphytect DrySpot Kit | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nerl Blood Bank Saline (20L) | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ISOTON DILUTANTS | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ISOTON DILUTANT | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Blood Bank Saline (10L) | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AUTO CELLINE | 2005-02-24 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 1.3% SALINE CS-555 | 2005-02-24 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | USDT Hair Test Kit | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synergy Health Lab Kit | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synergy Beaker | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Medtox Valve Kit | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Labcorp Medical Lab Kit | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Capitol Vial Containers | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CAPITOL URINE DRUG S | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alere Foil Top Kit | 2004-03-26 |
CAPITOL VIAL [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ACM Medical Lab Kit | 2004-03-26 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN RVP | 2003-07-30 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN RVP | 2003-07-30 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN RVP | 2003-07-30 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProSpecT Rotavirus | 2003-07-30 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PATHODX RESPIRATOR | 2003-07-30 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IMAGEN RSV | 2003-07-30 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-6 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-6 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-6 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-6 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-6 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-3 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-3 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p57 Kip2 Ab-3 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 [SP5] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 [SP5] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 [SP5] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 [SP5] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 [SP5] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-8 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-8 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-8 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-8 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-5 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-5 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-5 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-5 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 Ab-5 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p53 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p504S/ AMACR [13H4] RTU 7mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p504S/ AMACR [13H4] RTU 12mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p504S/ AMACR [13H4] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p504S/ AMACR [13H4] 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p504S/ AMACR [13H4] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p21 WAF1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p21 WAF1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p21 WAF1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p21 WAF1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p120 Catenin [EP66] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p120 Catenin [EP66] RTU 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p120 Catenin [EP66] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p120 Catenin [EP66] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | p120 Catenin [EP66] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB2 /HER-2 / neu [EP1045Y]] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB2 /HER-2 / neu [EP1045Y]RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB2 / HER-2 / neu[EP1045Y] RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB2 / HER-2 / neu [EP1045Y] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu [SP3] RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu [SP3] RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu [SP3] 1 ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu [SP3] 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu [SP3] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu Ab-17 RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu Ab-17 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu Ab-17 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | c-erbB-2 / HER-2 / neu Ab-17 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | anti-glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP) [EP13] RTU 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | anti-glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP) [EP13] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ZAP-70 [2F3.2] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ZAP-70 [2F3.2] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ZAP-70 [2F3.2] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ZAP-70 [2F3.2] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin-gp100 | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin Ab-2 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin Ab-2 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin Ab-2 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin Ab-2 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin Ab-2 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vimentin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Villin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Villin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Villin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Villin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Villin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vascular Endothelial GrowthFactor (VEGF) RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto HRP DAB 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem HRP DAB Sample 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem HRP DAB 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem HRP DAB 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem HRP 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem HRP 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem AP 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto DetectionSystem AP 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto Detection System HRP 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto Detection System AP 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto CompleteKit 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Quanto CompleteKit 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Protein Block 60ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Protein Block 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Protein Blk 125ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE, HRP Polymer & DAB Plus Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE, HRP Polymer & AEC Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE, AP Polymer & Fast Red Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE Large Vol. AP Polymer (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE Large Vol, HRP Polymer (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE Large Vol, HRP Polymer (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision ONE Large Vol, AP Polymer (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Large Vol Anti-Polyvalent, HRP (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Large Vol Anti-Polyvalent, HRP (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Large Vol Anti-Polyvalent, AP (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Large Vol Anti-Polyvalent, AP (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP Large Vol HRP Polymer (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP Large Vol HRP Polymer (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP Large Vol AP Polymer (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP Large Vol AP Polymer (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP HRP Polymer & DAB Plus Chromogen 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP HRP Polymer & DAB Plus Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP HRP Polymer & DAB Plus Chromogen 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP HRP Polymer & AEC Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision LP AP Polymer & Fast Red Chromogen 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision DAB Away 250mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Anti-Polyvalent, HRP/DAB (RTU) 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Anti-Polyvalent, HRP/AEC (RTU) 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UltraVision Anti-Polyvalent, AP/Fast Red (RTU) 15mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UV Hydrogen Peroxide Block60ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UV Hydrogen Peroxide Block125ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | UV Hydrogen Peroxide Block 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tyrosinase RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tyrosinase RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tyrosinase 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tyrosinase 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tyrosinase 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Beta RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Beta 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Beta 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Beta 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Alpha RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Alpha 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Alpha 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tubulin-Alpha 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Troponin T,Cardiac Isoform 1ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Troponin T, Cardiac IsoformRTU 7 ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Troponin T, Cardiac Isoform0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Troponin T, Cardiac Isoform0.1ML | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tris-HCl Buffer for HIER (10X) 50mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tris-HCl Buffer for HIER (10X) 500mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tris-HCl Buffer for HIER (10X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tris Buffer Saline and Tween 20 Large Vol (20X) 999mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Topoisomerase II alpha RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Topoisomerase II alpha RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Topoisomerase II alpha 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Topoisomerase II alpha 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Topoisomerase II alpha 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Transcription Factor-1(TTF-1) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TdT / Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TdT / Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TdT / Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TdT / Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TdT / Terminal Deoxyribonucleotidyl Transferase 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP)Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP)Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP)Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP)Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TAG-72 / CA 72-4 [B72.3]0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TAG-72 / CA 72-4 [B72.3] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TAG-72 / CA 72-4 [B72.3] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | TAG-72 / CA 72-4 [B72.3] 1ML | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synuclein alpha RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synuclein alpha 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synuclein alpha 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synuclein alpha 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synaptophysin (NeuroendocrineMarker) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synaptophysin (Neuroendocrine Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synaptophysin (Neuroendocrine Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synaptophysin (Neuroendocrine Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Synaptophysin (Neuroendocrine Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptavidin Peroxidase (RTU) B2:B1018 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptavidin Peroxidase (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Smooth Muscle Myosin HeavyChain RTU 7ml [EPR5336(B)] RTU | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Smooth Muscle Myosin HeavyChain RTU 12ml [EPR5336(B)] RTU | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Smooth Muscle Myosin HeavyChain 1mL [EPR5336(B)] RTU | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Smooth Muscle Myosin HeavyChain 1mL (SMMHC) [EPR5336(B)] | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Smooth Muscle Myosin HeavyChain 0.1 mL [EPR5336(B)] | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Serotonin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Serotonin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Serotonin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Serotonin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 Protein RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 Protein RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 Protein 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 Protein 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 Protein 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S100 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker(gp200) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker (gp200) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker (gp200) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker (gp200) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Renal Cell Carcinoma Marker (gp200) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protein Gene Product 9.5 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protein Gene Product 9.5 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protein Gene Product 9.5 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protein Gene Product 9.5 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protease XXV for Enzyme-Induced Epitope Retrieval 5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Protease XXV for Enzyme-Induced Epitope Retrieval 2mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific MembraneAntigen (PSMA) [SP29] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) [SP29] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) [SP29] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) [SP29] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific AcidPhosphatase (PSAP) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Acid Phosphatase (PSAP) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Acid Phosphatase (PSAP) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Acid Phosphatase (PSAP) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Specific Acid Phosphatase (PSAP) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor[hPRa 2+hPR 3] RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor[hPRa 2+hPR 3] RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor[hPRa 2+hPR 3] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor[hPRa 2+hPR 3] 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor[hPRa 2+hPR 3] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor [YR85]RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor [YR85]RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor [YR85]1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Progesterone Receptor [YR85]0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Primary Antibody EnhancerPrimary Antibody Enhancer | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Lactogen (hPL) RTURTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Lactogen (hPL) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Lactogen (hPL) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Lactogen (hPL) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase(PLAP) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase(PLAP) Ab-4 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) Ab-4 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) Ab-4 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) Ab-4 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Placental Alk. Phosphatase (PLAP) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphate Buffered Saline andTween 20 Large Vol (20X) 999mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphate Buffered Saline (10X) 10mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Perforin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Perforin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Perforin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Perforin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pepsin Solution for Enzyme-Induced Epitope Retrieval 5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 [SP34] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 [SP34] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 [SP34] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 [SP34] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pax-5 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH9 250mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH9 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH8 250mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH8 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH6 250mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PT Module Deparaffin. and HIER Solution (100X) pH6 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PSA [EP1588Y] RTU 12mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PSA [EP1588Y] 7mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PSA [EP1588Y] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PSA [EP1588Y] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PMS2 [EPR3947] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | PMS2 [EPR3947] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OCT3/4 (POU5F1) [653108] RTU12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OCT3/4 (POU5F1) [653108] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | OCT3/4 (POU5F1) [653108] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neurofilament (200kDa & 68kDa) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neurofilament (200kDa & 68kDa) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neurofilament (200kDa & 68kDa) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neurofilament (200kDa & 68kDa) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Napsin-A [EPR6252] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Napsin-A [EPR6252] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Napsin-A [EPR6252] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Napsin-A [EPR6252] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NY-BR-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NY-BR-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NY-BR-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | NY-BR-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myeloperoxidase (MPO) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein Ab-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Myelin Basic Protein 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MultiVision CD3 epsilon [F7.2.38] + Ki-67 [SP6] | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 5AC (MUC-5AC) / GastricMucin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 5AC (MUC-5AC) / Gastric Mucin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 5AC (MUC-5AC) / Gastric Mucin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 5AC (MUC-5AC) / Gastric Mucin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 5AC (MUC-5AC) / Gastric Mucin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 2 (MUC-2) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 2 (MUC-2) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 2 (MUC-2) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 2 (MUC-2) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 2 (MUC-2) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 1 (MUC-1) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 1 (MUC-1) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 1 (MUC-1) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mucin 1 (MUC-1) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelioma RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelioma RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelioma 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelioma 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelioma 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mesothelin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Melanoma (gp100) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Melanoma (gp100) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Melanoma (gp100) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Melanoma (gp100) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Melanoma (gp100) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Macrophage / L1 Protein / Calprotectin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Macrophage / L1 Protein / Calprotectin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Macrophage / L1 Protein / Calprotectin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Macrophage / L1 Protein / Calprotectin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MV Polymer/ anti-mouse/HRP+anti Rabbit/AP RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MV Polymer/ anti-mouse/AP+anti Rabbit/HRP RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH6 [EPR3945] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH6 [EPR3945] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH6 [EPR3945] 1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH6 [EPR3945] 0.1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH2 (Mismatch Repair Protein2) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH2 (Mismatch Repair Protein 2) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH2 (Mismatch Repair Protein 2) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH2 (Mismatch Repair Protein 2) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MSH2 (Mismatch Repair Protein 2) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MLH1 [4C9C7] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MLH1 [4C9C7] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MLH1 [4C9C7] 1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MLH1 [4C9C7] 0.1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MART-1 / Melan-A RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MART-1 / Melan-A RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MART-1 / Melan-A 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MART-1 / Melan-A 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MART-1 / Melan-A 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAP 2a,b,c (Microtubule-Associated Protein) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAP 2a,b,c (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAP 2a,b,c (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | MAP 2a,b,c (Microtubule-Associated Protein) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lysozyme / Muramidase RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lysozyme / Muramidase 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lysozyme / Muramidase 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Luteinizing Hormone, Human (LH) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Luteinizing Hormone, Human (LH) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Luteinizing Hormone, Human (LH) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Luteinizing Hormone, Human (LH) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Liquid Fast-Red Substrate System 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Liquid Fast-Red Substrate System 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Large Vol Tris Buffered Saline (25X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Large Vol Tris Buffer Saline and Tween 20 (20X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Large Vol Phosphate Buffered Saline and Tween 20 (20X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Large Vol Phosphate Buffered Saline (25X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-2 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-2 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-2 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-2 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-2 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Lambda Light Chain Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kit UV PV HRP 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ki-67 [SP6] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ki-67 [SP6] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ki-67 [SP6] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ki-67 [SP6] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ki-67 [SP6] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Pan RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Pan RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Pan 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Pan 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Pan 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Low Molecular WeightRTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Low Molecular Weight RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Low Molecular Weight 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Low Molecular Weight 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, Low Molecular Weight 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-3 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-3 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-3 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-3 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-3 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin, HMW Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8/18 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8/18 Ab-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8/18 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8/18 Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 RTU 12 ML | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 / 18 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 / 18 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 / 18 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 8 / 18 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 7 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 7 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 7 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 7 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 7 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 / 6 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 / 6 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 / 6 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 / 6 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 5 / 6 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 20 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 20 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 20 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 20 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 20 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 19 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 19 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 19 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 19 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 19 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 18 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 17 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 17 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 17 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 17 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 14 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 14 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 14 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 14 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 10 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 10 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 10 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Keratin 10 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-2 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-2 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-2 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-2 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-2 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kappa Light Chain Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Insulin (INS04 + INS05) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Insulin (INS04 + INS05) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Insulin (INS04 + INS05) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Insulin (INS04 + INS05) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Immunoglobulin M (IgM), Polyclonal FITC Labeled | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgM (mu-Heavy Chain) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgM (mu-Heavy Chain) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgM (mu-Heavy Chain) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgM (mu-Heavy Chain) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgG (gamma-Heavy Chain) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgG (gamma-Heavy Chain) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgG (gamma-Heavy Chain) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgG (gamma-Heavy Chain) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgE (epsilon-Heavy Chain) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgE (epsilon-Heavy Chain) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgE (epsilon-Heavy Chain) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgE (epsilon-Heavy Chain) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgD (delta-Heavy Chain) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgD (delta-Heavy Chain) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgD (delta-Heavy Chain) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgD (delta-Heavy Chain) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgA (alpha-Heavy Chain) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgA (alpha-Heavy Chain) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgA (alpha-Heavy Chain) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | IgA (alpha-Heavy Chain) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)[K1H8] RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)[K1H8] RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)[K1H8] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)[K1H8] 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)[K1H8] 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatocyte RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatocyte RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatocyte 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatocyte 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatocyte 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatitis B Virus SurfaceAntigen (HBVsAg) RTU 12mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBVsAg) 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBVsAg) 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBVsAg) 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Helicobacter pylori RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Helicobacter pylori RTU 12ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Helicobacter pylori 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Helicobacter pylori 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Helicobacter pylori 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HRP Polymer Quanto | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HIER Buffer M, 9 BT/CSEDTA Buffer,15ml/BT | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HIER Buffer L, 9 BT/CSCitrate Buffer,15ml/BT | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HIER Buffer H, 9 BT/CSTris-EDTA Buffer,15ml/BT | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granzyme B RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granzyme B RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granzyme B 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granzyme B 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granzyme B 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granulocyte (Myeloid cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granulocyte (Myeloid cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granulocyte (Myeloid cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Granulocyte (Myeloid cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glypican-3 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glypican-3 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glypican-3 0.1ML | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glycophorin A RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glycophorin A 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glycophorin A 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Glycophorin A 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gastrin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gastrin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gastrin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gastrin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 [SPM498] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 [SPM498] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 [SPM498] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 [SPM498] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GLUT-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GFAP / Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GFAP / Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GFAP / Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein 0.5 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GFAP / Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GCDFP-15 (Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GCDFP-15 (Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GCDFP-15 (Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GCDFP-15 (Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | GCDFP-15 (Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast-Red Substrate System 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast-Red Substrate System 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fascin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fascin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fascin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fascin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fascin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XIII A RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XIII A 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XIII A 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor XIII A 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen /von Willebrand Factor Ab-2 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-2 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-2 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-2 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-2 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Factor VIII Related Antigen / von Willebrand Factor Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | FITC Protein Blocking Agent (PBA) 6mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5] RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5] 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5] 0.5 mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5] 0.1 mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5+6F11]1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5+6F11]0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor [1D5+6F11]0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Estrogen Receptor RTU[1D5+6F11] 7 Ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epstein-Barr Virus / LMP RTU 7ml ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epstein-Barr Virus / LMP 1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epstein-Barr Virus / LMP 0.5mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epstein-Barr Virus / LMP 0.1mL ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-9 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-9 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-9 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-9 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Specific Antigen (Ep-CAM) Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA RTU RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epithelial Membrane Antigen / EMA 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) [EP38Y] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) [EP38Y] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) [EP38Y] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) [EP38Y] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ERG [9FY] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ERG [9FY] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ERG [9FY] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | EDTA Buffer for HIER (10X) 500mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | EDTA Buffer for HIER (10X) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E-Cadherin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E-Cadherin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E-Cadherin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E-Cadherin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dystrophin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dystrophin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dystrophin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dystrophin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dewax and HIER Buffer M(15x concentrate) 10x100mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dewax and HIER Buffer L(15x concentrate) 10x100mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dewax and HIER Buffer H(15x concentrate) 10x100mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Dewax and HIER Buffer (H,M,L)Variety Pack (15x concentrate) | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) Ab-1 RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Desmin (Muscle Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 [SP31] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 [SP31] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 [SP31] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 [SP31] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DOG-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DAB Quanto 4ml Chromogen 125mlSubstrate | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DAB Quanto 2ml Chromogen 60mlSubstrate | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DAB Quanto 1L | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D2-40 [D2-40] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D2-40 [D2-40] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D2-40 [D2-40] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | D2-40 [D2-40] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 [EPR2241IHC] RTU12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 [EPR2241IHC] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 [EPR2241IHC] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 [EPR2241IHC] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 / Bcl-1 [SP4] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 / Bcl-1 [SP4] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 / Bcl-1 [SP4] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 / Bcl-1 [SP4] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cyclin D1 / Bcl-1 [SP4] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 4 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 4 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 4 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 4 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 3 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 3 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 3 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Claudin 3 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Citrate Buffer for HIER 500mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Citrate BuB2:B1045ffer for HIER 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A [SP12] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A [SP12] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A [SP12] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A [SP12] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A [SP12] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Chromogranin A 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catenin, beta RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catenin, beta 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catenin, beta 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Catenin, beta 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin [SP13] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin [SP13] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin [SP13] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin [SP13] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin [SP13] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calretinin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calponin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caldesmon, HMW RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caldesmon, HMW RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caldesmon, HMW 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caldesmon, HMW 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Caldesmon, HMW 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcitonin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcitonin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcitonin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcitonin 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Calcitonin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COX2 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COX2 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COX2 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COX2 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | COX2 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDw75 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDw75 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDw75 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDw75 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDX2 [EPR2764Y] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDX2 [EPR2764Y] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDX2 [EPR2764Y] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CDX2 [EPR2764Y] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD99 / MIC2 (Ewings Sarcoma Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD99 / MIC2 (Ewings Sarcoma Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD99 / MIC2 (Ewings Sarcoma Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD99 / MIC2 (Ewings Sarcoma Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 [SP16] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 [SP16] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 [SP16] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 [SP16] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 [SP16] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 Ab-10.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD8 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B-Cell Marker) [SP18] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B-Cell Marker) [SP18] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B-Cell Marker) [SP18] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B-Cell Marker) [SP18] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B-Cell Marker) [SP18] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD79a / mb-1 (B Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD74 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD74 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD74 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD74 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD7 [EPR4242] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD7 [EPR4242] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD7 [EPR4242] 1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD7 [EPR4242] 0.1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-4 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-4 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-4 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-4 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-3 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-3 RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-3 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-3 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD68 / Macrophage Marker Ab-3 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD57 (Natural Killer Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD57 (Natural Killer Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD57 (Natural Killer Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD57 (Natural Killer Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD56 / NCAM-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD56 / NCAM-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD56 / NCAM-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD56 / NCAM-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [SP19] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [SP19] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [SP19] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [SP19] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [SP19] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [EP2952] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [EP2952] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [EP2952] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 [EP2952] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD5 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45RO (T-Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45RO (T-Cell Marker) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45RO (T-Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45RO (T-Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45RO (T-Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45 / T200 / LCA RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45 / T200 / LCA RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45 / T200 / LCA 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45 / T200 / LCA 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD45 / T200 / LCA 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD44 Std. / HCAM RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD44 Std. / HCAM 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD44 Std. / HCAM 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD44 Std. / HCAM 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD4 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD4 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD4 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD4 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD4 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon (Early T-Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon (Early T-Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon (Early T-Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3epsilon (Early T-Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD34 [QBEnd/10] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD34 [QBEnd/10] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD34 [QBEnd/10] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD34 [QBEnd/10] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD31 / PECAM-1 (EndothelialCell Marker) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD31 / PECAM-1 (Endothelial Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD31 / PECAM-1 (Endothelial Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD31 / PECAM-1 (Endothelial Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD31 / PECAM-1 (Endothelial Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg CellMarker) Ab-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-4 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-4 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-4 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-4 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD30 (Reed-Sternberg Cell Marker) Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3 (Early T Cell Marker) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3 (Early T Cell Marker) RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3 (Early T Cell Marker) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3 (Early T Cell Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD3 (Early T Cell Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 [SP23] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 [SP23] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 [SP23] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 [SP23] 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 [SP23] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD23 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD21 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD21 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD21 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD21 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD21 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 [EP459Y] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 [EP459Y] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 [EP459Y] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 [EP459Y] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 Ab-1 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD20 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD2 (LFA-2) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD2 (LFA-2) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD2 (LFA-2) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD2 (LFA-2) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD1a RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD1a RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD1a 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD1a 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD1a 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD15 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD15 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD15 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD15 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD15 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD138 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD138 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD138 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD138 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD138 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD117 / c-Kit / SCF-ReceptorRTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD117 / c-Kit / SCF-Receptor RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD117 / c-Kit / SCF-Receptor 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD117 / c-Kit / SCF-Receptor 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD117 / c-Kit / SCF-Receptor 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD105 / Endoglin / TGF beta 1/3 Receptor RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD105 / Endoglin / TGF beta 1/3 Receptor 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD105 / Endoglin / TGF beta 1/3 Receptor 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD105 / Endoglin / TGF beta 1/3 Receptor 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA19-9 Sialyl Lewis a GI Tumor Marker RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA19-9 Sialyl Lewis a GI Tumor Marker 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA19-9 / Sialyl Lewis a (GI Tumor Marker) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA19-9 / Sialyl Lewis a (GI Tumor Marker) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Antigen) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Biotinylated Goat Anti-Polyvalent (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Biotinylated Goat Anti-Polyvalent (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta-catenin RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta-catenin RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta-catenin 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Beta-catenin 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BOB1 [SP92] RTU 7 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BOB1 [SP92] RTU 12 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BOB1 [SP92] 1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BOB1 [SP92] 0.1 mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-6 [LN22] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-6 [LN22] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-6 [LN22] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-6 [LN22] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-2alpha RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-2alpha RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-2alpha 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-2alpha 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BCL-2alpha 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Antibody Diluent OP Quanto | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-glial fibrillary acidicprotein (GFAP) [EP13] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Glial Fibrillary AcidicProtein (GFAP) [EP13] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Glial Fibrillary AcidicProtein (GFAP) [EP13] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Factor XIII A [EP3372] RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Factor XIII A [EP3372] RTU 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Factor XIII A [EP3372] RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Factor XIII A [EP3372] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Factor XIII A [EP3372] 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Cytomegalovirus 7mL RTU[CCH2+DD] ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Cytomegalovirus 1mL[CCH2+DD] ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Cytomegalovirus 1mL RTU[CCH2+DD] ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Cytomegalovirus 12mL RTU[CCH2+DD] ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Anti-Cytomegalovirus 0.1mL[CCH2+DD] ASR | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Androgen Receptor RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Androgen Receptor 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Androgen Receptor 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Androgen Receptor 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) RTURTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle [1A4]0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle [1A4]0.1ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle [1A4] RTURTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle [1A4] RTURTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle [1A4] 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Smooth Muscle 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Muscle Specific RTURTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Muscle Specific RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Muscle Specific 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Muscle Specific 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Actin, Muscle Specific 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AP Polymer Quanto | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) p80 RTU 12ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 Ab-1 RTU 7ml | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 Ab-1 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 Ab-1 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 Ab-1 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 0.5mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ALK (Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase) / p80 0.1mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AEC Substrate System (RTU) 60mL | 2003-07-03 |
Microgenics Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | AEC Substrate System (RTU) 125mL | 2003-07-03 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phytohaemagglutinin Reagent Grade | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phytohaemagglutinin Purified | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | WELLCOGEN PNEUMONIAE | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OXK Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OX2 Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OX19 Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OXK Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OX2 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Proteus OX19 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R30165001 Vibrio cholerae 01 Polyvalent Agglutinating Serum | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Brucella melitensis Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Brucella abortus Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Febrile Positive Control | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Febrile Negative Control | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type f Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type e Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type d Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type c Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type b Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | H influenzae type a Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bordetella pertussis Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bordetella parapertussis Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S typhimurium H sp (i) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S typhi d-H Stained suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S typhi Vi Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S typhi O (Group D) (9,12) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi b-H Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi a-H Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi C-O (6,7) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi C-H Stained Suspensions | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi B-O (1,4,5,12) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S paratyphi A-O (1,2,12) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S non-sp. (1,2,5) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S newport H sp (e, h) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | S enteritidis H (g, m) Stained Suspension | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella sonnei Phases 1& 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella flexneri Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella boydii Polyvalent 3 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella boydii Polyvalent 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shigella boydii Polyvalent 1 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alkalescens-Dispar Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O86: K61 (B7) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O55: K59 (B5) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O44: K74 (L) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O26: K60 (B6) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O18c: K77 (B21) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O142: K86 (B) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O128: K67 (B12) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O127: K63 (B8) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O126: K71 (B16) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O125: K70 (B15) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O124: K72 (B17) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O119: K69 (B14) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O114: K90 (B) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O112: K66 (B11) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli type O111: K58 (B4) Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli Polyvalent 4 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli Polyvalent 3 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | E. coli Polyvalent 2 Agglutinating Sera | 2003-01-22 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xylene | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xylene Substitute | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Toluene | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Xylene | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Xylene Sub | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Clear-Rite 3 | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40133 Xylene-S | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Solution 3X | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Solution 3C | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clear-Rite 3 | 2002-03-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Citrus Clearing Solvent | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xylene | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Xylene Substitute | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Toluene | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Xylene | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Xylene Sub | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Clear-Rite 3 | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40133 Xylene-S | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Solution 3X | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Solution 3C | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Clear-Rite 3 | 2002-03-27 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Citrus Clearing Solvent | 2002-03-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent G | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent F | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent D | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent C | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent B | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent A | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Kit | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep Plus Kit | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep Plus Extraction Reagent Kit | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Polyvalent Positive Control | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Extraction Enzyme | 2002-02-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Pneumo | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent G | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent F | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent D | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent C | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent B | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Reagent A | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Streptococcal Grouping Kit | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep Plus Kit | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Strep Plus Extraction Reagent Kit | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Polyvalent Positive Control | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Extraction Enzyme | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | DrySpot Pneumo | 2002-02-27 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 2002-02-27 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superslip Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
NEW ERIE SCIENTIFIC [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Superslip Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Menzel-Glaser Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Thermo Scientific - Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
Michelle Bowerman [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gold Seal - Coverslips | 2001-10-15 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Samco Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Samco Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Urine Sample Kits | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Urine Sample Kits | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Universal and Transport Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Universal and Transport Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Cryovial | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Cryovial | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardinal Health Specimen Cup | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardinal Health Specimen Cup | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Samco Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Urine Sample Kits | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Universal and Transport Containers | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Cryovial | 2001-08-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardinal Health Specimen Cup | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Samco Clicktainer Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Specimen Container | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SAMCO? Bio-Tite? Specimen Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Urine Sample Kits | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc? Universal and Transport Containers | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisherbrand Cryovial | 2001-08-27 |
Janet Cosgrove [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardinal Health Specimen Cup | 2001-08-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Skin Graft Growth Dish | 2001-06-27 |
Nalge Nunc International Corporation [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalge Nunc Tissue Culture Dish | 2001-06-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Skin Graft Growth Dish | 2001-06-27 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalge Nunc Tissue Culture Dish | 2001-06-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nephelometer | 1998-09-25 |
Remel Cleveland, A Division of Remel Inc. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nephelometer | 1998-09-25 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nephelometer | 1998-09-25 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nerl Blood Bank Saline | 1998-09-10 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Blood Bank Saline | 1998-09-10 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Light Green | 1998-09-10 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325106 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325106 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325102 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325102 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40181 Acridine Orange,Phenolic Decol | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40181 Acridine Orange,Phenolic Decol | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21370 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21370 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21369 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21369 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21368 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21368 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21285 Oxalic Acid BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21285 Oxalic Acid BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21275 PS80 (10%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21275 PS80 (10%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21270 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21270 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21267 Sodium Carbonate | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21267 Sodium Carbonate | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21266 TB Digestant (4% NaOH) BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21266 TB Digestant (4% NaOH) BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21262 Sodium Citrate (2.94%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21262 Sodium Citrate (2.94%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21256 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21256 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21249 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21249 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21248 Phosphate Buffer M/15 BTL/ | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21248 Phosphate Buffer M/15 BTL/ | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21236 Methyl Red Reagent | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21236 Methyl Red Reagent | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21203 Brom Thymol Blue (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21203 Brom Thymol Blue (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21202 Brom Cresol Purple (0.02%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21202 Brom Cresol Purple (0.02%) | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21195 Ammonium Hydroxide Concentrated | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21195 Ammonium Hydroxide Concentrated | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21099 Sputagest 100 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21099 Sputagest 100 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21096 Sputagest 50 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21096 Sputagest 50 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21079 NAC 100 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21079 NAC 100 | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21076 NAC | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21076 NAC | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210500 NAC Attack BTLx5/100ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210500 NAC Attack BTLx5/100ml | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210250 NAC Attack | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210250 NAC Attack | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20182 Water (300ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20182 Water (300ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20123 Saline,0.85% (100ml plastic BTL) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20123 Saline,0.85% (100ml plastic BTL) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20112 Phos Buffered Saline,pH 7.5 (100ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20112 Phos Buffered Saline,pH 7.5 (100ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20019 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(100ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20019 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(100ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20018 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(50ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20018 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(50ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14503 Polysorbate 80(PS80), 0.02%(25ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14503 Polysorbate 80(PS80), 0.02%(25ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14302 Todd Hewitt Broth w/PS80 (0.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14302 Todd Hewitt Broth w/PS80 (0.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09971 Inoculum Water (25ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09971 Inoculum Water (25ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09652 Phos Buffer,pH 7.2 (10ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09652 Phos Buffer,pH 7.2 (10ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09651 Phos Buffer,Ph 7.2 (9ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09651 Phos Buffer,Ph 7.2 (9ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08756 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08756 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08432 Lactated Ringers | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08432 Lactated Ringers | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08194 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(10ml)20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08194 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(10ml)20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07302 Water (12.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07302 Water (12.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07300 Water (12.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07300 Water (12.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07142 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07142 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07141 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07141 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07140 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07140 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065272 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065272 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065270 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065270 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065262 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065262 Water | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064468 Saline,0.85% (0.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064468 Saline,0.85% (0.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064464 Saline,0.45% (3.0ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064464 Saline,0.45% (3.0ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064462 Saline,0.45% (1.8ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064462 Saline,0.45% (1.8ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064450 Saline,0.85% (6ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064450 Saline,0.85% (6ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064448 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064448 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064446 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064446 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064444 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064444 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064442 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064442 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064438 Saline,0.85% (2.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064438 Saline,0.85% (2.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064436 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064436 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064434 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064434 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064432 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064432 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064430 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064430 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325106 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325102 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40181 Acridine Orange,Phenolic Decol | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21370 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21369 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21368 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21285 Oxalic Acid BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21275 PS80 (10%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21270 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21267 Sodium Carbonate | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21266 TB Digestant (4% NaOH) BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21262 Sodium Citrate (2.94%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21256 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21249 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21248 Phosphate Buffer M/15 BTL/ | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21236 Methyl Red Reagent | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21203 Brom Thymol Blue (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21202 Brom Cresol Purple (0.02%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21195 Ammonium Hydroxide Concentrated | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21099 Sputagest 100 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21096 Sputagest 50 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21079 NAC 100 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21076 NAC | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210500 NAC Attack BTLx5/100ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210250 NAC Attack | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20182 Water (300ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20123 Saline,0.85% (100ml plastic BTL) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20112 Phos Buffered Saline,pH 7.5 (100ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20019 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(100ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20018 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(50ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14503 Polysorbate 80(PS80), 0.02%(25ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14302 Todd Hewitt Broth w/PS80 (0.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09971 Inoculum Water (25ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09652 Phos Buffer,pH 7.2 (10ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09651 Phos Buffer,Ph 7.2 (9ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08756 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08432 Lactated Ringers | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08194 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(10ml)20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07302 Water (12.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07300 Water (12.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07142 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07141 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07140 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065272 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065270 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065262 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064468 Saline,0.85% (0.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064464 Saline,0.45% (3.0ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064462 Saline,0.45% (1.8ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064450 Saline,0.85% (6ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064448 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064446 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064444 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064442 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064438 Saline,0.85% (2.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064436 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064434 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064432 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064430 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325106 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R8325102 RapID Inoculation Fluid | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40181 Acridine Orange,Phenolic Decol | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21370 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21369 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21368 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21285 Oxalic Acid BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21275 PS80 (10%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21270 TB Base Digestant | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21267 Sodium Carbonate | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21266 TB Digestant (4% NaOH) BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21262 Sodium Citrate (2.94%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21256 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21249 Phosphate Buffer M/15 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21248 Phosphate Buffer M/15 BTL/ | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21236 Methyl Red Reagent | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21203 Brom Thymol Blue (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21202 Brom Cresol Purple (0.02%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21195 Ammonium Hydroxide Concentrated | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21099 Sputagest 100 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21096 Sputagest 50 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21079 NAC 100 | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21076 NAC | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210500 NAC Attack BTLx5/100ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R210250 NAC Attack | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20182 Water (300ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20123 Saline,0.85% (100ml plastic BTL) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20112 Phos Buffered Saline,pH 7.5 (100ml) each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20019 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(100ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20018 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(50ml)each | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14503 Polysorbate 80(PS80), 0.02%(25ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R14302 Todd Hewitt Broth w/PS80 (0.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09971 Inoculum Water (25ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09652 Phos Buffer,pH 7.2 (10ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09651 Phos Buffer,Ph 7.2 (9ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08756 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08432 Lactated Ringers | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08194 Bovine Albumin FractionV,0.2%(10ml)20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07302 Water (12.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07300 Water (12.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07142 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07141 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07140 Saline,0.85% | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065272 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065270 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065262 Water | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064468 Saline,0.85% (0.5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064464 Saline,0.45% (3.0ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064462 Saline,0.45% (1.8ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064450 Saline,0.85% (6ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064448 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064446 Saline,0.85% (5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064444 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064442 Saline,0.85% (4ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064438 Saline,0.85% (2.5ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064436 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064434 Saline,0.85% (2ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064432 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 20/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064430 Saline,0.85% (1ml) 100/PK | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL EUROPE LTD [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 1998-02-24 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 1998-02-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nunc Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 1998-02-24 |
NUNC A/S [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nalgene Cryogenic Storage Tubes | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064856 Rapid Trehalose Assim Broth | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Steiner-Steiner Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Stain, R40075 Gram Decolorizer BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shandon Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40219 Trichrome Quick Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40217 Trichrome Stain Kit, | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40213 Trichrome Blue | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40208 TB Malachite Green | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40207 TB Decolorizer, Truant-Moore | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40200 TB Bril Green | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40192 TB Potassium Permanganate | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40190 TB Auramine-Rhodamine O | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40186 TB Auramine O | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40180 Acridine Orange, Phenolic | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40168 Gram Decolorizer (95% alcohol) BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40125 Sulfuric Acid (5%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40124 Sulfuric Acid (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40112 TB Kinyoun AFB Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40108 TB Malachite Gree | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40107 TB Decolorizer Truant Moore | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40101 TB Bril Green | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40094 TB Auramine O Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40092 TB Potassium Permanganate | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40090 TB Auramine-Rhodamine T-BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40086 TB Auramine O (Fluorescent) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40080 Gram Stain Set 4x250ml w/Tray | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40073 Gram Crystal Violet BTL/1 gallon, | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40063 Crystal Violet (1%) BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40055 Gram Decolorizer | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40054 Gram Decolorizer | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40053 Gram Crystal Violet BTLx5/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40052 Grman Crystal Violet BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40042 Basic Fuchsin (1.2%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40041 Flagella Stain | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40034 D'Antoni's Iodine BTL/1gallon | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40029 Lugol's Iodine, | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40028 Lactophenol Aniline Blue | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40027 Lactophenol | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40025 Trichrome Stain, Wheatley BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40023 Malachite Green (5%) | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40017 Dienes stain BTL/25ml | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2463418 DMSO Mod Acid Fast Decolorizer BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R246303 DMSO Mod Acid Fast Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21528 BactiDrop Lugol's Iodine | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Grocott's Methenamine Silver (Periodic Acid) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Grocott's Methenamine Silver (Chromic Acid) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Stain (Tissue) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Stain (Film) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain Green Secondary Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain Blue Secondary Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Steiner-Steiner Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Stain, R40075 Gram Decolorizer BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shandon Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40219 Trichrome Quick Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40217 Trichrome Stain Kit, | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40213 Trichrome Blue | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40208 TB Malachite Green | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40207 TB Decolorizer, Truant-Moore | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40200 TB Bril Green | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40192 TB Potassium Permanganate | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40190 TB Auramine-Rhodamine O | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40186 TB Auramine O | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40180 Acridine Orange, Phenolic | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40168 Gram Decolorizer (95% alcohol) BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40125 Sulfuric Acid (5%) | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40124 Sulfuric Acid (1%) | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40112 TB Kinyoun AFB Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40108 TB Malachite Gree | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40107 TB Decolorizer Truant Moore | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40101 TB Bril Green | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40094 TB Auramine O Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40092 TB Potassium Permanganate | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40090 TB Auramine-Rhodamine T-BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40086 TB Auramine O (Fluorescent) | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40080 Gram Stain Set 4x250ml w/Tray | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40073 Gram Crystal Violet BTL/1 gallon, | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40063 Crystal Violet (1%) BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40055 Gram Decolorizer | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40054 Gram Decolorizer | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40053 Gram Crystal Violet BTLx5/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40052 Grman Crystal Violet BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40042 Basic Fuchsin (1.2%) | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40041 Flagella Stain | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40034 D'Antoni's Iodine BTL/1gallon | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40029 Lugol's Iodine, | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40028 Lactophenol Aniline Blue | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40027 Lactophenol | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40025 Trichrome Stain, Wheatley BTL/250ml | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40023 Malachite Green (5%) | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40017 Dienes stain BTL/25ml | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R2463418 DMSO Mod Acid Fast Decolorizer BTL/1 gallon | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R246303 DMSO Mod Acid Fast Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21528 BactiDrop Lugol's Iodine | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Grocott's Methenamine Silver (Periodic Acid) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Grocott's Methenamine Silver (Chromic Acid) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Stain (Tissue) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Stain (Film) Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain Green Secondary Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Acid-Fast Bacillus Stain Blue Secondary Stain Kit | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1998-02-24 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21710 PVA Modified Fixative | 1997-09-09 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21259 PVA-Modified Fixative | 1997-09-09 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Low | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HIGH | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-UPTAKE CONTROLS | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-UPTAKE CALIBRATORS | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ,LOW | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Low | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HIGH | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-UPTAKE CONTROLS | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ARCHITECT T-UPTAKE CALIBRATORS | 1997-08-07 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ,LOW | 1997-08-07 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nerl Hematology Reagents | 1997-08-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Toluidine Blue | 1997-02-27 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | QC-Slide (TM) Parasitology Stain Control | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Zinc Formalin Unbuffered 10% | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Zinc Formalin 10% | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Zinc Formal-Fixx | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Formal-Fixx | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid-Fixx | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Rapid-Fixx Formalin | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prefilled Containers, Buffered Zinc Formalin | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde 37% | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formal-Fixx | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carson's Modified Buffered Formalin | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Bouins Fluid | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 37% Unbuffered Formalin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Basic Fuchsin Stain Solution | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Basic Fuchsin Counterstain | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Aniline Blue Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Aniline Blue Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | METHYLENE BLUE | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40202 TB Ziehl-Neel Carbolfuchsin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40102 TB Ziehl-Neel Carbolfuchsin BFL/250ml | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbon Fuchsin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbol Fuchsin-Ziehl Neelsen Solution | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbol Fuchsin-Kinyoun Solution (Heat Technique) | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Carbol Fuchsin-Kinyoun Solution (Cold Technique) | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CARBOL FUCHSIN | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CONGO RED SOLUTION | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gentian Violet Solution Aq (1%) | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Crystal Violet Solution | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wright Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Wright Stainpack | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffered Wright Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Schiff Reagent | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Periodic Acid Schiff | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Safranin O Solution | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40079 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40059 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40058 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Safranin O Solution | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40079 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40059 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R40058 Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram Safranin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Methyl Green Pyronin Y | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gram's Iodine Solution | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wright-Giemsa Stain | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Solution B | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Solution A | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Set | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Fixative | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shandon Wright-Giemsa Solution | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R246403 Giemsa Plus Stain Kit | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Wright- Giemsa Stainpack | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Stain Kit | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 3, Methylene Blue | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 2, Eosin | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 1, Fixative | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Giemsa Stain | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffered Wright-Giemsa | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Wright-Giemsa Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Solution B | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Solution A | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Set | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Three Step Stain Fixative | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shandon Wright-Giemsa Solution | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R246403 Giemsa Plus Stain Kit | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Wright- Giemsa Stainpack | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Stain Kit | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 3, Methylene Blue | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 2, Eosin | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Kwik-Diff Reagent 1, Fixative | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Giemsa Stain | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffered Wright-Giemsa | 1997-01-28 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Green Stain Solution | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reticulocyte Stain | 1997-01-28 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | RETICULOCYTE | 1997-01-28 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08526 LJ Med w/5% Ferric Ammon Cit | 1996-05-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08524 LJ w/Ferric Ammonium Citrate | 1996-05-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08518 LJ Medium w/5% NaCl | 1996-05-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01349 Cystine Chocolate HI Agar | 1996-05-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1996-05-01 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1996-05-01 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CYTOSPIN COLL FLUID | 1996-03-15 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Modified Harris Hematoxylin | 1996-03-15 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Harris Hematoxylin, Non-acidified | 1996-03-15 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Harris Hematoxylin, Acidified | 1996-03-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | pH Control Standards | 1995-09-05 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphate-Buffered Saline pH 7.4 | 1995-09-05 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffer pH XXX | 1995-09-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | pH Control Standards | 1995-09-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Phosphate-Buffered Saline pH 7.4 | 1995-09-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Buffer pH XXX | 1995-09-05 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, Pen-Fix | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Reagent Alcohol | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Pen-Fix | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fix-Rite 2 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex Holding Solution | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethanol, CDA 19 (Histological) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ethanol, Anydrous (Histological) | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21928 Formalin 5%, | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21923 Formalin 10% | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21641 Formalin 10%, | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21640 Formalin 10%, | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Kits | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prefilled Dermatology Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prefilled Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neutral Buffered Formalin 10% | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HandiPack Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin, Buffered, 10% (Phosphate Buffer/Certified) | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin, Buffered, 10% (Acetate Buffer/Certified) | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalde-Fresh Solution, Buffered, Fisher Chemical | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Concentrated Neutral Buffered Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Blue Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 20% Buffered Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Syntri Safeguard, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21928 Formalin 5%, | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21923 Formalin 10% | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21641 Formalin 10%, | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21640 Formalin 10%, | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prostate Kits | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prefilled Dermatology Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Prefilled Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Neutral Buffered Formalin 10% | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | HandiPack Containers, 10% NBF | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin, Buffered, 10% (Phosphate Buffer/Certified) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin, Buffered, 10% (Acetate Buffer/Certified) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalde-Fresh Solution, Buffered, Fisher Chemical | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Concentrated Neutral Buffered Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Blue Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | 20% Buffered Formalin | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hematoxylin 7212 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hematoxylin 7211 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hematoxylin 2 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Hematoxylin 1 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gill 3 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gill 2 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Gill 1 | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Shandon Eosin -Y Alcoholic | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin Y | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin Y, .25% Alcohol | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin Y (Disodium Salt) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin Y (Certified Biological Stain) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin Y (1% Solution in Water) | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin -Y w/Phloxine | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin -Y Saturated | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin -Y Aqueous | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Eosin -Y Alcoholic | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | EOSIN Y SOLUTION | 1995-06-21 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fuchsin Basic | 1993-01-15 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Activated Alanine Aminotransferase Reagent Kit | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Activated Alanine Aminotransferase | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cholesterol | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Lactate Dehydrogenase Reagent Kit | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Total Protein Reagent Kit | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Alinity c Total Protein Reagent Kit | 1992-12-16 |
Fisher Diagnostics [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Abbott Clinical Chemistry Triglycerides | 1992-12-16 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ST 8 Centrifuge (75007200) | 1992-11-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | SL 8 Centrifuge (75007220) | 1992-11-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Megafuge 8 Centrifuge (75007210) | 1992-11-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisher Scientific accuSpin 24C (75007240) | 1992-11-30 |
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Suzhou) Instruments Co., Ltd [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Cardinal 8HC(75007215) | 1992-11-30 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type L | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type H | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type 9 | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type 6 | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type 3 | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Type 1 | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Tissue Prep | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Precision Cut | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Paraplast | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Paraplast X-tra | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Paraplast Plus | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Histoplast | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Histoplast PE | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Histoplast LP | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Histoplast IM | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fast Flex | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ameriplast | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ameriplast LP | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ameriplast IM | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Ameraffin | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Fisher Cedarwood Oil | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin Solution, 10% (Histological), Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalin Solution, 10% (Histological), Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde Solution, 10%w/w in water | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde Solution, 10%w/w in water | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde (USP), Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde (USP), Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde (37% by weight/molecular biology), Fisher BioReagents | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formaldehyde (37% by weight/molecular biology), Fisher BioReagents | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalde-Fresh Solution, Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Formalde-Fresh Solution, Fisher Chemical | 1992-11-20 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Water BugsTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Quanti-Cult TM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Quanti-Cult PlusTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | ProbeSwabsTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Mycobacti-LoopsTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Culti-LoopsTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | CFUrine KitsTM | 1992-08-17 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | BactiDisksTM | 1992-08-17 |
FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO., LLC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Para Formaldehyde | 1983-09-27 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R450600 OADC Enrichment (2ml) PK/10 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21415 Yeast Extract (10%) BTL/10ml | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R450600 OADC Enrichment (2ml) PK/10 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21415 Yeast Extract (10%) BTL/10ml | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241067 Sab Dex Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241055 Mycobiotic Agar (MycoTube) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20261 PPLO Agar w/Serum Inhibitors | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20260 PPLO Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R110131 Cetrimide Selective Agar 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10272 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10270 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10264 Mycobiotic Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10259 Inhibitory Mold Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10254 Dermatophyte Test Medium(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10250 BHI w/SB,CGC (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10248 BHI w/SB,Chlor,Gent (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10246 BHI Agar w/SB (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10245 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10158 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10156 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10155 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10145 SABHI Agar w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10131 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10130 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10105 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10103 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10102 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10082 Jones Kendrick Transport | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10071 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10070 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10055 Charcoal Bld Agar(Regan Lowe) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10049 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10048 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10045 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10044 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10038 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09602 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09600 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09322 Czapek Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09300 BCYE Agar (22ml deep) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08816 TCH Agar,5mcg/ml | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08812 TCH Agar,1mcg/ml | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08742 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08738 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08734 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08730 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08726 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08724 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08715 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08714 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08708 SABHI w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08703 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Bld,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08699 SABHI w/Sheep Blood,Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08697 SABHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08608 Mycological Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08602 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08600 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08576 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08574 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08532 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08530 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08522 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08520 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08412 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08410 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08298 Cottonseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08215 CEA Agar w/CGC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08092 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08080 BHI w/SB,CGC (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08078 BHI w/SB,CGC (slant) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08073 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Cyclo (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08072 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08070 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08069 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08068 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo (slant) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07022 Bril Green Bile Broth,2% w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07020 Bril Green Bile Broth,2% w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07006 Alkaline Peptone Water | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064846 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064844 Todd Hewitt Brothw/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061336 MacConkey Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060472 Cetrimide Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060274 BHI Broth w/1ug Ciproflo 5ml 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02118 Middlebrook 7H10/Mitchison 7H11 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02112 Middlebrook 7H11/Mitchison7H11 Sel | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01954 VACC Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01804 Schaedler KV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01790 Sab Dex,pH 5.6 w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01776 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01775 Sab Dex w/Cyclo,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01772 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01771 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01770 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01769 Sab Dex, Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01754 SABHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01740 Rogosa Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01733 Rose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01704 Potato Flake Agar w/Cipro,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01703 Potato Flake Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01662 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01661 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01660 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01646 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01645 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01630 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01612 Mitchison 7H11 Selective 16/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01610 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01608 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar w/Myco J | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01600 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01575 Catarrhalis Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01543 MRL Yellow Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01542 MRL Green Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01509 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Cipro,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01508 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01507 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01506 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01505 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01502 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Gent(26ml) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01478 HBT Bilayer Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01471 Haemophilus Isolation w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01470 Haemophilus Isolation w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01359 CNA Agar (TSA Base) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01356 CNA w/SB,Col,NA,Amp B,Gent,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01350 Czapek Medium Plate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01346 Cystine Heart Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01344 BCYE Agar w/CCVC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01341 BCYE w/PAV | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01338 BCYE w/DGVP | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01334 BCYE Agar,Non-supplemented | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01333 BCYE w/BTB, BCP & PAV | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01317 Chocolate w/Vanc,Serum (Nairobi) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01306 Chocolate w/Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01304 Chocolate Agar w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01298 Charcoal Bld Agar (Regan Lowe) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01294 Charcoal Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01279 Campy Chocolate w/TVAP | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01274 Campy Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01264 Brucella KV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01261 Brucella Agar w/Horse Blood,TVP | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01258 Brucella w/5% SB,TVP (Skirrow) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01168 BHI Agar w/Fildes,Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01160 BHI w/SB,Pen,Strep,Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01156 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01152 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01148 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01144 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01142 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01140 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01124 BHI Agar w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01123 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01072 Anaer Reducible Neomycin Bld | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01063 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01050 Anaer PV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01049 Anaer PEA Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01048 Anaer PEA Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01047 Anaer(CDC) Neomycin Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01046 Anaer(CDC) Neomycin Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01043 Anaer KV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241067 Sab Dex Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241055 Mycobiotic Agar (MycoTube) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20261 PPLO Agar w/Serum Inhibitors | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20260 PPLO Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R110131 Cetrimide Selective Agar 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10272 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10270 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10264 Mycobiotic Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10259 Inhibitory Mold Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10254 Dermatophyte Test Medium(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10250 BHI w/SB,CGC (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10248 BHI w/SB,Chlor,Gent (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10246 BHI Agar w/SB (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10245 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo(Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10158 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10156 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10155 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10145 SABHI Agar w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10131 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10130 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10105 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10103 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10102 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10082 Jones Kendrick Transport | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10071 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10070 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10055 Charcoal Bld Agar(Regan Lowe) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10049 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10048 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10045 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10044 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10038 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09602 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09600 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09322 Czapek Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09300 BCYE Agar (22ml deep) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08816 TCH Agar,5mcg/ml | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08812 TCH Agar,1mcg/ml | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08742 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08738 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08734 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08730 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08726 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08724 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08715 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08714 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08708 SABHI w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08703 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Bld,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08699 SABHI w/Sheep Blood,Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08697 SABHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08608 Mycological Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08602 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08600 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08576 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08574 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08532 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08530 LJ Mycobactocel | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08522 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08520 LJ Gruft | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08412 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08410 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08298 Cottonseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08215 CEA Agar w/CGC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08092 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08080 BHI w/SB,CGC (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08078 BHI w/SB,CGC (slant) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08073 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Cyclo (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08072 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent (slant) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08070 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08069 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08068 BHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo (slant) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07022 Bril Green Bile Broth,2% w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07020 Bril Green Bile Broth,2% w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07006 Alkaline Peptone Water | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064846 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064844 Todd Hewitt Brothw/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061336 MacConkey Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060472 Cetrimide Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060274 BHI Broth w/1ug Ciproflo 5ml 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02118 Middlebrook 7H10/Mitchison 7H11 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02112 Middlebrook 7H11/Mitchison7H11 Sel | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01954 VACC Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01804 Schaedler KV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01790 Sab Dex,pH 5.6 w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01776 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01775 Sab Dex w/Cyclo,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01772 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01771 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01770 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01769 Sab Dex, Emmons w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01754 SABHI Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01740 Rogosa Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01733 Rose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01704 Potato Flake Agar w/Cipro,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01703 Potato Flake Agar w/Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01662 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01661 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01660 PEA w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01646 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01645 Mycobiotic Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01630 Mycobiotic Agar (Mycocel) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01612 Mitchison 7H11 Selective 16/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01610 Mitchison 7H11 Selective | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01608 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar w/Myco J | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01600 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01575 Catarrhalis Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01543 MRL Yellow Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01542 MRL Green Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01509 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Cipro,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01508 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01507 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01506 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01505 Inhibitory Mold Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01502 Inhibitory Mold Agar w/Gent(26ml) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01478 HBT Bilayer Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01471 Haemophilus Isolation w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01470 Haemophilus Isolation w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01359 CNA Agar (TSA Base) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01356 CNA w/SB,Col,NA,Amp B,Gent,Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01350 Czapek Medium Plate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01346 Cystine Heart Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01344 BCYE Agar w/CCVC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01341 BCYE w/PAV | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01338 BCYE w/DGVP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01334 BCYE Agar,Non-supplemented | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01333 BCYE w/BTB, BCP & PAV | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01317 Chocolate w/Vanc,Serum (Nairobi) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01306 Chocolate w/Vanc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01304 Chocolate Agar w/Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01298 Charcoal Bld Agar (Regan Lowe) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01294 Charcoal Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01279 Campy Chocolate w/TVAP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01274 Campy Selective Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01264 Brucella KV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01261 Brucella Agar w/Horse Blood,TVP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01258 Brucella w/5% SB,TVP (Skirrow) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01168 BHI Agar w/Fildes,Bacitracin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01160 BHI w/SB,Pen,Strep,Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01156 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01152 BHI Agar w/SB,Pen,Strep | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01148 BHI w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01144 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01142 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Cyclo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01140 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01124 BHI Agar w/SB,CGC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01123 BHI Agar w/SB,Chlor,Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01072 Anaer Reducible Neomycin Bld | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01063 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01050 Anaer PV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01049 Anaer PEA Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01048 Anaer PEA Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01047 Anaer(CDC) Neomycin Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01046 Anaer(CDC) Neomycin Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01043 Anaer KV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R92207 SP4 Glucose Agar,Diphasic | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241045 Dermatophyte Test Medium(DermaTube) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241035 CandidaTube (BiGGY Agar) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21228 Iodine for Tetrathionate 4.5ml | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20433 Mycoplasma Broth III | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20385 U9B Complete | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20376 SP4 Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20276 SP4 Glucose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20262 PPLO Agar w/Methylene Blue | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20211 A7 Agar w/Phenol Red | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20205 A8 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20204 A8 Agar,Selective | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20203 A7 Agar w/Putrescine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20202 A7 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20201 A7 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10191 Trypan Blue Agar 10/20 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10136 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10067 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09979 Yeast Ext Phosphate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09897 Tinsdale Agar Base | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09832 TCBS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09680 RIOT Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09548 MacConkey w/Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09542 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09538 MacConkey w/o Crystal Violet | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09290 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09252 CGB AGAR | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09176 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08462 Littman Oxgall Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08352 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08172 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08152 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07910 Trich/Yeast Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07326 M Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07102 EC Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07100 EC Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07089 Listeria Enrichment Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064582 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061338 MacConkey Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061322 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060734 Cystine Tellurite Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060302 Bile Esculin Azide Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060298 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060294 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060292 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02401 Avian Quad Plate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02322 Cetrimide/Mac/Vogel John Triplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02180 Anaer CNA/Brucella LKV Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02176 CDC Blood/B Frag (BBE) Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02162 Strep A Isol/Strep A Isol Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02150 Cetrimide/Vogel John Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02144 Tergitol 7 w/TTC/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02142 SXT Blood/SXT Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02140 Salmonella Shigella/XLD Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02136 Anaer Reduc LKV/Reduc Bld w/N,V | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02135 Anaer Reduc CNA/Reduc LKV Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02126 Anaer Reduc LKV/PEA w/Vit K Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02124 Anaer Reducible Bld/PEA w/SB,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02096 MacConkey/PEA w/SB BiPlate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02095 MacConkey/MacConkey w/Sorb Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02092 MacConkey/Mannitol Salt Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02089 Anaer Reducible LKV/KBE Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02088 Anaer Reducible CNA/KBE Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02086 HE (Hektoen Enteric)/XLD Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02082 HE (Hektoen Enteric)/SS Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02077 Columbia CNA/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02068 EMB Agar,Levine/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02066 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/Mac Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02065 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/Mac Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02063 Columbia Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02061 CNA/Bile Esculin Azide Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02060 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/EMB Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02053 Blood/SXT Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02050 Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02049 Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02041 Blood/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02040 Blood/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02010 Bile Esculin/BHI w/6.5%NaCl Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02006 Anaer Reduc LKV/B Frag(BBE)Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01998 Yersinia Sel (CIN) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01994 Yeast Ext Phosphate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01983 XLD Agar w/20mg/L Novo | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01982 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01981 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01980 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01962 Vibrio Detection Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01938 Trypan Blue Agar 10/20 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01877 Tergitol 7 Agar w/o TTC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01875 Tergitol 7 Agar w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01874 Tergitol 7 Agar w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01867 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01865 TCBS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01864 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01862 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01861 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01860 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01857 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01856 Strep A Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01855 Strep A Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01845 Staph 110 Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01842 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01841 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01840 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01806 Schaedler LKV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01714 Pseudomonas P Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01712 Pseudomonas Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01710 Pseudomonas F Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01709 Burkholderia Cepacia Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01616 Molybdate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01615 Mitis Salivarius Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01590 McCarthy Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01585 MRS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01583 Mannitol Salt Agar w/4ug Oxacillin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01580 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01576 MacConkey w/Ceftazidime | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01564 MacConkey CT-Sorbitol 10/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01562 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01558 MacConkey w/o Crystal Violet | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01557 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01552 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01551 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01550 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01541 MRL Red Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01525 LPM Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01511 KBE (Kanamycin Bile Esculin) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01510 KBE (Kanamycin Bile Esculin) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01483 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01481 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01480 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01455 Faergemanns Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01441 Esculin Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01440 Esculin Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01406 EMB Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01405 EMB Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01403 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01402 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01401 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01400 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01365 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01348 Cystine Tellurite Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01328 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01299 CGB Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01292 Cetrimide Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01286 CAMP/Esculin Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01282 Candida BCG Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01269 CCFA-ST | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01268 CCFA Modified Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01266 CCFA Modified Agar w/Horse Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01262 Brucella Agar,LKV | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01247 Bril Green Agar w/Novobiocin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01246 Bril Green Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01245 B Cepacia Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01243 Bovine Blood w/Esculin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01236 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(60mcg) 10/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01231 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(10mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01228 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(30mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01227 Blood Agar w/Gent(10mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01195 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01194 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01192 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01191 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01190 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01189 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01180 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01108 Baird Parker Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01104 B Frag Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01057 Anaer Egg Yolk Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01056 McClung Toabe Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01053 Anaer LPV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01045 Anaer LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01044 Anaer LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R92207 SP4 Glucose Agar,Diphasic | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241045 Dermatophyte Test Medium(DermaTube) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R241035 CandidaTube (BiGGY Agar) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21228 Iodine for Tetrathionate 4.5ml | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20433 Mycoplasma Broth III | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20385 U9B Complete | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20376 SP4 Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20276 SP4 Glucose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20262 PPLO Agar w/Methylene Blue | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20211 A7 Agar w/Phenol Red | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20205 A8 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20204 A8 Agar,Selective | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20203 A7 Agar w/Putrescine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20202 A7 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20201 A7 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10191 Trypan Blue Agar 10/20 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10136 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10067 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09979 Yeast Ext Phosphate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09897 Tinsdale Agar Base | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09832 TCBS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09680 RIOT Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09548 MacConkey w/Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09542 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09538 MacConkey w/o Crystal Violet | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09290 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09252 CGB AGAR | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09176 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08462 Littman Oxgall Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08352 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08172 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08152 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07910 Trich/Yeast Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07326 M Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07102 EC Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07100 EC Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07089 Listeria Enrichment Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064582 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061338 MacConkey Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061322 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060734 Cystine Tellurite Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060302 Bile Esculin Azide Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060298 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060294 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060292 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02401 Avian Quad Plate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02322 Cetrimide/Mac/Vogel John Triplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02180 Anaer CNA/Brucella LKV Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02176 CDC Blood/B Frag (BBE) Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02162 Strep A Isol/Strep A Isol Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02150 Cetrimide/Vogel John Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02144 Tergitol 7 w/TTC/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02142 SXT Blood/SXT Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02140 Salmonella Shigella/XLD Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02136 Anaer Reduc LKV/Reduc Bld w/N,V | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02135 Anaer Reduc CNA/Reduc LKV Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02126 Anaer Reduc LKV/PEA w/Vit K Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02124 Anaer Reducible Bld/PEA w/SB,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02096 MacConkey/PEA w/SB BiPlate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02095 MacConkey/MacConkey w/Sorb Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02092 MacConkey/Mannitol Salt Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02089 Anaer Reducible LKV/KBE Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02088 Anaer Reducible CNA/KBE Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02086 HE (Hektoen Enteric)/XLD Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02082 HE (Hektoen Enteric)/SS Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02077 Columbia CNA/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02068 EMB Agar,Levine/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02066 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/Mac Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02065 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/Mac Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02063 Columbia Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02061 CNA/Bile Esculin Azide Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02060 Columbia CNA w/5% SB/EMB Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02053 Blood/SXT Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02050 Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02049 Blood/MacConkey Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02041 Blood/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02040 Blood/EMB,Levine Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02010 Bile Esculin/BHI w/6.5%NaCl Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02006 Anaer Reduc LKV/B Frag(BBE)Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01998 Yersinia Sel (CIN) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01994 Yeast Ext Phosphate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01983 XLD Agar w/20mg/L Novo | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01982 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01981 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01980 XLD Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01962 Vibrio Detection Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01938 Trypan Blue Agar 10/20 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01877 Tergitol 7 Agar w/o TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01875 Tergitol 7 Agar w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01874 Tergitol 7 Agar w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01867 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01865 TCBS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01864 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01862 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01861 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01860 SXT Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01857 Strep Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01856 Strep A Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01855 Strep A Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01845 Staph 110 Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01842 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01841 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01840 Salmonella Shigella Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01806 Schaedler LKV Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01714 Pseudomonas P Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01712 Pseudomonas Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01710 Pseudomonas F Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01709 Burkholderia Cepacia Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01616 Molybdate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01615 Mitis Salivarius Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01590 McCarthy Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01585 MRS Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01583 Mannitol Salt Agar w/4ug Oxacillin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01580 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01576 MacConkey w/Ceftazidime | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01564 MacConkey CT-Sorbitol 10/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01562 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01558 MacConkey w/o Crystal Violet | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01557 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01552 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01551 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01550 MacConkey Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01541 MRL Red Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01525 LPM Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01511 KBE (Kanamycin Bile Esculin) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01510 KBE (Kanamycin Bile Esculin) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01483 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01481 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01480 HE Agar (Hektoen Enteric) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01455 Faergemanns Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01441 Esculin Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01440 Esculin Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01406 EMB Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01405 EMB Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01403 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01402 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01401 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01400 EMB Agar,Levine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01365 Dermatophyte Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01348 Cystine Tellurite Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01328 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01299 CGB Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01292 Cetrimide Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01286 CAMP/Esculin Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01282 Candida BCG Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01269 CCFA-ST | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01268 CCFA Modified Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01266 CCFA Modified Agar w/Horse Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01262 Brucella Agar,LKV | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01247 Bril Green Agar w/Novobiocin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01246 Bril Green Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01245 B Cepacia Selective Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01243 Bovine Blood w/Esculin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01236 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(60mcg) 10/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01231 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(10mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01228 Blood Agar w/Neomycin(30mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01227 Blood Agar w/Gent(10mcg) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01195 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01194 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01192 Birdseed Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01191 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01190 Bile Esculin Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01189 Bile Esculin Azide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01180 BiGGY Agar,Nickerson | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01108 Baird Parker Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01104 B Frag Isolation Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01057 Anaer Egg Yolk Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01056 McClung Toabe Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01053 Anaer LPV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01045 Anaer LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01044 Anaer LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20057 SP4 Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10141 Rice Grain medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09996 Yeast Nit Agar w/BCP | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09974 Xanthine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09960 Tyrosine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09927 Trichophyton Agar #7 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09923 Trichophyton Agar #6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09919 Trichophyton Agar #5 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09915 Trichophyton Agar #4 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09911 Trichophyton Agar #3 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09907 Trichophyton Agar #2 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09903 Trichophyton Agar #1 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09672 Rice Extract Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09400 Hypoxanthine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09340 DNase Test Agar,Toluidine Blue | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09286 Cornmeal Agar w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09052 Aspergillus Differential | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09046 Ascospore Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08925 Trichophyton Agar #7 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08921 Trichophyton Agar #6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08917 Trichophyton Agar #5 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08913 Trichophyton Agar #4 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08909 Trichophyton Agar #3 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08905 Trichophyton Agar #2 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08901 Trichophyton Agar #1 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08056 BCP Milk Solids Glucose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08051 Aspergillus Differential | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07202 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07200 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07013 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064850 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064542 SIM Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064540 SIM Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064522 Sellers Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061526 Nitrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060342 Brucella Broth w/Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060312 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060310 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04012 Brucella w/Lkd Bld,Hem,Vit K(150mm) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04011 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02475 Strep ID Quad | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02460 Haemophilus ID Quad | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02420 Blood Agar Quad | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02193 Spectra UTI/Blood Agar Biplate 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02192 Spectra UTI/Blood Agar Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02148 V Agar/Starch Agar w/BCP Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02030 Blood/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02029 Blood/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02020 Blood/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02019 Blood/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01970 Vogel Johnson Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01960 V Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01950 V Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01819 Spectra UTI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01818 Spectra UTI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01587 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01581 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01540 LSM Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01498 Blood Agar,Horse Bld w/Pyridoxal | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01377 DNase Test Agar,Toluidine Blue | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01376 DNase Test Agar,Methyl Green | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01375 DNase Test Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01343 BCYE,Differential Agar w/BTB,BCP | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01255 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01254 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01253 Brucella Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01252 Brucella Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01218 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01217 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01216 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01215 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01214 Columbia Blood Agar w/3% SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01212 Casman Agar w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01210 Blood Agar,5% Rabbit Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01209 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01208 Blood Agar,5% Horse Blood w/GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01207 Blood Agar,5%Horse Blood w/o GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01205 Blood Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01204 Blood Agar,10% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01202 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01201 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01200 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01198 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01100 Anaer Medium II | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01099 Anaer Medium I | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01061 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01060 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01059 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01058 McClung Toabe w/o Neomycin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01040 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20057 SP4 Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10141 Rice Grain medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09996 Yeast Nit Agar w/BCP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09974 Xanthine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09960 Tyrosine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09927 Trichophyton Agar #7 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09923 Trichophyton Agar #6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09919 Trichophyton Agar #5 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09915 Trichophyton Agar #4 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09911 Trichophyton Agar #3 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09907 Trichophyton Agar #2 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09903 Trichophyton Agar #1 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09672 Rice Extract Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09400 Hypoxanthine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09340 DNase Test Agar,Toluidine Blue | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09286 Cornmeal Agar w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09052 Aspergillus Differential | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09046 Ascospore Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08925 Trichophyton Agar #7 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08921 Trichophyton Agar #6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08917 Trichophyton Agar #5 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08913 Trichophyton Agar #4 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08909 Trichophyton Agar #3 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08905 Trichophyton Agar #2 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08901 Trichophyton Agar #1 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08056 BCP Milk Solids Glucose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08051 Aspergillus Differential | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07202 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07200 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07013 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064850 Triple Sugar Iron Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064542 SIM Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064540 SIM Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064522 Sellers Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061526 Nitrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060342 Brucella Broth w/Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060312 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060310 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04012 Brucella w/Lkd Bld,Hem,Vit K(150mm) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04011 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02475 Strep ID Quad | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02460 Haemophilus ID Quad | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02420 Blood Agar Quad | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02193 Spectra UTI/Blood Agar Biplate 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02192 Spectra UTI/Blood Agar Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02148 V Agar/Starch Agar w/BCP Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02030 Blood/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02029 Blood/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02020 Blood/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02019 Blood/Blood Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01970 Vogel Johnson Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01960 V Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01950 V Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01819 Spectra UTI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01818 Spectra UTI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01587 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01581 Mannitol Salt Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01540 LSM Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01498 Blood Agar,Horse Bld w/Pyridoxal | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01377 DNase Test Agar,Toluidine Blue | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01376 DNase Test Agar,Methyl Green | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01375 DNase Test Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01343 BCYE,Differential Agar w/BTB,BCP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01255 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01254 Brucella w/5% SB,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01253 Brucella Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01252 Brucella Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01218 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01217 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01216 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01215 Columbia Blood Agar w/5% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01214 Columbia Blood Agar w/3% SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01212 Casman Agar w/5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01210 Blood Agar,5% Rabbit Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01209 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01208 Blood Agar,5% Horse Blood w/GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01207 Blood Agar,5%Horse Blood w/o GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01205 Blood Agar,Modified | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01204 Blood Agar,10% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01202 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01201 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01200 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01198 Blood Agar,5% Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01100 Anaer Medium II | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01099 Anaer Medium I | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01061 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01060 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01059 Anaer Reducible Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01058 McClung Toabe w/o Neomycin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01040 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20360 PPLO Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20011 BHI Broth Boston Round BTL | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10268 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10266 Potato Flake Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10244 BHI Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10223 Wallenstein Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10151 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10150 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10111 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10110 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10101 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10100 LJ Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10041 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10034 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09984 Yeast Carbon Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09944 TGE Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09932 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09747 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09746 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09744 Sab Dex,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09738 Sab Dex Broth,2% | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09656 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09654 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09642 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09640 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09627 Nutrient Agar (22ml deep) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09626 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09622 Page Amoeba Saline | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09620 NonNutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09566 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09558 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09516 LJ w/o RNA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09506 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09504 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09282 Cornmeal Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09192 Bordet Gengou Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09062 BHI Supplemented Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08934 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08932 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08930 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08846 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08722 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08720 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08716 Sab Dex Agar pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08696 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08692 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08691 SABHI Agar w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08690 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08659 Potato Flake Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08652 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08650 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08622 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08618 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08572 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08570 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08562 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08560 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08556 Middlebrook 7H9 w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08502 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08500 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08262 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08240 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08134 BHI Broth w/0.1% Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08132 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08066 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08064 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08062 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08060 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08058 BHI Agar w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08052 ATS Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08007 Agar 1.5% | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07900 Thio Med w/Ind,Dex,Vit K,Hem | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07810 Sab Dex Agar pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07664 Fastidious Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07598 BHI Broth w/Horse Serum,Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07595 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07330 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc,glass bead | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07324 Wilkins Chalgren Agar,2X | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07322 Wilkins Chalgren Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07266 Tryptose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07228 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07224 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07222 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07210 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07182 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07180 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07178 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07174 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07117 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07092 BCYE Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07086 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07084 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07030 CHO Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07019 BHI Broth w/Hemin,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065302 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB Base Ctrl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065029 TSB w/20% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065026 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065025 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065024 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065002 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065000 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064902 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064900 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064892 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064890 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064882 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064880 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064862 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064860 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064808 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064805 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064804 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064802 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064732 Thio Med w/Dex,Hemin,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064730 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064722 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064720 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064716 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064712 Thio Med w/o Ind, w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064710 Thio Med w/o Ind, w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064702 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064700 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064692 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064690 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064482 Schaedler Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064480 Schaedler Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064422 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064420 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062756 Purple Broth Base Ctrl w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062754 Purple Broth Base Ctrl w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062602 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062502 Phenol Red Agar Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062202 Phenol Red Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062150 Peptone Yeast Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062148 Peptone Yeast Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061903 OF King Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061902 OF Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061582 Nutrient Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061580 Nutrient Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061572 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061570 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061483 MH Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061481 MH Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061428 MRS Broth (2ml) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061426 MRS Broth w/DT (7ml) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061347 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061346 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061344 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061288 Loefflers Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061266 Letheen Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061202 Jordans Tartrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061136 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061132 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061129 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sorbose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061128 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061124 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061121 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Ribose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061120 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061116 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061112 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Melibiose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061108 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061104 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061092 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Inulin | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061088 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061084 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061080 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061072 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Dulcitol | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061064 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061032 HI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061030 HI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061012 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061010 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060890 Eugon Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060856 Dubos Polysorbate Albumin Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060854 Dubos Polysorbate Albumin Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060752 Decarboxylase Broth Base Ctl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060750 Decarboxylase Broth Base Ctl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060735 Decarboxylase Broth Base | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060572 CTA Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060570 CTA Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060546 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060544 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060542 Cooked Meat Med w/Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060540 Cooked Meat Med w/Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060488 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060482 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060480 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060382 Carbon Assim Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060322 Brucella Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060320 Brucella Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060290 BHI Broth w/X&V Factors | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060282 BHI Broth w/Fildes | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060280 BHI Broth w/Fildes | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060272 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060270 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060266 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060264 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060260 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060258 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060252 BHI Broth,filtered | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060250 BHI Broth,filtered | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060232 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060230 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060102 Andrades Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05145 Chopped Meat Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05140 Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05138 TPGY Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05066 LD Base Medium | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05055 PRAS Cooked Meat Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05054 PRAS Cooked Meat Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05047 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05046 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05045 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05035 PRAS Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05033 PRAS Chopped Meat Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05031 PRAS Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05030 PRAS Chop Meat RS | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05027 PRAS BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05025 PRAS BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04080 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04061 MH Agar w/OADC | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04059 MH Agar w/1% Hgb,1% GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02110 Middlebrook 7H11/Middlebrook 7H11 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02055 Chocolate/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01991 Yeast Malt Extract Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01922 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01921 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01920 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01917 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01910 Tomato Juice Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01801 Schaedler Agar w/Blood,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01800 Schaedler Agar w/Blood,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01780 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01768 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01766 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01763 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01761 Sab Dex Emmons Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01760 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01752 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01750 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01749 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01702 Potato Flake Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01697 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 3.5 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01695 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01693 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01685 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01640 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01627 MH Agar w/1% Hgb,1% GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01606 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01605 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01603 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01567 Malt Extract Agar (17ml) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01565 Malt Extract Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01486 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01446 Eugon Chocolate w/10%Horse Blood | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01354 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01330 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80,Trypan Blue | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01327 Cornmeal w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01326 Cornmeal Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01308 Chocolate Agar w/Yst Ext,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01303 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01302 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01301 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01300 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01296 Charcoal Bld (Regan Lowe) w/o Ceph | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01293 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01240 Bordet Gengou Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01158 BHI Supplemented Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01139 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01136 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01132 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01131 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01130 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01070 Anaer Reducible NAV | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01069 Anaer Reducible LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01068 Anaer Reducible LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01065 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01064 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01042 Anaer KV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01039 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01036 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20360 PPLO Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20011 BHI Broth Boston Round BTL | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10268 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10266 Potato Flake Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10244 BHI Agar (Bactiflask) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10223 Wallenstein Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10151 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10150 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10111 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10110 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10101 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10100 LJ Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10041 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R10034 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09984 Yeast Carbon Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09944 TGE Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09932 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09747 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09746 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09744 Sab Dex,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09738 Sab Dex Broth,2% | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09656 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09654 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09642 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09640 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09627 Nutrient Agar (22ml deep) 100/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09626 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09622 Page Amoeba Saline | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09620 NonNutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09566 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09558 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09516 LJ w/o RNA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09506 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09504 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09282 Cornmeal Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09192 Bordet Gengou Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09062 BHI Supplemented Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08934 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08932 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08930 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08846 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08722 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08720 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08716 Sab Dex Agar pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08696 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08692 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08691 SABHI Agar w/Chlor | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08690 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08659 Potato Flake Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08652 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08650 Potato Dextrose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08622 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08618 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08572 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08570 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08562 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08560 Middlebrook 7H10 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08556 Middlebrook 7H9 w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08502 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08500 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08262 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08240 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08134 BHI Broth w/0.1% Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08132 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08066 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08064 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08062 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08060 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08058 BHI Agar w/Gent | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08052 ATS Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08007 Agar 1.5% | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07900 Thio Med w/Ind,Dex,Vit K,Hem | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07810 Sab Dex Agar pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07664 Fastidious Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07598 BHI Broth w/Horse Serum,Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07595 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07330 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc,glass bead | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07324 Wilkins Chalgren Agar,2X | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07322 Wilkins Chalgren Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07266 Tryptose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07228 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07224 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07222 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07210 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07182 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07180 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07178 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07174 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07117 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07092 BCYE Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07086 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07084 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07030 CHO Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07019 BHI Broth w/Hemin,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065302 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB Base Ctrl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065029 TSB w/20% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065026 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065025 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065024 TSB w/15% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065002 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065000 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064902 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064900 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064892 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064890 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064882 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064880 TSB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064862 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064860 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064808 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064805 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064804 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064802 Todd Hewitt Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064732 Thio Med w/Dex,Hemin,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064730 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064722 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064720 Thio Med w/Dex,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064716 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064712 Thio Med w/o Ind, w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064710 Thio Med w/o Ind, w/o Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064702 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064700 Thio Med w/o Ind,w/Dex | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064692 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064690 Fluid Thio Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064482 Schaedler Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064480 Schaedler Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064422 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064420 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062756 Purple Broth Base Ctrl w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062754 Purple Broth Base Ctrl w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062602 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062502 Phenol Red Agar Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062202 Phenol Red Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062150 Peptone Yeast Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062148 Peptone Yeast Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061903 OF King Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061902 OF Medium Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061582 Nutrient Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061580 Nutrient Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061572 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061570 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061483 MH Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061481 MH Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061428 MRS Broth (2ml) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061426 MRS Broth w/DT (7ml) 20/PK | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061347 Middlebrook 7H9 w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061346 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061344 Middlebrook 7H9 Broth w/Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061288 Loefflers Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061266 Letheen Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061202 Jordans Tartrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061136 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061132 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061129 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sorbose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061128 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061124 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061121 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Ribose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061120 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061116 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061112 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Melibiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061108 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061104 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061092 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Inulin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061088 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061084 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061080 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061072 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Dulcitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061064 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061032 HI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061030 HI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061012 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061010 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060890 Eugon Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060856 Dubos Polysorbate Albumin Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060854 Dubos Polysorbate Albumin Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060752 Decarboxylase Broth Base Ctl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060750 Decarboxylase Broth Base Ctl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060735 Decarboxylase Broth Base | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060572 CTA Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060570 CTA Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060546 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060544 Cooked Meat Med w/Gluc,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060542 Cooked Meat Med w/Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060540 Cooked Meat Med w/Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060488 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060482 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060480 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060382 Carbon Assim Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060322 Brucella Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060320 Brucella Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060290 BHI Broth w/X&V Factors | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060282 BHI Broth w/Fildes | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060280 BHI Broth w/Fildes | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060272 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060270 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060266 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060264 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060260 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060258 BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060252 BHI Broth,filtered | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060250 BHI Broth,filtered | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060232 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060230 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060102 Andrades Broth Base Control | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05145 Chopped Meat Glucose Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05140 Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05138 TPGY Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05066 LD Base Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05055 PRAS Cooked Meat Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05054 PRAS Cooked Meat Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05047 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05046 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05045 PRAS Chopped Meat Carb | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05035 PRAS Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05033 PRAS Chopped Meat Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05031 PRAS Chopped Meat Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05030 PRAS Chop Meat RS | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05027 PRAS BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05025 PRAS BHI Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04080 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04061 MH Agar w/OADC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R04059 MH Agar w/1% Hgb,1% GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02110 Middlebrook 7H11/Middlebrook 7H11 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R02055 Chocolate/Chocolate Biplate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01991 Yeast Malt Extract Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01922 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01921 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01920 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01917 TSA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01910 Tomato Juice Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01801 Schaedler Agar w/Blood,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01800 Schaedler Agar w/Blood,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01780 Sab Dex,Emmons w/Yst Ext | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01768 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01766 Sab Dex Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01763 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01761 Sab Dex Emmons Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01760 Sab Dex Agar,Emmons | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01752 SABHI Agar w/Sheep Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01750 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01749 SABHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01702 Potato Flake Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01697 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 3.5 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01695 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01693 Potato Dextrose Agar,pH 5.6 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01685 Plate Count Agar,Std Method | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01640 Nutrient Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01627 MH Agar w/1% Hgb,1% GCHI | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01606 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01605 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01603 Middlebrook 7H11 Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01567 Malt Extract Agar (17ml) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01565 Malt Extract Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01486 HI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01446 Eugon Chocolate w/10%Horse Blood | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01354 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01330 Cornmeal Agar w/PS80,Trypan Blue | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01327 Cornmeal w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01326 Cornmeal Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01308 Chocolate Agar w/Yst Ext,Hem,Vit K | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01303 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01302 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01301 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01300 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01296 Charcoal Bld (Regan Lowe) w/o Ceph | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01293 Chocolate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01240 Bordet Gengou Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01158 BHI Supplemented Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01139 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01136 BHI Agar w/SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01132 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01131 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01130 BHI Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01070 Anaer Reducible NAV | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01069 Anaer Reducible LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01068 Anaer Reducible LKV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01065 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01064 Anaer Reducible CNA Bld Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01042 Anaer KV Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01039 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01036 Anaer Blood Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310065 Uni-OF Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310064 Uni-OF Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310063 Uni-OF Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310062 Uni-OF Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310061 Uni-OF Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R7310060 Uni-OF Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R21276 PS80 Hydrolysis Substrate Conc VL/5ml | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20388 Urea Broth,Rapid (Lyoph) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09892 TOC Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09884 Thermonuclease Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09784 Starch Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09776 Skim Milk Medium,2X | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R09512 LJ Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08342 DNase Test Agar,Methyl Green | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08210 Casein Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08026 Arylsulfatase Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07774 Potassium Nitrate Assim Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07396 Purple Agar w/Turanose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07138 Pyrazinamidase Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07093 Dextrose Broth w/BCP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07074 CHO Medium w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07072 CHO Medium w/1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07070 CHO Medium w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07066 CHO Medium w/1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07064 CHO Medium w/1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07062 CHO Medium w/1% Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07058 CHO Medium w/1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07056 CHO Medium w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07054 CHO Medium w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07052 CHO Medium w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07044 CHO Medium w/1% Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07042 CHO Medium w/1% Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07038 CHO Medium w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07036 CHO Medium w/1% Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07034 CHO Medium w/1% Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065354 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065350 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065346 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065342 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065330 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065326 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065318 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065314 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065310 Yeast Ferm Broth w/BTB,Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065232 Urea Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065230 Urea Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065222 Urea Broth For AFB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065212 Urea Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065210 Urea Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064854 Rapid Tributyrin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064668 Thio Gelatin Med | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064588 Starch Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064548 Skim Milk Medium,2X | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064532 SF Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R063042 Pyruvate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R063006 Purple Broth w/1% Xylose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062976 Purple Broth w/1% Trehalose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062966 Purple Broth w/1% Sucrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062956 Purple Broth w/1% Sorbitol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062946 Purple Broth w/1% Salicin w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062926 Purple Broth w/1% Rhamnose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062916 Purple Broth w/1% Raffinose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062906 Purple Broth w/1% Melibiose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062897 PURPLE BROTH w/MANNOSE 20/pk | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062886 Purple Broth w/1% Mannitol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062876 Purple Broth w/1% Maltose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062866 Purple Broth w/1% Lactose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062856 Purple Broth w/1% Inulin w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062846 Purple Broth w/1% Inositol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062826 Purple Broth w/1% Galactose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062816 Purple Broth w/1% Fructose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062806 Purple Broth w/1% Dulcitol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062796 Purple Broth w/1% Dextrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062786 Purple Broth w/1% Cellobiose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062776 Purple Broth w/1% Arabinose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062766 Purple Broth w/1% Adonitol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062638 Pseudomonas P Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062636 Pseudomonas P Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062632 Pseudomonas F Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062630 Pseudomonas F Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062564 Phenol Red Agar w/10%Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062454 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Xylose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062452 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062444 Phenol Red Broth w/1%Trehalose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062442 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062436 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Sucrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062432 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062416 Phenol Red Broth w/Sorbitol w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062412 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062402 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062382 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062372 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062362 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Melibiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062352 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062342 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062332 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062326 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Lactose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062322 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062312 Phenol Red Broth w/Inulin w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062302 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062292 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062282 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062272 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062252 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Dulcitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062242 Phenol Red Broth w/1%Dextrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062232 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062224 Phenol Red Broth w/Arabinose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062222 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062212 Phenol Red Broth w/1% Adonitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062182 Phenylalanine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062180 Phenylalanine Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062032 ONPG Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062030 ONPG Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062016 OF Medium w/10% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062012 OF Medium w/10% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061999 OF King Medium w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061998 OF Medium w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061991 OF King Medium w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061990 OF Medium w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061970 OF Medium w/1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061958 OF Medium w/1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061955 OF King Medium w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061954 OF Medium w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061951 OF King Medium w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061950 OF Medium w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061947 OF King Medium w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061946 OF Medium w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061930 OF Medium w/1% Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061926 OF Medium w/1% Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061919 OF King Medium w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061918 OF Medium w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061916 OF Medium w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061910 OF Medium w/1% Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061552 Nitrite Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061548 Nitrate Substrate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061536 Nitrate Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061534 Nitrate Broth w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061532 Nitrate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061530 Nitrate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061462 Mucate Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061414 Motility Test Medium w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061412 Motility Test Medium w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061410 Motility Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061408 Motility Test Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061404 Motility S Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061400 Motility GI Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061398 Motility GI Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061394 Motility B Medium w/TTC | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061392 Motility B Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061340 Rapid MDG Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061326 Malonate Broth,Ewing | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061308 Lysozyme Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061276 Litmus Milk Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061172 Indole Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061170 Indole Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061152 Hippurate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061150 Hippurate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061140 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061100 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061096 HI Broth w/BCP,1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060972 Lysozyme Control Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060956 Gelatin Infusion Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060952 Gelatin Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060942 Gelatin Broth 0.4% | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060896 Eugon Urea Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060878 Esculin Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060876 Esculin Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060872 Esculin Broth w/0.07% Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060776 Dextrose Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060764 Decarboxylase Broth,Ornithine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060762 Decarboxylase Broth,Ornithine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060760 Decarboxylase Broth,Lysine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060758 Decarboxylase Broth,Lysine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060756 Decarboxylase Broth,Arginine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060754 Decarboxylase Broth,Arginine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060710 CTA w/1% Sucrose,Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060698 CTA w/1% Maltose,Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060694 CTA w/1% Lactose,Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060686 CTAw/1% Dextrose,Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060682 CTA Base Control,Ascitic Fluid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060668 CTA w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060664 CTA w/1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060660 CTA w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060652 CTA w/1% Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060648 CTA w/1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060644 CTA w/1% Ribose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060624 CTA w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060620 CTA w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060616 CTA w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060596 CTA w/1% Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060588 CTA w/1% Dextrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060580 CTA w/1% Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060496 Simmons Citrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060494 Simmons Citrate Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060434 Carbon Assim Broth w/Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060424 Carbon Assim Broth w/Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060418 Carbon Assim Broth w/Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060402 Carbon Assim Broth w/Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060362 Brucella Broth w/Agar,1%KNO3 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060358 Brucella Broth w/Agar,3.5%NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060354 Brucella Broth w/Agar,1%Glyc | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060196 Arylsulfatase Broth,2 Week | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060192 Arylsulfatase Broth,3 Day | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060178 Andrades Broth w/1% Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060174 Andrades Broth w/1% Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060170 Andrades Broth w/1% Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060166 Andrades Broth w/1% Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060162 Andrades Broth w/1% Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060158 Andrades Broth w/1% Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060154 Andrades Broth w/1% Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060150 Andrades Broth w/1% Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060146 Andrades Broth w/1% Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060142 Andrades Broth w/1% Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060138 Andrades Broth w/1% Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060134 Andrades Broth w/1% Inulin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060130 Andrades Broth w/1% Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060126 Andrades Broth w/1% Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060124 Andrades Broth w/Galacturon | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060122 Andrades Broth w/1% Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060118 Andrades Broth w/1% Dulcitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060114 Andrades Broth w/1% Dextrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060112 Andrades Broth w/1% Dextrose w/DT | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060110 Andrades Broth w/1% Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060106 Andrades Broth w/1% Adonitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060022 Acetate Differential Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060012 Acetamide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060010 Acetamide Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05260 PRAS w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05257 PRAS PY Xylose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05255 PRAS PY Xylan | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05251 PRAS PY Trehalose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05249 PRAS PY Threonine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05247 PRAS PY Sucrose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05245 PRAS PY Starch | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05243 PRAS PY Sorbitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05241 PRAS PY Salicin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05235 PRAS PY Ribose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05233 PRAS PY Rhamnose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05231 PRAS PY Raffinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05225 PRAS PY Melibiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05223 PRAS PY Melezitose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05221 PRAS PY Mannose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05219 PRAS PY Mannitol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05217 PRAS PY Maltose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05213 PRAS PY Lactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05211 PRAS PY Lactate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05205 PRAS PY Inositol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05201 PRAS PY Glycogen | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05199 PRAS PY Glycerol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05198 PRAS PY Glucose w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05197 PRAS PY Glucose w/PS80 | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05194 PRAS PY Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05192 PRAS PY Glucose Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05191 PRAS PY Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05189 PRAS PY Galactose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05187 PRAS PY Fructose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05186 PRAS PY Glucose w/Form,Fum | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05183 PRAS PY Erythritol | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05181 PRAS PY Esculin | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05177 PRAS PY Cellobiose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05175 PRAS PY Bile | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05173 PRAS PY Arginine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05171 PRAS PY Arabinose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05143 Chopped Meat Glucose Starch | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05132 H2S Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05124 PY Glucose | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05075 Urea,SemiSolid | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05074 LD Threonine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05072 LD Lactate | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05070 PRAS Milk | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05065 PRAS Gelatin Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R05061 PRAS Gelatin Medium | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01870 TOC Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01854 Starch Hydrolysis Agar | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R01850 Starch Agar w/BCP | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL ATLANTA, A DIV. OF REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Multiple | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20806 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20362 PPLO Broth,Selective | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08382 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08380 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07754 Nutrient Broth,7% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07162 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07161 Tetrathionate Broth w/BG | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07160 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065032 TSB w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065030 TSB w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064844 Todd Hewitt Brothw/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064842 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064840 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064508 Selenite Broth w/Cystine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064506 Selenite Broth w/Cystine | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064503 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064502 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064500 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062621 Potassium Chloride Solution(4.5ml) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062620 Potassium Chloride Solution(4.5ml) | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062582 Phos Buffered Saline | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062580 Phos Buffered Saline | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061586 Nutrient Broth,6% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060992 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060990 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060988 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060936 Fletchers Med w/o 5% Fluorauracil | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060286 BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060284 BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060052 Alkaline Peptone Water | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20806 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R20362 PPLO Broth,Selective | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08382 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R08380 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07754 Nutrient Broth,7% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07162 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07161 Tetrathionate Broth w/BG | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R07160 Tetrathionate Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065032 TSB w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R065030 TSB w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064844 Todd Hewitt Brothw/Gent,NA,SB | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064842 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064840 Todd Hewitt Broth w/Gent,NA | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064508 Selenite Broth w/Cystine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064506 Selenite Broth w/Cystine | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064503 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064502 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R064500 Selenite Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062621 Potassium Chloride Solution(4.5ml) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062620 Potassium Chloride Solution(4.5ml) | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062582 Phos Buffered Saline | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R062580 Phos Buffered Saline | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R061586 Nutrient Broth,6% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060992 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060990 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060988 GN Broth | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060936 Fletchers Med w/o 5% Fluorauracil | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060286 BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060284 BHI Broth w/6.5% NaCl | 1978-06-21 |
REMEL, INC. [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | R060052 Alkaline Peptone Water | 1978-06-21 |
Rob Norris [Thermo Fisher Scientific] | Nutrient broth | 1978-06-21 |
Import ID | Shipment | Cargo Description | Quantity |
2020090740639 | Hong Kong,Hong Kong -> Long Beach, California | CHAMBER CASE,CHAMBER TANK,SOLARIS, PAN | 124 CTN |
2020080856718 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | 10L CHAMBER CASE20L GEN PURP CHAMBER TANK | 30 PKG |
2020072325139 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | 10L CHAMBER CASE,20L GEN PURP CHAMBER ,TANKUM BRELLA SOLARIS | 41 CTN |
2020071341255 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Tacoma, Washington | 10L CHAMBER CASE,20L GEN PURP CHAMBER ,TANKUM BRELLA SOLARIS | 41 CTN |
2020062233174 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | 28L GEN PURP CHAMBER TANK;LCK R1118 100PCS | 123 CTN |
20200603469 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | 5L CHAMBER TANK;LCK1136 200PCS20L GEN PIRP C HAMBER TANK;LCK1116 100PCS | 20 CTN |
20200603476 | Shanghai ,China (Mainland) -> Seattle, Washington | PLATFORM ASSY SOLAIRS SHAKER;BALLAST PLATE,LO A SOLARIS SHAKER | 1 PAL |
2020052825602 | Yantian,China (Mainland) -> Long Beach, California | REMEL 10 UL BIOLOOP INOCULATION LOOP 10 UL | 22 CTN |