This page includes the latest FDA filings for Michael Shoup. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.
Registration Number | 3010272829 |
FEI Number | 3010272829 |
Name | Michael Shoup |
Owner & Operator | Salter Labs |
Contact Address | 2365 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad CA 92011 US |
US Agent |
Registration Status | 1 |
Initial Importer | N |
Registration Expiration | 2020-04-25 |
Registration Address | 272 E DEERPATH STE 302 LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 US |
Establishment Type |
Device Company | Device | Date |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Airlfow resuscitator | 2020-01-03 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Bubble Humidifier | 2019-02-19 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Capnovue | 2018-11-20 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Capnovue | 2018-11-20 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | IntuBrite Laryngoscope | 2017-07-14 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Sleep Diagnostic Cannulas, non DEHP | 2016-06-22 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Sleep Diagnostic Cannulas, non DEHP | 2016-06-22 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Demand Cannulas, non-DEHP | 2016-06-22 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | SalterStat Capnography Product Line | 2016-05-03 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs EtCO2 sampling cannulas and gas sampling lines, non-DEHP | 2016-05-03 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | VitalCheck Blood Pressure Cuff | 2015-10-06 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | CPAP Cannulaide? | 2015-08-10 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Luma Wrap | 2015-06-22 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Gas Sampling Lines Kit and Gas Tubing | 2015-06-18 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Disposable blood pressure cuff | 2015-06-18 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | DuraCheck Blood Pressure Cuff | 2015-06-18 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Pressure Infusor | 2015-06-18 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Grippies, Silicon Strips, MiniWhiskers, StickyWhiskers | 2014-11-04 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Aire Elite Compressor (Apex Minitab) | 2014-08-05 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | THERAPEP DHD Healthcare Corp | 2014-07-11 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Liter Meter | 2014-07-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs | 2013-11-21 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Humidifier 7900 Series; 7900 Series with Cannula Kit | 2012-02-17 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Tilson Trach Guard and Tether | 2012-01-04 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | PneumoTherm | 2010-09-15 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Humidifier | 2010-01-12 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Nebulizer exhalation filter, 8980 series | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs PEP Device Nebulizer | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Nebulizer exhalation filter, 8680 series | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Infant Face Mask | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Style Cannula | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Spirometer | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Cannula, Nasal, Oxygen, with E-Z wraps | 2009-09-09 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Sensitive Grips, Tender Grips | 2009-03-05 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs? Percent-O2-Lock? Venturi System | 2009-03-04 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs In Line Water Trap | 2009-03-03 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter AIRE Plus? | 2009-01-12 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter NebuTech? HDN?Reusable Nebulizer | 2009-01-12 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter NebuTech? HDN? Disposable Nebulizer | 2009-01-12 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs? 8900 Series Small Volume Jet Nebulizer | 2009-01-12 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Pro2 | 2008-10-16 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | PRO2-Elite | 2008-10-16 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | ThermiSense | 2008-10-16 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | BiNAPS? Nasal Airflow Pressure and Snore Transducer with DEHP | 2008-10-16 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | O2 express | 2008-03-25 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Oxygen tubing, connectors, and accessories | 2007-04-10 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Face Mask- nonrebreathing | 1992-12-21 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs nasal cannulas, 16Soft series, 16 series, high flow series, OTC series, gator and ear wraps accessory | 1992-12-21 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | Salter Labs Elongated Style Adult and Pediatric Style Mask | 1992-12-21 |
Michael Shoup [Salter Labs] | ACCU-FLOW Venturi Oxygen System | 1992-12-21 |