Suprasorb 162462

GUDID 04068225066993

Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co KG

Synthetic polymer semi-permeable film dressing, adhesive
Primary Device ID04068225066993
NIH Device Record Key4046e7fa-a38d-4324-b496-19894b75b669
Commercial Distribution StatusIn Commercial Distribution
Brand NameSuprasorb
Version Model NumberF Protect 10 cm x 12 cm
Catalog Number162462
Company DUNS315505235
Company NameLohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co KG
Device Count1
DM Exemptfalse
Pre-market Exempttrue
MRI Safety StatusLabeling does not contain MRI Safety Information
Human Cell/Tissue Productfalse
Device Kitfalse
Device Combination Productfalse
Single Usetrue
Lot Batchtrue
Serial Numberfalse
Manufacturing Datefalse
Expiration Datetrue
Donation Id Numberfalse
Contains Natural Rubber Latexfalse
Labeled No Natural Rubber Latexfalse
RX Perscriptionfalse
OTC Over-The-Counterfalse

Operating and Storage Conditions

Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep dry
Special Storage Condition, SpecifyBetween 0 and 0 *keep away from sunlght

Device Identifiers

Device Issuing AgencyDevice ID
GS104068225066986 [Primary]
GS104068225066993 [Package]
Contains: 04068225066986
Package: SC [10 Units]
In Commercial Distribution
GS104068225067006 [Package]
Package: TC [10 Units]
In Commercial Distribution

FDA Product Code

NADDressing, Wound, Occlusive


Steralize Prior To Usefalse
Device Is Steriletrue

Device Entry Metadata

Public Version StatusNew
Device Record StatusPublished
Public Version Number1
Public Version Date2024-11-25
Device Publish Date2024-11-15

On-Brand Devices [Suprasorb]

04021447549552A Wound Dressing 10 x 12,5 cm
04021447031002P sacrum self-adhesive
04021447204666F 20 x 30 cm
04021447204659F 10 cm x 20 cm
04021447204642F 10 cm x 25 cm
04021447204635F 10 cm x 12 cm
04021447204628F 10 cm x 12 cm
04021447204611F 5 x 7 cm
04021447204604F 5 x 7 cm
04021447204451A Rope 30cm /2g
04021447204420A Wound Dressing 10 x 20 cm
04021447204413A Wound Dressing 10 x 10 cm
04021447204406A Wound Dressing 5 x 5 cm
04021447204192P self-adhesive
04021447204185P self-adhesive
04021447204178P self-adhesive
04021447204161P self-adhesive
04021447204093P non adhesive
04021447204086P non adhesive
04021447204079P non adhesive
04021447204062P non adhesive
04021447204055P non adhesive
04068225067112F Protect 20 x 30 cm
04068225067082F Protect 15 cm x 20 cm
04068225067051F Protect 10 cm x 25 cm
04068225067020F Protect 10 cm x 12 cm
04068225066993F Protect 10 cm x 12 cm
04068225066962F Protect 5 x 7 cm
04068225066931F Protect 5 x 7 cm

Trademark Results [Suprasorb]

Mark Image

Registration | Serial
Application Date
79315321 not registered Live/Pending
Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH &Co. KG
76317307 2789369 Live/Registered
75704480 not registered Dead/Abandoned
RAUSCHER & Co. Verbandstoff- und Wattefabriken Ges.mbH
75006582 2107710 Dead/Cancelled
Medipro Internacional, S.A. De C.V.
74305604 not registered Dead/Abandoned
Medipro Internacional, S.A. De C.V.
73438954 not registered Dead/Abandoned
Standard Terry Mills, Inc.

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FDA.