Arrow I N T Cr A S

FDA Filings

This page includes the latest FDA filings for Arrow I N T Cr A S. Currently, you will find the latest 100 filings for Premarket Notifications, Premarket Applications, De Novo Applications, and GUDID registrations.

FDA Registration(s)
Registration Number1000563940
FEI Number1000563940
NameArrow International CR, a.s.
Owner & OperatorArrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated
Contact Address3015 Carrington Mill Blvd.
Morrisville NC 27560 US
Official Correspondent
  • Amanda Webb
  • 1-919-4338050-x
US Agent
Registration Status1
Initial ImporterN
Registration Expiration2020-04-25
Registration AddressPRAZSKA 209
Hradec Kralove Hradec Kralove, 50004 CZ
Establishment Type
  • Manufacture Medical Device
  • Manufacture Medical Device for Another Party (Contract Manufacturer)
  • Export Device to the United States But Perform No Other Operation on Device
  • Repack or Relabel Medical Device

FDA Filings

Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Epidural Needle2019-11-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
BD Eclipse Hypodermic Needle2019-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow FlexBlock Continous Peripheral Nerve Block Kits2018-03-01
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Seldinger Arterial Catheterization Device2017-07-10
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
UltraCath Continuous Nerve Block Kit2017-03-20
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
UltraCath Continuous Nerve Block Catheter2017-03-20
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
UltraCath Continuous Nerve Block Kit2017-03-20
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
UltraCath Continuous Nerve Block Catheter2017-03-20
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Drape, Surgical2016-04-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus Epidural Catheterization Kit2016-03-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus Epidural Catheter2016-03-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus Combined Spinal Epidural Catheterization Kit2016-03-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Epidural Catheterization Kit with FlexTip Plus? Catheter2016-03-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Intravascular catheter securement2016-01-22
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Drape surgical2015-12-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Spring Wire Guide2015-11-10
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Drape surgical2015-10-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow GPSCath Balloon Dilatation Catheter2015-10-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow GPSCath Balloon Dilatation Catheter2015-10-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow GPSCath Balloon Dilatation Catheter2015-10-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Combined Spinal Anesthesia / Epidural Catheterization Kit2012-11-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Combined Spinal Anesthesia/Epidural Catheterization Kit with FlexTip Plus? Catheter2012-11-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROW? FlexBlock? Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Sets2012-10-12
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROW? FlexBlock? Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Kits2012-10-12
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROW? FlexBlock? Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Catheter2012-10-12
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
StimuCath PNB Catheter2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Continuous Nerve Block Set2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Continuous Nerve Block Kit2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Stimulator Adapter Cable2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow StimuCath? Continuous Nerve Block Set2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Prep Tray2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Nerve Block Prep Tray2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Continuous Peripheral Nerve Block Kit2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Continuous Nerve Block Needle2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Access Tray2012-09-04
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
SnapLock? Clamp Fastener2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus? Epidural Catheterization Kit2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus? Epidural Catheterization Kit for Caudal Placement2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus? Combined Spinal Epidural Catheterizaiton Kit2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus(R) Epidural Catheterization Kit for Lumbar Placement2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus Epidural Catheter2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? SnapLock? Catheter/Syringe Adapter2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Epidural Catheterization Kit/Set with FlexTip Plus? Catheter2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Epidural Catheterization Kit with FlexTip Plus? Catheter2012-05-31
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Elcam Stopcock2011-03-11
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Arterial Catheterization Set2010-01-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Arterial Catheterization Set2010-01-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
SUR Betha Sheet Holder2009-12-17
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Multiple General Use2009-12-17
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Preox LOR Syringe2008-10-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? 5 mL Luer-Slip Loss of Resistance Syringe2008-10-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? 10 mL Luer-Slip Loss of Resistance Syringe2008-10-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Pediatric Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Set/Kit with Blue FlexTip Catheter2008-02-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Pediatric 2-L Hemodialysis Catheter2008-02-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Pressure Injectable Central Venous Catheterization Kit2008-02-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Ag+ & Ag+BP Pressure Injectable CVC2008-02-15
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Single Lumen CVCs2008-02-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Jugular Puncture Kit2008-02-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
You-Bend Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip, ARROWg+ard Blue Catheter2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip, ARROWg+ard Blue Catheter2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheter with Blue FlexTip, ARROWg+ard Blue Catheter2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Hemodialysis Catheters2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
You-Bend Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit/Set with Blue FlexTip Catheter2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit/Set with Blue FlexTip Catheter,2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
14 Fr 2-L Hemodialysis Catheters2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
RA Catheter w/Integral Ndl Protect2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROW Radial Artery Catheterization Set with Integral Needle Protection2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow MAC(TM) Two-Lumen Central Venous Access Kit with ARROWg+ard Blue(R) Access Device2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard 2-L Access (MAC)2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow MAC(TM) Two-Lumen Central Venous Access Kit with ARROWg+ard Blue(R) Access Device2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard 2-L Access (MAC)2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow MAC(TM) Two-Lumen Central Venous Access Kit2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
2-Lumen Central Venous Access (MAC)2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow MAC(TM) Two-Lumen Central Venous Access Kit2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
2-Lumen Central Venous Access (MAC)2007-12-14
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Large Bore Multi-Lumen CVCs2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Large Bore Multi-lumen Central Venous Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip(R) Catheter2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Multi-Lumen Central Venous Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip(R) ARROWg+ard Blue(R) Catheter2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard CVCs2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Two-Lumen Hemodialysis Catheterization Kit/Set with Blue FlexTip Catheter2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Marked Spring-Wire Guide with Arrow Advancer2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Hemodialysis (Acute) Products2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Antecubital Central Venous Catheterization Kit with Heparin-Coated Catheter2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Infusion Port Thermodilution2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Thermodilution Catheters2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arterial Catheter2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Radial Artery2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Catheter Clamp for 5, 6, 7 and 8 Fr. Catheters2007-12-13
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Transseptal Super ArrowFlex PSI2007-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Transseptal Super Arrow-Flex? Percutaneous Sheath Introducer Set2007-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Percutaneous Sheath Introducer Kit with ARROWg+ard Blue? Sheath2007-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Ag+ Super ArrowFlex PSIs2007-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow PSI2007-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Multi-Lumen Central Venous Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip(R) ARROWg+ard Blue Plus(R) Catheter2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Ag+ Blue Plus ML CVCs2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Two-Lumen CVC2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Two-Lumen CVC Super Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Two-Lumen CVC Set2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Two-Lumen CVC Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Quad-Lumen CVC2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Quad-Lumen CVC Super Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Quad-Lumen CVC Set2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC Super Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC Set2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
ARROWg+ard Blue Plus Multi-Lumen CVC Extreme Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
AGB+ Two-Lumen CVC Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
AGB+ Quad Lumen CVC Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
AGB+ Multi-Lumen CVC Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Quad-Lumen Central Venous Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip(R) ARROWg+ard Blue(R) Catheter2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Ag+ Quad Lumen CVCs2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Single Shot Epidural Anesthesia Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
FlexTip Plus & Accessories2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Epidural Needle2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow? Continuous Epidural Needle2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Single Shot Epidural Anesthesia Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Epidural Anesthesia Kit2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Access Tray2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Epidural Catheterization Kit with TheraCath(R) and Needle Disposal Feature2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow TheraCath? Epidural Catheter2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Epidural Catheterization Kit with TheraCath? Catheter2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Stimulator Adapter Cable2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow StimuCath? Continuous Nerve Block Set2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow SnapLock? Clamp Fastener (Bulk Non-Sterile)2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Continuous Nerve Block Needle2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
StimuCath (19 Ga)2007-02-05
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Percutaneous Cavity Drainage Catheterization Set/Kit2006-06-19
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
M-L CVC w/BlueFlex Tip1998-02-06
Arrow International CR, a.s. [Arrow International LLC (subsidiary of Teleflex Incorporated]
Arrow Central Venous Catheter Catheterization Kit with Blue FlexTip(R) Catheter1998-02-06

Related Finance Registrations
U.S. Import Records [external site]
Import IDShipmentCargo DescriptionQuantity
2018102458711Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseyEMPTY PLASTIC COILS2 BOX
2018052623332Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseySPOOLS .4 BOX
2018052247500Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York/Newark Area, Newark, New JerseySPOOLS .4 BOX
2018051938334Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New YorkSPOOLS .4 BOX
2018051654460Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New YorkSPOOLS .4 BOX
2018051569578Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New YorkSPOOLS .4 BOX
2018051245468Bremerhaven,Federal Republic of Germany -> New York, New YorkSPOOLS .4 BOX

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