Primary Device ID | 00844735006094 |
NIH Device Record Key | 9bb19661-00c0-4a6d-82da-e17c7893fefc |
Commercial Distribution Status | In Commercial Distribution |
Brand Name | GEM BiPolar Gerald Forceps |
Version Model Number | GEM4075G-NS |
Catalog Number | 521440751010 |
Company DUNS | 031284586 |
Device Count | 1 |
DM Exempt | false |
Pre-market Exempt | false |
MRI Safety Status | Labeling does not contain MRI Safety Information |
Human Cell/Tissue Product | false |
Device Kit | false |
Device Combination Product | false |
Single Use | false |
Lot Batch | true |
Serial Number | false |
Manufacturing Date | true |
Expiration Date | false |
Donation Id Number | false |
Contains Natural Rubber Latex | false |
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latex | true |
RX Perscription | true |
OTC Over-The-Counter | false |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Special Storage Condition, Specify | Between 0 and 0 *Must be stored individually in a protective container in a clean, dry, moisture free area with suitable protection from extreme temperature and humidity |
Device Issuing Agency | Device ID |
GS1 | 00844735006094 [Primary] |
Steralize Prior To Use | true |
Device Is Sterile | false |
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Moist Heat or Steam Sterilization
Public Version Status | Update |
Device Record Status | Published |
Public Version Number | 3 |
Public Version Date | 2018-07-06 |
Device Publish Date | 2016-09-24 |
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